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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] If You Eat an Avocado a Day For a Month, Here's What Will Happen to You


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] If You Eat an Avocado a Day For a Month, Here's What Will Happen to You




Playtime Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] If You Eat an Avocado a Day For a Month, Here's What Will Happen to You

4:16 I need my dad to eat it now because he has diabetes:(


He says: "your breath will be fresh at all times" bruh



Top Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] If You Eat an Avocado a Day For a Month, Here's What Will Happen to You

My husband is from Mexico; years ago when he was a youngster, his family ran an avocado farm near Mexico City. We are, decades later, NEVER without avocados in the house. Use them in our salad, or just as a snack. Oh, they are the best...and at 74 and 70...both of us look pretty good. Hey, just saying....


I’ve never tried avocado & now imma start eating it lol

I love this food. A little salt and pepper yummmm


I was eating an alvacodo while I was watching this


Well I am mexican and I always eat avocado no matter what I am eating, even with pizza lol, and I am fine :)


rented a home years ago that had an avacado tree on the property which produced hundreds of delicious fruits year after year

They call it the “super” fruit

I love avocados and try to eat one each day.

the voice of this guy is so adorable tho? he sounds like how my preeschool teacher sounded like when talking to small kids


I’m 6 months pregnant and I have been craving daily : avocado with sea salt and lime wrapped up snuggly in a warm flour tortilla I’m going to go eat one right now !


I like eating Avocados, I have 2 at once every 2 weeks. So finding out all thse other benefits to them fills me with joy.

I love Avocados but I cannot get enough Too expensive!!!

I love avocado in east Africa u pay a dollar for 8-10 large avocado not only eat them but also use them as a hair and body mask


such a lovely fruit, they're like Gods testicles


I’ve been eating avocado regularly for years and my HDL is 98 , my doctor wouldn’t believe it. I love avocado

I’ve been eating an avocado everyday for the past too weeks and still am and didn’t know this

I watched the cute avocado in the corner the whole time

It’s the cheapest way into staying young looking than best of all makes your food taste better


I eat avocado with oatmeal and banana everyday. Im 73 yrs old already.


My friend ate Avocados everyday but his breath still smell


I love them every morning avocado with honey so good!!!

I love avocados! I don't have them often enough. That's about to change!!!

I eat avokado daily, it keeps me calm and I love it, high self confidence


I never liked avocado but recently I started to eat and I like it now, good for me

I ate an avocado and now I'm telepathic and can speak Chinese.


Just what we love, Avocados! :) Never knew it has so many benefits aside helping with cholesterol.. :D Thanks for sharing.


Rented a house with an avocado tree, I had the best looking squirrels in the neighborhood. Beautiful shinny fur and big bright eyes.


I've been eating one avocado a day since about 2 weeks now I feel more energized and my skin looks so much better

I want one right now. Definitely going to make an effort to eat these as often as possible.


#9 - Breath fresh at all times
#8 - kidneys will work proficiently
#7 - Decreased cholesterol and triglycerides
#6 - liver functions more efficiently
#5 - Lower blood pressure
#4 - improve vision
#3 - extra protection from cancer
#2 - lose weight
#1 - skin will glow

Who doesn't like avacados? Anyone?


They also look beautiful as a tree, passing by on a neighborhood with loads of avocado and they allow me to pick up fruits as much as I can for free. Best times.

Hey guys! Are ripe avocados easily available in your countries?

Wanna have clearer skin? Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaPpTJ5kocM&t=1s

The following video was brought to you by the "International Avocado Farmers Council"


All those vitamins in avocados ? I never knew that. I'm very happy I watched this video because I enjoy eating avocados!!


Beans and rice with avocado !! awesome meal !!

In all my years in nursing, we only called high potassium levels Hyperkalemia...not Hyperpotassemia. I guess the latter is correct too. Oh well, I like avocados.


me: looks at thumbnail

me: ah! i dont want all my skin to dissapear!



[BRIGHT SIDE] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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