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[Youtube Review][Markiplier] DON'T PLAY THIS GAME | Welcome To The Game 2 - Part 1
YouCo 2021. 1. 13. 01:06Playtime Comments : [Markiplier] DON'T PLAY THIS GAME | Welcome To The Game 2 - Part 1
26:51 -- Power outage
34:31 -- Loud bang, door opens
46:15 -- Mark hears movement and/or breathing.
46:37 -- Mark opens door to the bathroom closet.
55:34 -- Mark hears something.
57:16 -- "Creepy" noise on the computer.
1:02:08 -- Power outage
1:11:24 -- Mark sees Noir on his balcony.
1:12:39 -- Mark is attacked.
1:44:47 -- Mark meets a friend.
1:48:01 -- Power outage
2:08:36 -- Mark has a stalker peeping at him.
2:11:41 -- Power outage
2:19:45 -- Mark Sees Noir on His Balcony: Part Two: The Return of the Noir: The Movie
2:27:39 -- Mark meets his soulmate.
i took this from another comment, so i didnt do any of this. i just wanted a quicker jump scare list to get to for my self
1:43:30 "Alt + F4 closes the window" well I mean, he's not wrong...
"I need to hide"
My brain cell:
Markiplier: Completes the anti-hacking tutorial and immediately gets hacked for real.
8:55 I love how this is Mark's 1st reaction to this
can we acknowledge the comments in game on the stream with the girl in it, one of them ask for her piss
34:31 -- Loud bang, door opens
46:15 -- Mark hears movement and/or breathing.
46:37 -- Mark opens door to the bathroom closet.
55:34 -- Mark hears something.
57:16 -- "Creepy" noise on the computer.
1:02:08 -- Power outage
1:11:24 -- Mark sees Noir on his balcony.
1:12:39 -- Mark is attacked.
1:44:47 -- Mark meets a friend.
1:48:01 -- Power outage
2:08:36 -- Mark has a stalker peeping at him.
2:11:41 -- Power outage
2:19:45 -- Mark Sees Noir on His Balcony: Part Two: The Return of the Noir: The Movie
2:27:39 -- Mark meets his soulmate.
1:44:48 That scared me so bad i dropped my pringles on the floor
Top Comments : [Markiplier] DON'T PLAY THIS GAME | Welcome To The Game 2 - Part 1
i love how mark thought the chat was spamming f to tell him to turn on his flashlight, when they were spamming f to pay their respects
You're pretty much safe for the first hour, so you can take it easy during that time. What you should do during that time, however, is setting up VPNs to make money and cracking as many wifis as you can while surfing through the webpages to find codes. The codes can also hide in the page script, so look out for that. Moving the router around is basically for finding more wifis, so you don't have to move it around all the time (only when you need to connect to a new wifi). As for the VPNs, watch the color of it when you're placing it. You'll want it to be green cause then you make more money out of it. You can check how much money the VPNs make on the pc.
Speaking of money; getting hacked is good. Acing the first sequence won't make you any money, so fail that one. If you manage to ace the next sequence, you might get a fair amount of DOScoins from it.
Also, if you see the hitman, hide in the shower. I'm pretty sure he'll never find you there. You should get two motion sensors cause the killers can come from both sides of your apartment. Go hide if they go off.
Good luck, and hope this helped!
i love how different mark and jacksepticeye are when they play this game. Like, mark finds everything hilarious and jack is so terrified
Tips: the noir won’t attack unless you confront them turning your back on them for 30 secs makes them go away, the breather is in the ally that’s why the room is there, when retrieving a package hide in the room to look if he comes to the door, you will see the door move slightly before he kicks it in lift up the handle continue doing this until he leaves, after three or more packages he will run at you before getting to the door, the hitman you will require motion sensors on either side of the door, turn off all lights and pc and hide in bathroom before he enters or he will shut off the power, the doll maker is a secret side quest killer activated by the website to survive him you must buy the lolpy floppy disc and put it in the pc in lobby to find a woman, the swat just change wifi often, VPN find green spots around the building to get the best doscoin income, your flashlight can run out conserve it. LIKE SO MARK CAN SEE
Mark: gets up from chair we're gonna get some mONEYYY >:DD
Mark: takes one step away from desk
Girl: is literally dying
Mark: W H E E Z E
Girl: "Getting psychologically tortured"
Markiplier: Funniest shit I ever saw
girl: dying and afraid
Mark: giggles
Mark, you could get a whole series out of this. Apparently this game is really hard to complete. But theres some tips for completing it. Basically, you need to stop using WEP wifi as soon as possible. The other types will help lower your chances of getting swatted. If Noir opened up your window, you're in luck, because If you hear sirens approaching, you should turn off your computer and hide IN THE SHOWER. That's the only place the swat doesn't check. Secondly. You did a great job keeping that door locked, but it won't stop the hitman. If you hear footsteps approaching your door, it's either the hitman or someone else. I dont remember his name, i think its Breather, though. Regardless, if you hear footsteps approaching your door MAKE SURE IT IS LOCKED. If you then hear lockpicking sounds, TURN OFF ALL OF THE LIGHTS IN YOUR HOUSE AND YOUR COMPUTER. Turning off all the lights makes the hitman think you're not home, and he'll leave MUCH faster. HIDE IN EITHER THE CLOSET OR THE BATHTUB. DO NOT PEEK, EVER. DO NOT MAKE A SOUND. If you leave your lights on he'll take forever to leave, and if you leave your computer on he'll wipe your notes AND steal a LOT of your DOS coins. After you THINK he's left, you need to turn on the lights otherwise Noir will get you. Secondly, you NEED to remain quiet, because the hitman may be trying to trick you into thinking he's left. Finally, you should almost NEVER look through the peephole if hitman is out there, he'll probablu shoot you in the head through the peephole if you do, something he is apparently famous for.
There's some cues as to whether or not Breather is gonna come get you. However, sometimes he'll appear even without cues. One clue is he will call you and you'll hear either heavy breathing, maniacal laughing, or him telling you he's coming to find or get you. If you hear him in the hallway, do not look out the window or through the peephole. Once he starts fidgeting with your door, DO NOT HIDE. You have to remain completely silent AND hold the door shut. This can take several minutes. Theres also another way breather can get you. When you're getting packages, before you get them you should hide in that nearby door for several minutes, make sure he's not there, then get your package, go BACK into the room, and hide there for several more minutes. Basically, if you go to pick up your package and you can't, you're already dead. Same with if you cant get back into your apartment complex. That's why you should preemptively hide for several minutes. If he comes up to the door you're hiding in, you fight him off the same way as If you were in your apartment. Shut up and hold the door shut.
You already know how to fight noir, just look away for 30 seconds.
I won't lie, this game is VERY hard, but you're the king of FNAF, so I think this challenge shouldn't be too much for you. It'll just be very time consuming. If you decide to do it, then good luck, I'm rooting for you!
mark: yeah yeah noise
15 secends later*
mark starts talkng about dark web*
starts yelling*
assasin: bruh hes gonna get a niose comlaint before i get him -.-
Markplier: when is the hitman will appear?
Markplier in the end of the video: T_T
When he forgot the flashlight,, I actually squinted to see XD
This is definitely the best way of spending my online class
Mark: gets arrested and asks for help
The tip at the top of the screen: "Am I a joke to you?"
Also Mark: hears noise behind him hello?
“My van?? Are you talking about the barrel?”
If only you knew mark, if only you knew.
4 ads, 2 hours 30 minutes,
not all heroes wear capes...
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