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[Youtube Review][Lele Pons] Training to be a Latina | Lele Pons, Hannah Stocking, Juanpa Zurita & Anwar Jibawi
YouCo 2021. 5. 24. 16:55Playtime Comments : [Lele Pons] Training to be a Latina | Lele Pons, Hannah Stocking, Juanpa Zurita & Anwar Jibawi
2:16 a 3:02
Solo invertimos papeles, el hombre empuja y pega a la mujer, y créanme la lluvia de críticas que recibiría, pero nah como es hombre claro no pasa nada.
Por favor sea cual sea, pongámonos en los zapatos de ambos sexos, si una mujer le pega a un hombre o un hombre a una mujer ES VIOLENCIA, no hagamos de menos esto de aquí, aunque sea una actuación, si la actuación fuera lo contrario e intercambiarán papeles les prometo que no se reirían ni lo vieran igaul, violencia es violencia.
Además no todas las personas que habitamos Latinoamérica no nos comportamos así, por favor no pluralicen, esto es una patraña, payasada y pésima representación de nuestra cultura.
2:09 "yo..yo quiero taco bell" LMFAOOOOO
”Yo quiero tacobell”
1:29 the one in green looks like jhené aiko
2:10 ahhh papsito Anwar : yo querdio taco bell Me: Dies of laughter at 2:34Am
3:21 I CAN'T BREATH!!!
2:15 ThrOc. cEe MAAAAi
Idk how to spell it but it was mad funny
1:44 poor a war I fell so bad for him if I was him whould run away from that situation
At 0:11 Lele hit Hannah in the face I'm dying of laughter
Top Comments : [Lele Pons] Training to be a Latina | Lele Pons, Hannah Stocking, Juanpa Zurita & Anwar Jibawi
Lele: This is a parking garage.
No one
Absolutely nobody
Not a single soul
Anwar:Yo quero taco Bell
Me when I can’t have coffee
no I'm not
Lele : come on Hannah you look beautiful
Me : ... maybe not beautiful
Donde estan los latinos
Makes me proud to be a Latina <3
No one:
Literally no one:
Lele: “iM LaTiNa”
“oKaY LaTiNaS”
The best part is:
Hannah: ,slap that guy'
He: Omg I think I am..
Hannah: ,slaps again'
He: I think I am in love
number #1 rule of being a Latina means you have a free pass to slap anyone you want
A este punto tan bajo y miserable nos reducen a los latinos.
1:07 I thought it was the ending
He is my boyfriend..
Boyfriend :
No I am not
2:12 the way she pushed him tho
Not even a single soul in the space:
Anwar: Yo quiero Taco Bell.
Me: Siiiiiii
“No im not!”
Thank you all so much for watching and subscribing!! What was your favorite part??
Wingman Masterclass:
"Hi how are you? Yo quiero Taco Bell."
passion ignited
Mujeres "latinas" del vídeo: gritonas, escandalosas, abusadoras, tóxicas, locas, desconfiadas de su pareja, hablan exageradamente y que aman la salsa.
Yo que soy de Latam: tengo fobias sociales y odio estar rodeada de personas, no sé bailar salsa y ni siquiera escucho música en español, tengo amigos hombres que son más fieles que otra cosa.
En resumen: esté vídeo está tan estereotipado que no demuestra la diversidad cultural que existe en Latinoamérica y solo nos denigra a esto, es terrible que así nos vean los estadounidenses.
Esto NO nos representa a nosotros los latinos
No one:
Litterally NO ONE EVER:
Lele: diD YOu kNow I’M LaTiNA
When he said , yo quiere taco bell. Translated , I want taco bell.
No one:
Literally no one:
Not even me jamming to lele pons song celoso:
Lele: puts her on song for the salsa dancer
3:19-3:25 is me when I get mad
[Lele Pons] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
[Lele Pons] Channel Posting
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[Lele Pons] Lele Pons & Fuego - Bloqueo (Official Music Video)
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