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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [America's Got Talent] Demian Aditya: Escape Artist Risks His Life During AGT Audition - America's Got Talent 2017
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [America's Got Talent] Demian Aditya: Escape Artist Risks His Life During AGT Audition - America's Got Talent 2017



Summary Comments : [America's Got Talent] Demian Aditya: Escape Artist Risks His Life During AGT Audition - America's Got Talent 2017


baru ane liat ini tadi . dan ane punya poin-poin penting:

1. ane dari indonesia, dan juga dulu juga wakil dari indo di sea games
2. kenapa banyak orng indo yg comment negatif?? apa karena halnya mereka tau semua trik sulap??
3. pernah ane dulu pas sea games juga di caci maki sama the bad commenter -_-, tapi alhasil bisa membawa perak untuk indonesia di ajang karate
4. demian udah tau bahwa sulap di indonesia dari tahun ke tahun bakal punah. karena sulap adalah seni paling tersulit
5. orng" yg tahu akan semua trik, coba tunjukin. terus pamer tuh video di youtube. kita lihat. apa bener ente bisa melakukan trik tersebut? atau hanya omong kosong belaka???
6. juga, yg paling parah adalah yg bad commenter itu rata" anak alay. dan juga masih labil. tentu mereka belum tahu apa rasanya sulap yg sebenarnya. dan mereka juga belum pernah juga merasakan nyawa berada dalam bahaya.

pesan buat bad commenter: jangan ente merendahkan orang yg berusaha mengharumkan seni sulap indonesia di ajang luar negeri. support terus. <3



Playtime Comments : [America's Got Talent] Demian Aditya: Escape Artist Risks His Life During AGT Audition - America's Got Talent 2017


3:19 minecraft glass breaking sound


3:10. Simon smiling when the man could have died


3:28 he is so coollllllll


3:15 wheere the switch happens


3:16 he shifted himself with anothe person behind the glass prison...

3:54 Simon is like nice one


3:03 he’s out

3:32 Me when my teacher say
"Your parent will receive your grades tonight"


3:44 ia beutiful


3:30 memes



Top Comments : [America's Got Talent] Demian Aditya: Escape Artist Risks His Life During AGT Audition - America's Got Talent 2017

Siapa yang tiba" nongol lagi di beranda?


Bangga dengan DEMIAN, trending topic yang mengharumkan bangsa ...

Everyone: *scared half to death*
Howie Mandell: Is that a problem?!


this is american channel, indonesian pple, the AGT one.. so pls be smart & wise if you wanna give such a comment. the whole world is watchin you. be positive!
good job, demian!

He threw that hat with attitude

When the sand drops the bottom part flip over

Coronavirus hit the world
Howie: Is that a Problem?

the bottom clearly turned as the sand breaks through, look closely.


it's not that shocking for most of Indonesian people who watched this clip I guess. We know that Demian is one of the talented magician from a few of famous magician that being known in country.

but, thank you to Demian who showed your talent at AGT. it really helps to give more hope and hard work for Indonesian to ahow their talents to the world.


Janitor: i quit

2:16 simon: booooriiiiing.....

Covid -19 his the world
Evreyone:also screams
Howie: Is that a problem?

who cares if its fake or real is was entertaining and its only our 1st time seeing him so stop critizizing him


3:36 What song

Sad thing is I know what he did so the trick kinda got ruined for me ;(


Indonesians please stop hating on Demian. Let's support him. He's amazing.

On his hand something was written in hindi... 2: 15


Risked his life?! But did he die??

That was actually pretty cool. Especially with the 'Radioactive' song playing at the end haha

Demian: magic
His wife: Horror


Stupid people after the moment that the person breaks the glass when the per person goes behind that object there is a change of person. I'm italia so I can't explain it well. I hope you understand what I write

3:12 "is that a problem"
Me: nah not at all his playing hide and seek


Di indonesia demian di anggap biasa ajha .
Tapi di luar negeri demian di akui dunia .
Sama Seperti Bapak BJ.Habibie

Good luck !


When he went behind they switched pretty hard to tell

3:17 the guy went back and switched

Damien almost dies
Howie: is that a problem?


I really hope his wife never decides to peruse an acting career


Demian : i want show u a dangerous action guys
(with happy face)


Guys pliss , kalian harus nonton demian di Rumpi No Secret sebelum kalian cemooh dia di situ sebelum acara dia di american got talentnya di tayangin, dia cerita semua perjuangan dia utk tampil di AGT ini, dari temen2 crew yang bermaslaah dgn visanya sehingga mereka gak bisa datenglah, dan itu h-7 sebelum dia tampil di AGT gimana gak mau stress di sana, dan di sana tuh gak seperti yg lo pada bayangin nyari crew gak segampang di indonesia yg tinggal minta bantuan segala macem. Alat2 yg di pake buat tampil itupun dia harus Video call sama crew yg di indo utk ngasih arahan cara masangnya, dan yg pasang alat itu demian sendiri dia yg baut2in alatnya sambil vc. Dan yg mirisnya beberapa kali mereka latihan cuma 2 kali berhasil. GIMANA ISTRINYA GAK MAU PANIK DAN GAK MAU LIHAT SEMENTARA RESIKO YANG DI ALAMI SUAMINYA SANGAT TINGGI GUYS!! Karna lu bayangin aja selama latihan cuma 2 kali yg berhasil. Jdi plis buka mata kalian utk mengapresiasi kerja keras demian utk tampil Di AGT

Yang udah nonton Demian Di America's Got Talent di Channel resmi di youtube, lalu Komentar di KOLOM KOMEN YOUTUBE tentang bagaimana Demian melakukan sulapnya alias membocorkannya, YOU ARE AN IDIOT!! Kalian baru saja menghilangkan Keindahan dari Sulap itu sendiri. Dan saat kalian menonton sulap dan sudah tau bagaimana pesulap melakukannya, Kalian tak akan pernah terhibur. Cukup diam dan nikmati keindahannya.
Kalian bisa bilang kalo kalian tau bagaimana cara melakukannya, so DO WHAT YOU CAN DO .
Asal kalian tau, Sulap itu adalah Seni paling SULIT DI DUNIA. Walau kalian tau rahasianya,tapi tak pernah latihan, itu tak ada gunanya, itu hanya Bulls*it.
Ini bukan tentang Rahasia, ini tentang harga diri pesulap, Mereka akan sangat bahagia jika penonton terhibur, ada kesenangan tersendiri yang muncul, tp jika penonton sudah tau rahasianya, dan tidak terhibur saat melihat sulap, Latihan pesulap selama bertahun-tahun seakan tidak ada artinya.
Berhenti mencela, cukup support. Demian sudah membawa nama Indonesia ke Dunia. Tapi malah orang Indonesia sendiri yang menjatuhkannya.
Kalian bisa apa ? apa kalian sadar kalian telah menjatuhkan orang hebat dari negara kalian di hadapan dunia, youtube itu internasional, semua orang bisa melihat komentar kalian.
Tak bisa dipungkiri kalimat ini tak akan pernah lepas dari orang hebat Indonesia.



[America's Got Talent] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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