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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Markiplier] WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?! | Plug and Play
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Markiplier] WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?! | Plug and Play




Summary Comments : [Markiplier] WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?! | Plug and Play


How to fall asleep in minutes:
1. Play this game nonstop for twelve hours
2. Step away from your computer
3. You’ll die in three minutes



Playtime Comments : [Markiplier] WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?! | Plug and Play

new guy comes to school:

Girls: "omg hes so cute!"

Boys: 10:07

Detroit: Become Human

Cyberlife Tower Scene: 3:17

Android: You're Free

Mark: clicks buttons

Me looking at Mark punching buttons: bro...you havin a stroke?

13:26 when all the girls leave

0:03 did i just heard the reason that im nazi

4:44 me when the food is terrible

12:54 potty the parrot

Youre Welcome


1:53 I laughed SO MUCH in this part for some reason

12:17: is this where cyanide and happiness got their impression of making pull my finger?



Top Comments : [Markiplier] WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?! | Plug and Play


Mark: not for the Kiddies
Game Developers: you know, he’s right - let‘s make the next one for the KIDS!


Pewdiepie:No!!!Run Away!!!!
Markiplier:BE ONE OF US!!!!


Anything can be called art these days. I call this an interactive what the fuck experience.

Mark before playing: "from what i've heard it's apparently going to be very bizarre..."

Mark after playing: they were NOT kidding

It’s about interpersonal connection. Head-to-head: sharing ideas, positive. Head-to-butt: obstructing ideas, negative.


What he was trying to plug in the outlet I yelled "JUST SHOVE IT IN THERE" my mom was sitting next to me

Game: plug and play

Me: has Vietnam war flash backs to the human centipede


The ad I watched: Is there a synonym for synonym?

Me: Yes, there is a word that’s old and outdated and it’s called a Poecilonym.

this entire game was a metaphor for relationships. the two people talking of love, the odd train of people plugging into people's asses, even the finger (which was a subtle nod to being turned "on" and "off"). even the phrase, plug and play, is an ref to sexual-ness. weird ass game


2015 Mark: Hello everybody, my name is Mark-HI-plier


I will never look at an electrical socket the same way again...


4:28-4:32 he says hentai

Markiplier's gone insane.
Oh wait, he's always been insane.

Mark: "I'm glad this all went exactly to plan"

Me: "Was there even a plan to begin with?"

Me: W H E E Z E

Game: *is some kind of commentary on society

Also game: pooping pins

This is... On steam?

People paid for this?


Me watching this with my six year old sis

Sis: what are they doing?

Me: nothing

1:42 made me laugh so hard, IDK why its just the WOP


So my theory for this game is that our brains are really just responding to everything around us. In other words, our brains are plugs that draw ideas from outlets. And that we are being force fed ideas based on where we live or the social groups that we're in and that we draw a lot of our ideas from who we're around. Hence the "butt plugs" that Mark was so traumatized by. I also think that the developer is trying to help us realise that we need to reach deeper and investigate before we formulate ideas and not take everything e hear or see as fact.

But that's just my theory, let me know what you think.


“You dingus dairy!” I’m so using that now

Ya know halfway through the hug after none of the "women" loved him, I thought it was touching. I thought it was an allegory to how everyone has someone out there waiting. Every plug has an outlet as it were. He just needed to open his eyes and stop forcing himself into uncomfortable situations. Stop being lead around on a chord.

Then the human centipede shit started and nothing made sense anymore.


This game just took porn to a whole new level


And children this is how plugs are made

Me : watches this

Also me: remembers The Human Centipede

Me: gets intense anxiety

Jeez his voice back then was just a little... strong. I’m glad he’s gotten more comfortable with his normal voice during recordings.

a genuine analysis: this game seems like a symbolic representation of a relationship that just isnt working anymore. both people are tired, unsure and are reaching for each other trying to find the love they once had for the other. however, they are both giving pieces of themselves to keep the relationship together because they are too afraid of what might happen when it inevitably ends. i think one person buries themself in sex and possibly drugs so as not to feel the hurt while the other simply pushes everyone away.
they are in a constant, endless struggle to keep their relationship together even though it is doomed to fail. they are both suffering.


Damn I hate homework!
Oh well.
I guess this was about trying to find love and how hard love is.
Nope it was about trying to have a crazy orgy.

Okay in all seriousness, I think this was about how many people don't see love as love anymore. A lot of people are only into relationships and "love" so they can have sex. The one weird person thing who left at the end without joining that weird plug orgy thing was trying to find real love and not just lust like most of the other weird person things. Maybe that one wanted to join in but didn't feel right because their heart wasn't into the idea.

The hands though, those were just an innuendo to be weird and to kinda set this idea in our brains.

On the other hand this could just be a weird game to be weird!
You never know anymore.



[Markiplier] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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