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[Youtube Review][PewDiePie] Outlast Gameplay Walkthrough Playthrough - Part 1 - THE HORROR BEGINS HERE! - Full Game
YouCo 2020. 12. 24. 07:54When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [PewDiePie] Outlast Gameplay Walkthrough Playthrough - Part 1 - THE HORROR BEGINS HERE! - Full Game
Playtime Comments : [PewDiePie] Outlast Gameplay Walkthrough Playthrough - Part 1 - THE HORROR BEGINS HERE! - Full Game
watching old videos cause of quarantine
The iconic "get scared by a plant achievement". 10:35
12:30 “Uhm... you could be on Ellen.”
3:30 This would seem to me to be one of those moments where the investigative journalist would deliberately decide not to pursue his profession based upon the absolute apparent horror of the environment. Howbeit, the human capacity to ignore the obvious and dive stupidly headlong into oblivion is nigh limitless, and the journalist's choice to enter into said horror calls into question that person's sanity.
7:25 At this point, the journalist should have realized what he has gotten himself into, and should have just turned tail and ran back the same way from whence he came. However, because human curiosity overrides the natural instinct for self-preservation, he continues on his deluded quest to resolve the awful mystery.
11:11 this dude predicted the fucking future 6 years ago ~ It is the dawn of the minecraft era
Top Comments : [PewDiePie] Outlast Gameplay Walkthrough Playthrough - Part 1 - THE HORROR BEGINS HERE! - Full Game
When pewdiepie takes a break so you resort to watching his old horror playthroughs
Who's watching this In 2017 or 2018?
I haven’t came back to this for 5 years my favourite playthrough on the channel
Quarantine got me going back 6 years
I watch him playing horror games to give myself a good laugh and to scare myself shitless HAHAHHAHAHAHAA
I loved how he got an achievement for getting scared of the plant I watch this series 3 years ago
It's amazing how different his accent is here and now. I'm here to experience the old after the new. Just watched the 10mil video.
anyone here during covid? no just me ok stay safe bros
Roses are red, violets are blue, I came here for nostalgia, and so did you!
I've seen this so many times I know almost every line of Pewds
Edit: Lmao quarantine made me come back, stay safe bros
PewDiePie said: „I have that strange feeling of being watched”.
Bro 100 million people watch you xd
me: laying in bed bored after waking up at 10pm with nothing to do cus of quarantine
pewds old gameplays which are hours long: hows it going bros
i mean, i have nothing better to do
It's been 6 years and outlast is still my favourite game to watch
Achievement: get scared by a plant.
This is my favorite lp he does. I love when he goes: "You're too fat!!" To the big guy Chris Walker XD
i almost die when felix accidentally gets out the locker xD
i know this has nothing to do with the video but thank you pewds. i just recently got cheated on , our relationship lasted for a year and a half . i have to admit i've never loved anyone the way i love him , he was truly my first love even when i've dated other guys before him . we were just forcing our relationship to work when we both know that we're both from two different worlds . we don't have anything in common except for the fact that we both watches Pewdiepie . Before we even dated each other , he mentioned about your videos and he was shocked that i watch your videos too and then we instantly clicked . we'd watch your videos together during our calls and even when he comes over , we even play Outlast together . thank you for your videos , at least we had something in common rather than nothing at all , now i can't watch you and hear your voice without thinking about him :')
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