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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] 15 Things You Need to Know When Dealing With the Police


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] 15 Things You Need to Know When Dealing With the Police



Playtime Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] 15 Things You Need to Know When Dealing With the Police


What do I do if a police officer stops me on the street? 0:34
Do I have to answer their questions? 1:21
What to do if I'm being asked to leave a public place? 1:41
What if law enforcement officers pull me over? 2:18
Why do police officers touch your car when they pull you over? 2:57
What if I’ve been mistreated by the police? 3:26
What do I do if a police officer asks me for a bribe? 3:58
What should I do if officers come to my house? 4:45
Can officers search me, my home, my car, or my bag? 6:00
Do I have to show officers my immigration documents? 6:25
If I'm entering with valid travel papers, can law enforcement officers stop and search me? 6:51
Can airport security search my laptop files? 7:20
What if I’m selected for a strip search? 7:41
What if I witness a crime? 8:01
What to do if I need help from the police? 8:50

3:00, thank me later

1:49 Thats dutch special protest police how i know? Im from the netherlands. That people are trained in protest situations. If you liked this information please like.


3:00 , Bcuz They need to look good when they give tickets
And u commenters from hair video, it’s not ur comment


4:45 FBI open up!


3:00 Thank me Later!!

2:57 what you came from


1:26 i have pleased the 5 addmidment


2:57 what you came for



Top Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] 15 Things You Need to Know When Dealing With the Police


Most of all be polite and follow instructions especially when they have a gun in your face.

this is not 100 % right, you do not have to give your name or identification, in some jurisdictions you may be obligated to though so check the local laws where you are.

That guys pointing at me gives me night mares to this day...


Warrant, has to be signed by judge IN INK.....No photocopy's

The only time ive ever had to deal with a police officer was when i was younger and was supposed to be babysitting my little brother, i made him mad and he stormed off, i figured i would give him time to cool off, my older brother comes up and says that him and my parents were leaving and said nothing about my other brother going with them, a few minutes later i realize its to quiet, so I go and check on him, i realize hes not anywhere in the house or outside, i tell all of my neighbors that hes missing, and this was before I had a phone and our house phone broke, and i didnt know my dad's number and my mom was at a meeting, i call the police on my friends dad's phone and try to find a recent photo of my bro, my parents finally come home and im talking to the police, they freaked out and my mom ran out to figure out what was going on, i look over and see my brother hopping out of the car and was extremely relieved, i confronted my parents on not telling me that they were taking him and they said that they sent my older bro to come up and tell me, i spent around 2 hours looking for my brother because of miscommunication, thank you for taking your time and reading my story

Yeh once a cop stopped me and asked for bribe for doing nothing


Depends what country you are in. In 3rd world countries like the Philippines, you can bribe police officers. Some of them at least lol

Police:Who are you ?
Me : Myself
Police:Oh Ok

The 1st one on the list 'giving information' isn't required in many states. From there your list goes back & forth from good advice to bad & simple logic.


I have dealt with police for a variety of reason's, I've been stopped in road check's and for speeding. I was even stopped while driving a military vehicle the officer asked me to get out of the cab as it was a M35 transport truck, I informed him I was armed and got out with both a pistol and a FN rifle both of which I handed to him even though I didn't have to.

If I get stopped for breaking the law then that's my fault and I can't blame anyone but myself, if I felt I was being wronged by the officer I will get their name and badge number and deal with it later. Arguing with the cop is not the right thing to do as they have the power at that moment, and anything you do at that time could go against you. Being respectful has gotten me out of lot's of tickets over the year's.

A lot of this is dependant upon the state you live in. Some of this is in accurate though.

March 2018 anyone?

Why do police touch your car ?
Answer: so if u try to drive away they can come with u and get a free ride because third broke


what if the FBI knocks on my door and say "FBI OPEN UP"


Where do you guys pull your info from lol?


i think when an officer touches or brushes up against your car they're marking their territory with smell. To let the others know "i was here" "my bust" lol im sorry


You really need to remake this video to be specific about what country's laws you are talking about.

Police put there hand on your car because it's there way of showing dominance lol


I remember when I was really little, like probably 6 or 7 years old and a police officer bought a bracelet thing me and my friends were selling


Just want to say the “touching the car” thing is bs lol

Also perfect imagine/thing for the TSA guys xD


Just say "Weewoo" as loud as you can and run.

The police are never around when you need them.


Speaking of polices,I am sittin in the living room with my uncle who is a retired policeman.

You only have the right to remain silent during INTERROGATIONS. You are required to give things like drivers license and proof of insurance

I don't like cops for some of the videos or stories you hear but if in a situation I find being honest goes a long way

Cuz you have nice car, they just want some of dat smooth steel

Lol one time police came to my house and me and my mom were surprised. Apparently, someone had called 911. We honestly didn't think it a true cause my mom always talks to us about emergencies and 911 and stuff lots of times. So we checked all the phones, and o one it was still dialed. I hanged up, and since we didn't know who did we asked my brothers. My littler brother went all quite and then he started crying and we and the police officer spends 20 minutes trying to calm him down and everything. I was really funny cause he thought he was gonna go to jail! :)


I started laughing at the last question "what do I do if I need help from the police" because once my sister and I were out with this guy, we were being driven home when my sister started to become unresponsive (she was still conscious but she was acting and breathing weird and not answering any of our questions.) I had never seen her like this before and didn't know what was going on but she was getting progressively weirder. A cop just so happened to be driving buy when the guy we were with rolled down the window and waved down the cop. They pulled over and we told the cop what was going on he then called for help and an ambulance and fire truck showed up. The ambulance took her to the hospital to find out what was going on with her. Turns out she was having a severe panic attack she had had them before but didn't tell anyone (she even says she was aware of what we were saying and wanted to tell us she was fine and didn't need us to pull over the cops but she couldn't) so we didn't know not too. I just thought it was funny that we got to pull over a cop.



[BRIGHT SIDE] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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