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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The person you really need to marry | Tracy McMillan | TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The person you really need to marry | Tracy McMillan | TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen




Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] The person you really need to marry | Tracy McMillan | TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen


I remember when I realized this. Thankfully I was in my early 20’s.



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] The person you really need to marry | Tracy McMillan | TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen


What resonated with me is when she said she felt like something had been missing her whole life. I feel like that too. As long as I can remember, I felt something was missing, and I have always used relationships, both romantic ones and platonic ones, to try to fulfill me. But I am realizing I need to work on loving and accepting who I am right now and all the time, otherwise I won't ever be truly happy.

My mother once told me: When you hold a man's hand and he makes your heart beat faster and he makes you feel giddy, walk away from this man. He is not the man for you. If you hold a man's hand and he makes you feel warm, safe and secure, hold onto him.

It's simple with me, "If I don't want to be you, I don't want to be with you."


this is the most sensible relationship advice that one can ever receive because love starts with self and she identified the gist of the failed relationships and took accountability for them..... I was in tears at the end because of her transparency, humility, beauty and because she was me - I need to totally love and marry me first...

Ross geller: i have met my match

this was amazing.

I have been so much happier since I slowly fell in love with myself. It resonated with me when you said it allowed you to experience the moment - it's so true! Since I accepted myself, flaws and all, I've been so much more relaxed and just enjoyed experiences. I didn't think the two were related but it makes a lot of sense! I don't worry about what comes next, or focus on the negative, I just experience the experience for all that it is in the moment. And I'm a much happier person as a result.

She says: You're going to marry yourself.
Does that mean I'll never have the chance to marry you gorgeous? Oh!


"When I was 40"
Girl you don't look a day over 30 wtf


I knew it when I saw the title! Being romantic with myself lately. Doing eye gazing in the mirror with myself. Feeling so good!


Today I marry myself right where I am, not who I wanna be in a year or where I see myself 6 months from now, but right in this mess I'm in now I commit to myself for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health


low self esteem is the root of every bad relationships. so love your body, love your choices, talk to yourself gently when u did smthing wrong, like a loving mother to her child and not like a narrow minded abuser. if u cannot love yourself for who u are u will never be able to give love back to your beloved the way they deserve it


If you really look at the word "relationship" and break down what it's supposed to mean... you find that it was never supposed to be 50/50 (I mean it can be if you want it to ofcourse) but it's really the shipping of 100/100. You have to build and define your own ship (spirit) before it can start to relate.

She was clearly scarred by her traumatic childhood experiences, and has deep psychological issues stemming from them, thirst for affection n belonging, resulting in early marriages, n fear of abandonment, so she leaves the husbands before they could've left her, etc. Glad she's happy now. And to achieve this without therapy! Hats off!


'So the way I see it; I took myself to the top of a mountain, or maybe to the bottom of the ocean, and I got down on one knee, and I said: I'll never leave u.'

"Love yourself the way you want someone else to love you."

I love how vulnerable she is with her giggles at her own jokes. She’s great!

“I can take myself to the top of the mountain or the bottom of the sea, and I get down on one knee and say I won't never leave you !"

God when you said, “And I’ll never leave you.” I started crying. That was powerful. Really beautiful! Thank you for your story!


You are the only person you have to live with for the rest of your life.


I love her last point. Love yourself the way you would like someone else to love you. But then I ask myself why bring on someone else when you can do it yourself Just kidding


Tipp song from the sparks "I married myself and this time it's gonna last forever...

“A mistake isn’t actually a failure unless you don’t learn from it and grow” yesssss


I think this Ted talk made me so happy because I am sooo happy for her and her amazing journey. Keep going! It’s about the adventure not the destination.


I want to find a person to share my adventures with, to find comfort and friendship with everyday.


she's 51. unbelievable. i thought she was in her 30s. she's so beautiful.


Coming from a stable home with loving parents, my heart always sinks when I hear of the kind of childhood she had to endure. No consistency whatsoever. It`s no wonder it has taken half her life to figure out who and what she is. I am also always amazed at people like her who somehow come out on top and are decent people despite the turbulence of their early years where i may not blame them for being angry at the world for the bleak circumstances of a childhood. My wife grew up under a father with borderline personality disorder. When dating her and having learned that, I considered ending the relationship fearing disharmony later on because of that negative influence. I then realized after a spell she was an individual, believed in rational self interest (which she herself promotes), and lived both within and outside of her father`s life and, therefore, was her own being altogether, separate from her father. I am so glad I stayed because my wife is the most stable, wonderful, intelligent, complete woman!

this hit me hard. i actually said today 'i'm just going to date myself!' after so much tragedy in relationships. then i found this... thanks universe!


I married myself long ago, during a very challenging relationship. I even bought the ring. I promised myself no matter what, I would love, respect, cherish, even adore this person. Me. Made alot of sense at the time. I married for the first time at age 64 and I really don't think divorce will ever be in the cards for me, us.

Is anyone else distracted by her awesome gorgeous hair?


"And I went to the top of a mountain, or bottom of the ocean, got down on one knee and said "I'll never leave you" "


My aha moment... “Life doesn’t give you what you ask for. It gives you what you need to develop to get what you asked for.”

Are we just going to sit here and ignore how gorgeous her hair is omg

Amazing testimony! Thank you for sharing. As a single man, I really got a lot out of it! Hugs!

This is a less crazy, nicer, and more wholesome version of Sue Sylvester.


I got an idea: for all girls that dream about beautiful wedding: arrange a wedding tonyourself on your next birthday: invite everyone you love, throw a big fancy party, get yourself a gorgeous dress, go to make up artist, hairdresser, order photographer, design invitations. Not only your big dream of fancy party will come true but you wont have to argue about colour of the centrepieces. But before the party get yourself a pretty ring, pick a nice spot and say "I do. For better and for worse, I will never leave you" to yourself.


When I was divorced after 13 years of bad marriage, I went to see a counselor. I felt terrible and a failure. I was Catholic and guilt ridden. I told her I'd never marry again because I had made such bad mistakes with men in my life. She told me to go home and write down what I was looking for in a man. I thought it was silly, but I did it. In doing so, I realized that the man I had always been looking for would have always been the wrong man for me. That man would have no time for me, would probably be shallow, and we would probably soon tire of each other. It was suddenly so clear who I wanted to share life with. Myself. I vowed never to get married again. Two months later, I met a wonderful man who was completely unlike the men I had dated and married before. I told him I didn't ever want to get married, but I took a chance on seeing him. We've been together every day ever since our first date. Six months later he proposed and we were married six months after that. We've been happily married for 22 years. He is my best friend, my partner in everything worthwhile. We have crossed oceans together on small boats, written books together and we spend 24/7 together now in retirement. I was fortunate enough to have learned from my mistakes. Thanks for sharing this. It's a good reminder.

I watched this video about 5 months ago, or so. That day, I put a simple gold band on my finger (right hand) as a reminder to myself to make the right choices for my happiness and self-worth, and to love myself just like I would love my husband. Just now, I saw this video in my feed and I want you say that I've lost 30lbs and gone down two pant sizes (so far), I'm three weeks away from permanently escaping an abusive living situation, I'm taking control of my future, I have found strengths in me that I didn't know I had. I'm a different person, 5 months later, not because I didn't have it in me, but because I couldn't see my own worth. Your talk helped me see it so clearly. Thank you and I love you.


It sounds like Tracy was searching for a mom or dad rather than a husband for awhile. A husband can not or should not replace your parents but he should understand you and accept you as no one can. But as Tracy says you should accept yourself first, because if you don't then you will never be satisfied or find real peace. I agree to that.

But i have question, what if you are raised by great parents, had a fantastic life in every aspect, then what you should think or how you should live your life?



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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