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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Tom Cruise Forces James Corden to Skydive
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Tom Cruise Forces James Corden to Skydive



Playtime Comments : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Tom Cruise Forces James Corden to Skydive


10:37 What a landing man.Eveyone claps
What a landingEveyone laughs

1:36 so no one gonna talk about how James trying to run from Tom. Even TWICE lol


His landing was literally epic!!


10:44 That landing I feel sad on him

10:45 James's feet both could have broken at that moment look how they moved holy shit

6:25 The part I like the most. Tom deliberately takes a quick pause to make his meme face to the camera. It's too purposal to be accident. Shows he is entirely aware and super cool with all the memes around him.

10:36 smoothest landing ever, clearly he's done it a millions times before XD

9:46 Lmao when Tom made hand signal for “are you ok” and James’ “I’ve soiled myself” signal as he said before flight

8:25 Was James sitting in his lap

9:24 soundtrack?



Top Comments : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Tom Cruise Forces James Corden to Skydive


Everyone: *Focused on James and Tom.
Me: “I wonder how the camera man feels?”

So no one else is gonna mention the camera man also went skydiving for this?


It’s like, Tom lands naturally, standing up, and James literally lands falling face forward!

Me when I'm given a compliment :
"I don't believe you.. But I'm confident"


thinking about how the cameraman was also skydiving.


When Tom Cruise deploys his parachute the cameraman does too but at a different angle and it looks like his exploded


Am i the only one that laughed hard nonstop when james did that split


Whoa. Tom Cruise was awesome


I'm jealous! I wanna skydive with Tom Cruise!! All my friends bailed on me

In order to become Tom Cruise you have to ask yourself:
Who is Tom Cruise?
What is Tom Cruise?
Why is Tom... Cruise?
When is Tom....... Cruise?

james already his parachute, meanwhile tom cruise doing flips in mid air taking his time

I feel like I wouldn’t be able to get my breathe with all that wind in my face


James : What is the sign for "i have soiled myself "
Tom :
James :
Tom :



When Tom Cruise landed that was just so cool! But when James Corden landed, I just died

It's seems Tom Cruise is just himself in his movies.

Who else got nervous cuz tom pulled his parachute a while after them?


So nobody’s gonna talk about how James landed


So no one is gonna talk that James litterly did the SPLITS


Tom Cruise in the air is like 'I belong here'. So fluid like.

James - "Are we genuinely doing this?"

Tom - "Im just amazed youre here. this is great; we're gonna do this."


at one point I didn't think Tom would even open his parachute


No one is talking about how the camera guy jumped with them and recorded everything perfectly :D


Tom Cruise is a true Adrenaline Junkie, what a Cool Guy. I've done this and the mix of emotions is like nothing else, fear, excitement, amazement, awe all in this huge rush of fight or flight with your Adrenaline levels going off the charts. I also found our why the Instructors (who are just the Coolest Dudes) all wear full face helmets and the student doesn't. If the student vomits it wont' get trapped in the helmet if they're not wearing one, and the Instructor doesn't get a face full at 120mph. All the Instructors have my total respect and the Camera Guys, are just up there with the Gods. An amazing experience.


I didn't know Tom was so extreme even in real life. He went skydiving wearing a pair of jeans like... :)

How Tom Cruise casually lands is the coolest shit I've ever seen in my life

I was expecting Tom to not open his parachute and land on his feet.
WOW. Thanks so much for all the likes, people! Be nice to one another, don't fight. Tom would be disappointed.


If we die, I will get zero press. The story will be Tom cruise died


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“Dear Heavenly Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen"



[The Late Late Show with James Corden] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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