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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Brain magic | Keith Barry


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Brain magic | Keith Barry




Summary Comments : [TED] Brain magic | Keith Barry


Good magic tricks but could be better....I apologize in advance if some of the comments have already mentioned my remarks.1. Trick 1: Obvious trick:  The magician quickly touches the female subject at 7:20 in the back with his right hand. The touching was accentuated with a full body movement (audible) of the magician towards her, to make sure she doesn't miss it.2. Trick 2: I am NOT sure how it was done. If I had slow motion capability, I'd focus on the magician's fingers to see if they touch the female subject's arm when the fingers go from below her arm to the upper position. 3. Trick 3: I am sure of it...watch:  At 10:48, 11:05, and 11:15, look at the magician's left leg touching the male subject when he wants the subject to move his hand. Simple.Note that the male helper was recruited to help. Notice how he was picked out QUICKLY (before someone else stands up and volunteers to ruin the trick).  The magician took his tome to pick the female helper because it didn't matter.  Now the incident with the phone ringing was staged and was supposed to signal that the helper didn't know he was even going to be in an act, suggesting he was a random guy, which is why his phone not shut down. This poses two problems:a.) No one else's phone rang during the presentation. Why? It was a Ted Talk presentation being taped so everyone was TOLD to shut their phones off.c.) Even if you assume that the phone ringing were a REAL incident, someone (either the presenter or another person in charge) would have reminded the audience to make sure their phones were off. Didn't happen. Someone in the room placed that call.b. The second problem was this: why did the phone only ring ONCE? Because it was not a real phone call, it was a misdirection.



Playtime Comments : [TED] Brain magic | Keith Barry


10:43 Look at his left leg.


7:44 look he wringles his fingers to get a thread through which he scratches her hand

7:18 look at his left hand while he took his hand to her back for tapping in her back

1:00 he froze the screen so we couldn’t point out that he just moved his arms around


09:49 I enjoyed very much this Chandler Bing and Geddy Lee crossover

1:10 he is holding the hands in the correct way while asks for different hold position

At 1:00 he says to a member of the audience: "yours are the other way round, so swap it around", so that he can change his position of his hand, camera turns away to the audience.....


14:00 its just a Physics

10:48 the left leg of the host

11:05 moves his leg (and it’s audible) to queue the man with his eyes closed. He’s a hack.



Top Comments : [TED] Brain magic | Keith Barry


He says only when u feel the pressure, he didn't say where the pressure was going to be, we assume he's talking about the mans hand, but the man with his eyes closed feels the pressure on his foot, the deception is with the audience. The man with his eyes closed feels the pressure on his foot, and he's instructed to move his hand when he feels that pressure, we are being deceived into thinking that the pressure is magically being felt without being touched

He"s a really bad magician. @7:18 He touched her back, He made the mate look at her eyes. @8:17 you can see the object he touch her with. @11:15 he used his left leg to signal the guy to drop his hand. The coke bottle trick was nothing but science. It's called Bologna Bottle. Before he got on stage he heated the bottle and rapidly cooled the internal part of the bottle. He could have used the bottle to nail a nail through a board, but the piece of glass, when shaken within the bottle created a very small scratch which was enough for the bottle's mass to become unstable and blast a part.


I was very impressed …. until I read the comments section.


that glass coke thing has something to do with the melted glass droplet which explodes when its tail is broken but is solid all the way around.




I actually thought that, in the end, the whole "brain magic" idea was going to be about him tricking everybody into thinking that all that was real =/. This is the most pathetic TED video in my opinion.


You can see your leg move directing the person to start the action - lol!!!

Keith Barry was the chief magic and mentalism consultant for Now You See Me 2.


7:19 already touches her on the back as he is "preparing" the trick .. same with the hand afterwards but not so obvious

The first one when he goes off screen he reconnects his hands normally and just turns them upside down to look similar to before

Bogus, This guy looks like an con artist from 2004.


At 10:28 the guy with his eyes closed should have stood up or asked if he was talking to him because if his eyes were closed he wouldn't have known that he was pointing at the girl and asking her to stand up so I think they had this rehearsed


11:00 watch Keith's leg!!!


The car was self driving

11:15 the trick is explained. Look at his left leg. It goes down as soon as her hand goes down signaling the man to lower his hand.

legend says-and the legend's right-that i still have blue balls waiting for him to explain why this phenomenon is what it is


This guy is a fake. Observe his left leg indicating the other guy from 11:00 to 11:25


he just swapped glasses when he drove when she was distracted. so basically was watching the road the whole time

7:19 didnt he just touch her on the back first, then seconds later make it look like he's touching his back first and ask what she feels, but she felt the touch at 7:19?

11:04 he nudges the guy with his left leg


At 11:02, watch his left leg. It kicks out a bit every time she moves up and down, he's signalling to the guy when to raise his arm


He memorize the race track.


His first trick was done by him releasing his hands to point at someone doing it wrong. The camera cuts away then when it comes back his left arm is teisted so that palm is faced up


i stop watching magicians as soon as when they choose someone from the audience..

I think if a man could see through a women's eyes, he would do more than drive around.


Look from 10:57 to 11:5 leg moving signal under the table :D


The raising hand magic is simple. If you watch the video again (especially the part when the lady was standing up pointing finger to the guy), you'll notice that the magician gave hints to the guy whenever it was time to raise or put down the hand, by stepping on the foot of the guy. The magician did not necessarily lie to anyone because he did say that "raise hand when you feel certain pressure" (not indicating where the pressure was going to be, here could be a pressure on the foot).

The breaking bottle magic is also simple. The magician said the bottle was a coke bottle, but it was not. It was a special magic tool which could be purchased in any magic shop. keyword: Bologna bottle.

The 4-cup magic used similar concept of the raising hand magic. All the audience were fooled but the participant and the magician. The plate with the spike on it was visibly unique (darker color or marks) in small distance so the participant could see it but the audience could not. In the performance, Magician asked the participant to decide which cup to be destroyed. The participant knew which cup has the spike in it by differing the plate visually. He certainly would not want to get injured by the spike.


It's a mix of magician tricks and psychological methods. I kinda wish he laid it out though.

The first one is he just straight up changes how he was holding his hands together when the camera cut. This actually works live, because when he did it, he was correcting someone, so nobody would notice the shift.

The second one likely involved the mask simply being heavily tinted or the nose gap being ill fitting on his face and the hood was only opaque on one side.

The third trick is also pretty simple, and let's give him the benefit of the doubt, and he actually never met these people before, simply because it would be more impressive for the 4th trick. But in this one, he barely touched her, but did it in such a way that it's really hard to notice with all the other movements he's doing.

The fourth trick is where it gets interesting. when he says it's not hypnosis, he actually means that it's definitely hypnosis. You can actually hypnotize someone rather quickly if you frame it right. The only reason it normally takes so long is because of your preconceptions about how it's supposed to work. Next, when he sits down, he has his heel on the guy's foot. The only reason he's not complaining is because hypnosis, and it's also vital that he wipe the person's memory before letting him go so he doesn't give away the trick. If you want to learn how to train an assistant that you never met to follow a simple queue in a little time as possible, there you go.

Fifth trick is literally exactly what you think it is. Broken glass sharp, put sharp glass in glass bottle, shake and boom, scratches plus resonant frequency equals exploding bottle.

The sixth is a cold read. Start with the most common amount of letters, then next most common until you get a reaction. After that, most common first letters until you get a response, and so on until you gather enough clues to be certain that you got the right one. the responses are subconscious, so they won't even be aware that they're giving it away.

The seventh can be one of two things. Either a mirror, or a marked block of wood. I'm leaning towards the wood being marked since it's an irregular substance and easy to have marked beforehand. The second part is, once again, the mask being ill fitting around the nose. Plus, it's easy to give someone a signal when your in direct contact the entire time, and when there's a spike somewhere in there, if the magician gives your hand a squeeze, you better pay attention.

Btw you're welcome.

Being a TED talk, I would have assumed at the end he would have reinforced the point that all of the tricks and not magic or voodoo or psychokenises, in that our brains have been decieved.  He said it in an offhand way at the beginning, but then spent the entire rest of the talk appealing to supernatural as he performed.  That made it seem a bit open ended or contradictory.  Would have been better if he actually revealed a tiny bit of the methodology at the end, not necessarilly to give the trick away, but to explain how our minds are being decieved. There are plenty of videos on youtube showing how to perform some of these tricks, so its not like he would have been ruining the trick for anyone who honestly wanted to find out how its done, but being a TED talk... I just expected less of a show, and more of, well... a talk.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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