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[Youtube Review][PewDiePie] I found a DOG in Minecraft!!! - Part 7
YouCo 2020. 12. 13. 08:08Playtime Comments : [PewDiePie] I found a DOG in Minecraft!!! - Part 7
3:16 “I think this situation is getting out of hand”
*Proceeds to continue breeding them*
1:15 - I loved the way he said " I also have Lava Dispenser".
22:59 Imagine being Sven in this situation: "Don't worry, it'll be fine papa will be back." Then the next thing you hear is "AHHHHH" boom It'll be fine they said. Stay there they said. And what happened? Nothing I was fine. I was worried about papa. :(
9:16 the world-famous “WHAT!”. Anyone else noticed tho?
Anakin would approve
Don't mind me, just maybe the most important timestamp of the series.
*P A N I K
Top Comments : [PewDiePie] I found a DOG in Minecraft!!! - Part 7
"Infinity War will be the biggest crossover event in history"
Joergen, Sven, Boat Cows, Llama Guys and Water Sheep: "Hold my wheat"
Petition to make pewds turn Minecraft into an actual series
Also Felix: Continues to feed the clearly over-flowing animal farms
Felix: Staring at the mountains
Me: You missed an ocean temple behind you
Enderman: doesn’t attack
All of us: Wait. That’s Illegal.
Like so pewds can become epic Minecraft pro
Me: spends hours killing drowned with my looting 3 netherite sword to get a trident.
Pewds: gets one from his first kill with an unenchanted iron sword
Tame a cat with fish
Creepers are scared of cats
Commenter A: "It's Jørgen."
Commenter B: "No, it's Jörgen."
Commenter C: "Görgen!"
PewDiePie: "Joergen"
I love how he feeds his animals but doesn’t realize that he’s breeding them
Edit: Thanks for so many likes I didn’t think it would get this much likes Thanks
Felix: Looks at overpopulation of farm animals
Felix: this is getting a little out of hand!
Felix: continues to breed animals
I'm not crying youre crying
PewDiePie: I can’t wait to show this to Joergen
I laughed when he said he found titanic then he actually found it
[ everyone like that ]
Respiration makes you breathe longer under water aqua infinity makes you break blocks quicker underwater like so he see
This is unironically the most entertaining Minecraft series i've ever seen.
I love how he calls golden sword a "Diamond Sword"
Its here btw ----------> 4:53
“we know... for years more than you have.”
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