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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Markiplier] This Game Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE | Presentable Liberty
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Markiplier] This Game Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE | Presentable Liberty


Playtime Comments : [Markiplier] This Game Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE | Presentable Liberty


22:00 I'm getting some Unus Annus vibes... Well every time I see something black and white now I just always think of Unus Annus ^^'

Help me.. Please.

21:58 More Crucial Unus Annus lore hidden before our eyes. Years in the making...

10:21 so no one's talking about his on point woman voice? :>

I laughed so hard at 22:08 when he went "Dear, MmMmMmM"


37:32 when you're waiting for your ex to reply.

20:44 is it just me or does that door look like an among us character


He's 6:00 into the game and probably even more and hes already going insane


56:54 how can a GAME with the graphics of LEGO ISLAND


2:08 well that sounds familiar..


2:13 I stopped for a second there.



Top Comments : [Markiplier] This Game Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE | Presentable Liberty

Lol when he said "how can all this happen in three days?" That hit. 

Two weeks ago, my brother was going to visit me at my college in Canada. (I'm from the US) That was Friday.
Thursday, Trump implemented the travel ban to all of Europe. We decided he should stay home to avoid the risk of getting trapped in Canada. 
Friday, my school closed for a week. 
Saturday, they canceled classes for the rest of the year, and I came home- afraid that they might close the border. 
Monday, the border was closed to all but Canadian and American citizens.
Then over the next week, all schools, and non-essential businesses were closed, and everyone was told to stay home.

Crazy how the Thursday before, I was looking forward to my brother visiting, and to the rest of the school year. Just three days later, The country was closed, school is cancelled, and I was driving home with as much as I could fit in my car.


After watching the gameplay and then... Hearing the story of Wertpol..
I feel so sick..
Rest In Peace

game: unfortunatly due to a virus the world population has drastically decreased
people in 2020: hey wait a minute

This game has many messages.

Being stuck in your own prison
An illusive reality of forced upon hapiness
Unethical corporal means of earning money
The rich can buy themselves out of anything
Losing a friend
Losing hope
Life in isolated prison
Freedom comes in many formes

and more. Indie games have a way and a media of which to tell much more powerful stories than most A+++ games ever will.

If you make a game that has no physical people, voice acting and is entirely comprised of letters and Minecraft graphics, and at the end you have people that are physically crying over it, you've done something right.


The meaning behind this game is so dark, its supposed to make you understand what depression could feel like, being trapped alone and being in your own little dark cell with people trying to help you and only hurting themselves trying to, and at the end what what cost. When you finally break out of your cell and try to come out to people sometimes it takes a dark turn and everything goes horribly wrong, the "virus" was supposed to symbol all of the bad things in your life happening, like losing friends or family, having situations come up that you cant get out of...this game does the greatest job at representing these things.....I cant imagine what the developer had to go through to be able to describe/represent all of this

I’ve been trying to find this video for a year or two now. I watched it with my best friend in middle school, it was my first mark video and a fond memory for me. That’s friend was so important to me, but one day she’s just kinda started ignoring me and we eventually stopped talking.

rewatching this during quarentine is i dont know


in case you're hesitant, there are no jump-scares, I promise :D



When Mark was listening to the gramophone and yelling: " Charlotte I hear it!! How can I tell her I hear it?!!" My heart broke


I still get chills from mark hearing charlotte’s music and freaking out


Years later and yet this game still crushes my heart


I'm not tearing up your tearing up. This is so so so so so sad


Mark 2015: I’m not crazy I promise
Mark 2020: we are all crazy, just waiting for the moment to show it


Mark at the start of the game: HAHAHA sings a song

Mark at the end of the game: Everything is a void.


when you look back on this in 2020 you really realise how much it actually match's to covid 19


I just realized that the creator of this game commit suicide..

Oh man, I forgot about this game. Hope yall are doing alright

The heart poster looks a lot like unus and annus

This game strikes a different note in these times...


I remember watching this back when this video was a couple months old. I miss those days simpler times without Corona


opens video, sees it's 1 hour
oh jesus christ...
locks door, lies on bed, pulls out candy
let's do this.

“I’m sorry friend.” “Im sorry..”

that broke me and it felt like a punch to the face


This is a scary video to watch when you’re living in an actual pandemic


Me, watching this 2 hours after unus annus ended, seeing the black and white heart poster: oh God ;-;


Oh god... The creator of the game is no longer with us. And knowing how closely this relates to quarantine, this game holds a whole new meaning and weight...


What's truly captivating about this game is that it serves as a direct metaphor for the experience of depression and loneliness, with each character representing a different aspect of the mind. Salvadore is the conscious mind, the ego, who observes the world around you, acting as the lens through which you view reality. Upon recognizing the peril of your situation, Salvadore, the ego, tries to resolve your predicament through critical thinking—keeping you from despair through logic and the promise of escape. In the end, however, he is powerless to help you, as the conscious mind is ultimately overshadowed by the much more present and overbearing presence of emotion, the id, and depression itself. Your emotional state is represented by Charlotte, whose own feelings reflect the feelings of the player throughout the game. She is the character that the player is inclined to care about most, which speaks to how our emotions hold more power over us than anything else, as we are ultimately creatures governed by sentiment. As for depression itself, that is represented by Dr. Money, who is responsible for keeping you(who we'll get to in a minute) trapped in a prison made of self-doubt, self-loathing and complacency; prohibiting you from effectively influencing your own emotions or controlling your own mind in general. Finally, Mr. Smiley represents principle, or the superego: the part of us that is instilled through societal conditioning and principle. He serves to constantly reenforce the societal principal of remaining happy, similar to how therapists and family members would for people with depression in real life. Unfortunately, his cheerful messages become stained with desperation, which makes the player feel like they are obligated to remain happy for his sake. This sentiment is something that is very often experienced by those with depression, as their natural tendency is to blame any sort of failure on themselves. The eventual failure of Mr. Smiley's efforts to console the player speaks to the true terror of depression: it simply isn't possible to "just be happy", and feeling as though that's what one should be doing—not only for their sake but for the sake of others—ultimately serves to make things even worse. As for you, the player, well, "you" represent you: the person that used to exist before they were buried under layer after layer of depression and guilt and emotional repression. "You" are the identity that existed before depression came along and infected you: burrowing deeper and deeper into you until "you" no longer had control. A lot of people who've never experienced depression often see it as an issue with mindset; as if it could be solved through a simple change in perspective or the flip of some neural light switch. Obviously, this is a very ignorant way of thinking, but really, who can blame them? All they can see is what's being shown on the outside—they've never experienced what it's like to simply not have control. That's why this game is so brilliant: because it effectively simulates what it's like to feel trapped—as if control of your own mind is as inaccessible to you as freedom is to a prisoner. For this, I would like to thank Wertpol, for flawlessly representing what often seems totally incomprehensible through any other means besides experience. May he rest in peace.


I watched this video when I was 7 and I’m still watching it 5 years later. I don’t know why but to me it’s classic markiplier video including exoptable money and this game definitely is kinda real right now except there still billions of people alive instead of the entire human race being extinct. It’s also super depressing I find being isolated like that being scary and just uncomfortable and the sad ending knowing you could of found someone else alive but they killed them self before you could help them, and you have no way of contacting others and mr smiley just adds to how sad this game is him slowly going more insane knowing he’ll never see his family again and he know he’ll die at the end of it and him doing absolutely anything so they survive like selling his organs, his house, food, and money


Hi, everyone. I've come to spread awareness about the tragic fate of this game's creator, Wertpol, who commit suicide on an unspecified date in 2018. This is his story as I understand it.

Wertpol seems to have suffered from depression, though it may have been more than that. Presentable Liberty's popularity gave him the inspiration to keep living, but that popularity dwindled over time. His Kickstarter to fund remakes/remasters of Exoptable Money and Presentable Liberty failed, as did his attempts to contact Mark to help promote it, though that's just a tragedy of circumstance, as Mark gets far too many messages to see them all. His new content failed to gain any notoriety, the depression came back, and he ended his life, believing himself forgotten and alone.

Presentable Liberty is not just a product of good writing. Wertpol was speaking from his heart, his experiences, and his suffering, creating a story to convince himself and others to keep hanging on, even in the worst of times. In the end, he essentially met the same fate as his character Charlotte.

To provide some solace in this situation, Wertpol did accomplish one of his goals. On Presentable Liberty's Gamejolt page, one user commented how the game stopped them from committing suicide. But, in the end, the man who saved others could not save himself.

Hello, everyone. While I imagine most of the traffic on this comment has died down by now, I wanted to leave this extra message for anyone else who may stumble across it.

I rediscovered this comment as I was fiddling around on my YouTube channel pages, absent mindedly clicking on my Discussion tab. I was surprised to find even a single comment on it, but I did. One comment dated back a year before, thanking me for leaving this exact comment. I remembered what comment of mine was being referred to immediately (this one, of course), and decided to investigate what had happened.

I believed I would have to scroll down quite a while to find this, but I was left in shock and awe upon discovering it close to the top, amazed the sheer number of likes and replies it received over time.

I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this message. I wrote it in a rather unique set of circumstances. The origin point of my long ago return to this video was when I was assigned a school project, instructed to create an elaborate graphical display in Javacode for my Computer Science class. I decided I wanted to pay respect to this game, Presentable Liberty, and my look through the video and the game began. That was about when I started uncovering what happened to Wertpol, and after spending a great deal of time digging for information about his current work, I found the few scraps of information there were discussing his death.

The night I completed that project was poignantly melancholy, and after a long period of weeping, I found some resolve to let others know what I had found. Thus, I made the announcement by leaving this comment late at night. I checked back on it a few times to read a few replies, and while it didn't get much traction while I was monitoring it, I was glad at least some people had read my message.

But here I am, over a year later, finding out that the comment I thought was buried amongst a sea of others long ago absolutely exploded.

Once again, thank you, everyone, for reading this message, not for my sake, but for Wertpol's. My gratitude also goes out to Mark, of course, for sharing this woeful masterpiece with all of us. I left the comment on a rather sad note when I wrote it, but let it be known that despite the tragic end of such an incredible developer, let us remember all he did when he still lived, all the lives he saved with his talent, and all the joy and sorrow his work brought us playing and watching it together.

As I have said to myself a number of times, it is perfectly right to spend time grieving, but let us not simply wallow in the pains of all that could have been and was not, but be inspired by what was done, and find gratitude in the fact it happened at all.

-Devalius, 2020



[Markiplier] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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