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[Youtube Review][BRIGHT SIDE] 5 Logical Riddles That Will Break Your Head
YouCo 2021. 1. 28. 06:24Playtime Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] 5 Logical Riddles That Will Break Your Head
The reason you elementary told you to proof read
John 6:47 "verily, verily I say unto you, he that believes in me has everlasting life."-Jesus. Jesus the Messiah died for the remission of sin, was buried, and rose form the dead 3 days later, Simply believe in this and you have everlasting life.
2:26 'Ocarina Of Time', anyone? ;)
5:51 I see you give wrong info and in the end you correct it.
Top Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] 5 Logical Riddles That Will Break Your Head
they were not well structured riddles
#2 ~ If the answer states that it was September in the beginning then it the final answer is applicable as we can assume it's in the Northern Hemisphere instead however, it makes it an effort at being an uncertainty principle as it does not infer relative location and due to geo-location of seasons in the hemispheres, Winter is at the end of the year for the Northern Hemisphere, Winter is at around mid-early of the year for the Southern Hemisphere
If not enough information makes it about the relative location according to seasons then it's not a riddle but a play of assumptions
Anyone can make their own answers without being wrong
The noise of that ticking clock it's self disturbing and irritated to think ...
what a bunch of BS...........
For riddle 2 I live in Oceania so in September it's actually Spring for me...
Am I the only one who thought BREATHING about the bonus question?
Yes I can guess the colour of the hutch, I might not get it right but obviously I can guess
EDIT: omfg, 548 likes, How?
The bonus was weird tho
It went from a gray to a blue Ford htf
So these riddles' answers have issues. You said he dropped 4 lugnuts but he only got 3 by taking 1 from each wheel. They all have 3 now but that means all of his tires aren't safely secured. Winter temperatures aren't always enough to freeze a river, and the ice isn't always thick enough. Just my problems so far
how were we supposed to know that the river was frozen
yes it was winter but we weren't told what climate the place had
i said that all are breathingXD
In riddle 4 the car was smiling
For that last one I said everyone breaths
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