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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth



Playtime Comments : [TED] Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth


7:01 что вы со мной наделали

0:16 - you don't cease to exist if you're under anesthetic


2:16 'Probably do have to be alive'???!! I can't watch this. Are you sure he has a brain?? No wonder it hallucinates!!




4:27 "Imagine you're a brain"

They don't need to imagine, they're all already brains


6:30 the "strange sound" I hear on the first GO.. where I do so much EVP work and ghostbox work making out spirit voices hidden in white noise I could hear it easily.




6:23 i heard it properly on the first time :o


5:20 cross your eyes a bit and you can break the illusion.





Top Comments : [TED] Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth


"Don't try to bend the spoon, that's impossible. Only try to realize the truth.

There is no spoon''

If I'm hallucinating all the time, Does that mean I'm literally getting High on Life?

"Brain is the most important organ" says the Brain.


Currently having an existential contemplation at six in the morning and this video just describes life so intellectually and perfectly. Have fun in life, because in the end it all comes down to your perception on life and how you make of the experience. Consciousness is something us humans are never going to be able to completely understand.

"Tried to tell y'all this >2,500 years ago..."
--The Buddha

"We predict ourselves into existence." That quote really got me.


Ah yes watching this during an existential crisis in the middle of the night was a great idea


I unfortunately went into phycosis once and started hallucinating and having vivid dreams and nightmares and sleepwalking. I can remember most of my hallucinations and in that moment it time it all felt so real, I died multiple times laying in my bed starting at the wall just thinking that this is what death is, "the last thing you see before you die" I believed i was dead so much that I even pissed myself and wet the bed as a 21 yr old because I felt I had to pee and I thought I was dead so I couldn't move, I couldn't feel my body, so I just let it go. All the hallucinations were so real that I remember the feeling of my friend touching my arm, even thought he wasn't really there. And one point I was able to control my dreams and hallucinations but I wouldn't wish going through that on my worst enemy. I feel so bad for people that just know that as life, there is no way for them to get better. So whenever you see that homeless man yelling at nobody and talking to himself, just know that he is suffering in one of the worst ways possible


I watched this on acid, worst idea ever


I'm not schizophrenic I'm just bad at hallucinating.

"We predict ourselves into existence." Powerful words!


My brain halllucinated this lecture? Wow I am super smart.

OMG what if every mother thinks her kid is the most beautiful in the world because she ACTUALLY perceives them to be.

Being unable to understand a person's speech when you can't see there lips move because they are wearing a mask is a good example of your brain taking guesses

"When we agree about our hallucinations, we call it reality"
Such a deep and beautiful phrase.

Glad to see western science is finally catching up to the yogic sciences after a few thousand years.
Life is alot less complicated than we think it is.

"When we agree on a hallucination, we call that reality."

We may not have to fear the end of consciousness but we should fear these youtube comments

If Black Mirror was a Ted talk, this would be it.


I had experiences of complete omniscience multiple times on LSD and shrooms. I was experimenting with this at the time, and I started throwing a brick in to the air and pointing to the exact spot it would land. I knew exactly where it would land everytime. I could see it's entire trajectory the moment it left my hand with insane precision, but my friends didn't believe me. So I threw it straight up about 15 feet, and adjusted my stance so that it would land about an inch from the front of my feet. They all said "it's going to hit you!", but I knew it wasn't. It landed with a thud right next to my feet. I did this a bunch of times and we all in awe. It was unexplainable, but every question that popped in my mind had an answer attached to it. It was super calm and I felt absolutely no anxiety about anything. Every person and thing I looked at, I completely understood. It was like I could feel things on a fundamental level, rather than just observe them. Even some people that I normally didn't like who were there, I no longer had any feelings of contempt (which is a strong word becasue I didn't DISLIKE them, I just didn't particularly like them) for them becasue I understood them fully. For those brief hours, I literally knew everything and it changed my life. I have been fascinated by that experience ever since and I think that is what sparked my love for physics. I'm by no means a physicist, but I watch quantum and astrophysics docs all the time. I think the ability to connect like this is available to us all, in normal life without drugs. I think that the reason I was able to do this at the time is because all of my preconceived beliefs about realty were suspended and I was simply fully observing (experiencing is a probably a better word becasue it wasn't related to my normal senses... it was way more comprehensive than just touch, sight, smell, taste...etc) reality, rather than trying to predict it. There is no doubt in my mind I was connected to the fabric of the universe, whatever that is (that's one of the questions physics ahs been helping me theorize an answer to). I've occasionally had experiences like that while not on LSD or shrooms. The common denominator has been that I essentially completely check out of perceived reality by not doing anything at all for hours on end. It's like when all the noise of reality completely stops, I can suddenly hear everything. And that's analogy because the "noise" is thoughts that I would normally be having. When they are out of the way, true reality comes to the forefront and it is fucking amazing. Seconds or minutes in that state teach me more than years of "normal" life. And this is a bit much but it so important: In those states the way I understand things is non-linear. A picture is worth a thousand words right? Well imagine a 3 dimension bubble of pure information that you can perceive and interpret all at once without ANY time elapsing. It's absolutely instant. It's like if you could read an entire book, just by looking at the cover. That is how I experienced information in those states of consciousness. I refer to this as non-linear communication, and it is an exponentially more efficient means of information delivery than our current linear forms of communication. This comment, for example, is linear. If your eyes had the ability to focus on all the words at once, and your brain had the processing power to interpret them all at once, it would be non-linear. But becasue I wrote them in a linear order, you would still have to reassemble the linearity of it, to make any sense of it. Now imagine that this comment is in the form of images and symbols that can be viewed all at once and interpreted all at once. That is how my experiences with non-linear communication happen in my mind. Anyway, it's cool stuff. Maybe you've had similar experiences?

This is essentially the brain trying to understand itself

"When we agree about our hallucination, we call that reality.."..nailed it with that one


“all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be”- pink floyd

Our perception of reality changes reality.

I didn't realize my brain was smarter than I was aware of

"We predict ourselves into existence." GOLD


I feel like i'm having a midlife crysis at 17 lol


not so long ago i woke up from sleeping, and i took my phone, and i tried to turn it on, i was pushing the on button, however my phone did not turn on no matter what, then i took the remote control for the bedroom lights, and i pushed the power button on the remote control, but the bedroom lights did not turn on, then i said to myself; this is impossible, then i started to wonder why i couldn't turn on my phone or the bedroom lights, then i realized what the reason was, i realized the reason was that i still was asleep, so i decided to wake up, and finally i was able to turn on my phone and the bedroom lights, now the reason why i wanted to watch this documentary, is because i want to study this experience i had, to try to learn more about reality.


Firstly, this video had added to my anxiety!! Anyways, can someone please make things clear for me, like, if it's all illusion, then what things are real, or how actually real things really are? Are people around me real, is sun just a hallucination? If the video is true, how can each and every person has same hallucinations (majorly)!? How can everyone think of the tree to be green and water to be colourless, etc!? Are these infrastructures real!? I mean, questions are infinite! How do both a deer and human fear to lion!? If we are hallucinating, then why do rapes and murders happen to some!? Is a person entering another person's hallucination!?



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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