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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant



Summary Comments : [TED] The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant

Summary of the talk: "3 Unique traits of Originals"

[1. Original thinkers are late to the game]
-They tend to procrastinate, this allows for more time to consider many different possibilities. Some call it procrastinating, others may call it thinking
-They are late to the game, but they finish strong. Look at companies like Google - they did not have the first mover advantage, but they were different and better than the original (Yahoo! etc.)
[2. They have doubts and fears]
-Original thinkers have doubts like the rest of us. Just they handle it differently. They doubt their ideas, not themselves. They say "Maybe this idea doesn't work, let's think of another one" and not "Maybe I'm not good enough"
-They have fears just like the rest of us, but they are more scared of NOT doing something more than anything. The things we regret the most are the chances not taken
[3. They act on a LOT of ideas.] The sheer number of ideas put into play provides you with a large amount of variety to pick the best from the bunch



Playtime Comments : [TED] The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant


Linux users right now:


Adversity, Bordom and Curiosity...
The 3 biggest drivers of Creativity. Art is the elixir of life.

8:30 i spy an adam savage in the audience lol


Giorno: You got the spirit kiddo

12:10 The biggest regrets will always be to give up this early

4:39 "By dangling Minesweeper in front of them"
Me, playing minesweeper while listening to this video: I feel attacked


Class topper spotted

at 3:52 I swore I've seen that monkey and monster on another Ted talk before.

Well, time index 10:05 ~ 10:14 or so: I'm in there.


13:19 the woman in the bottom left xDD



Top Comments : [TED] The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant


"You don't have to be first.
You just have to be different and better"


Great and informative video.

Read his book. I can, without a doubt, say it's worth it. It's kinda like the "the movie vs the book". In this case the book is is worth it and much better.


That's not correct. "to be original you don't have to be first" He should say, "to be successful you don't have to be first." The most original idea is the FIRST one to do it. Then another person improves on it and eclipses the first to come up with it.


this guy sounds like a south park character


"Everyone stop the inspirational quotes. "



how many people are procrastinating by watching this video

"The master has failed more times than the beginner has ever tried."


there is a quote on chess game "when you find a good move, don't play it instantly, search for better one"


I'm a musician and producer. I watched this video like one year ago and thought that you have to create a lot to generate a good idea but now I watched it again and I think I changed my mind. Currently I'm working in a studio that has a lot of big composers and producers coming and going and I've watched them work. How they create tracks out of nothing is with really simple ideas and they start to build on top of them. For example, you start with one melody in the Mellotron, simple, 8 bars, monophonic, and then you build a harmony on top. Then you switch sound and you make a new melody with a new rhythm and you rinse and repeat, I've seen guys do this for 30 minutes and after they have a HUGE and great sounding 8 bars, that now they can flesh out in a lengthier arrangement. I tested it and it works! It works because if you are not a crazy good instrumentalist you can play simple lines and then intertwine them together to make them work and have a super great idea at the end, instead of spending 2 hours trying to come up with something super original and getting frustrated for your lack of technical ability in guitar. In the end I think the 'bad ideas' talked in this video they are real for sure but the 'not so good' or 'not creative enough' can act as building blocks of the big idea, just keep writing and keep yourself in the creative flow.

I'm a game developer and I was struggling to think of a game that people might like. While watching this video I came up with an idea I really like and I just wanted to say thank you.

"let the guinea pigs test the market, then capitalize on it." - Samsung on AAPL.

I have talents, but my depression has talent too...


The audience enjoyed the dad jokes because they're dads too

After watching tiz TED I feel like "I'm original"


I finished my senior thesis four months early...(pause for applause)




Its not procrastination itself, but rather "distracting" yourself with other physical or mental tasks that are mildly mentally challenging. Something thats distracting enough for the subconcious mind to wander off, make new connections and then you have the inspired idea suddenly appear. The classic example of this is finding inspiration in the shower.


"He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever." - Chinese proverb

Really interesting talk! I studied most of these creativity concepts (insight, divergent thinking and incubation) for my master and it's nice to see the applied in thsi way!

It's not that creative thinkers procrastinate, it's that they're also perfectionists and can't stand to turn out a less than optimal idea. Ted talk over

thanks for validating my dangerous procrastination habits.

I think the important nuance is that you must have mastered the fundamentals before you can afford to procrastinate. If your foundation isn’t strong procrastinating will just make you a fool


"Good artists copy, great artists steal."

You call it "procrastination" I call it "germination" now get off my back.

The Dark Side Of Nintendo!!
Omg, I cant! That was so epic!!


"Write a book about originals"
Netflix wants to know your location


This is true, my literature teacher gave an assignment on a passage we were reading , i prcastinated until the dawn of submition. So when i woke up in a frenzy remembering i had done nothing, I began to ask my 8 year old sister how she would feel if she was in the character's shoes, and with her emotions i wrote my work in a dialogue form instead of in a paragraph form and even submited the draft. It turned out i got the highest mark in that assignment because it was original and believable. I didn't even know what I was doing.


I remember I was a group leader and we were supposed to submit a System Simulation project. On the presentation day, I told my lecturer I didn't understand anything she had thought so far so I didn't do it. The lecturer got so mad because we actually didn't have a good start from the first day. Fortunately for me, the rest of the groups who submitted their project had to redo it again because it was so bad. On the day of presentation, I presented my groups work and she was shocked. We gave the best project and the best presentation.


1 - Procrastination:
Moderate procrastination increases creativity (because it gives our mind/subconscious time to ruminate on the idea).

2 - Fear and doubt:
Fear and doubt are natural - embrace them.
Idea doubt is healthy, self doubt is not. Use idea doubt to help refine your ideas. Rough drafts suck for a reason. Keep trying.

Our biggest regrets are our inactions, not our actions. Instead of fearing failure, be more afraid of failing to try. People regret the things they never did more than the things they failed at.

3 - Lots of bad ideas:
In order to have lots of good ideas, you will probably have lots of bad ideas too. Be willing to fail... a lot. In most cases, more failure equals more success. You won’t be judged for your bad ideas.

To be original, you don’t have to be first, you just have to be different and better (first mover advantage is mostly a myth). Don’t accept the default, look for a better solution.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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