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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TheOdd1sOut] My Poetry Teacher
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TheOdd1sOut] My Poetry Teacher




Summary Comments : [TheOdd1sOut] My Poetry Teacher


Harry: 420$
Skekok: 69$
Jeff: 5.14$ even though it should’ve been 6.90 or 4.20



Playtime Comments : [TheOdd1sOut] My Poetry Teacher


0:57 when somebody doesn’t like ANIME


“You make me feel like a man, Archie.”


Why isnt anyone talking about the "you make me feel like a man, Archie
at 4:50

When a cop chases me and tries to taser me in jailbreak: 0:56


3:53 yeah, even my 5th grade math teacher seemed to be........

0:57 when someone tells me the wrong answer in maths


0:56 I never understood this until I got into high school. Then it aaalll made sense


5:51 even more evidence that james hates the name hunter.


So no one is gonna point out the "you make me feel like a man Archie" at 4:50


0:51 when I was in 5tu grade, I was in my English class and reading (I've always been a book nerd and the teacher honestly loved me for that) and my brother walks in (he was a sophomore). He walks to the teachers desk and just starts chatting with her since he was liked by her as well and she was just a cool teacher in general. Only teacher who let me read the entire class and brought milkshakes.. anyways! So yeah, it doesn't bother me when kids are "cool" with the teachers.

Side story I started insulting my brother jokingly as siblings do and he walked over and picked my entire desk up with me in it and the teacher was laughing, everyone was watching. I just slapped him with my book and continued reading, he left, my friends said we were weird and I finally felt proud of my brother because he was called weird for once as well-



Top Comments : [TheOdd1sOut] My Poetry Teacher

anyone can dig a ditch

but it takes a real man to hit bedrock

Anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to wear their seatbelt.

me: Hello teacher what nice weather we are having.
Teacher: Yeah I real-
me: My dog died :D


Nobody: James: “wElL FrIcKEn why am I-“



Anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to


James: “My dog died”
Teacher: “ yeah they do that”


"Anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to

eat their wife"
- says The man's wife

“You think your ninth grade was hard?!?” Try doing 222 tenth grade homework assignments all assigned at once while wing a massive procrastinator, and having to wear a mask every time you leave the house

I’m pretty sure it’s “anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to climb out of it”


I actually have a sign just like that riddle in my house. Only it says, "Anyone can be a father. But it takes someone special to be a dad."

Anyone can dig a ditch but it takes a real man to __.

I think the answer is "stop" because the ditch is a metaphor for an addiction and digging is them going deeper into the "ditch".

Anyone can dig a ditch

But it takes a real man to put down the shovel.


So the man was tricked into being a cannibal jeez I'm scared


any man can dig a ditch but it takes a real man to save harry the moth


"anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to finish the sentence"


Actual answer: anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to climb out of it

Idk google it


"Anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to climb out of it." Anyone can get themselves in trouble, but it takes hard work to admit to your mistakes and start working on improving yourself.

Great videos!


Anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to... put down the shovel.

It's a metaphor I use a lot actually, and it's basically: if you're in a bad situation, note that many bad situations can be escaped simply by not doing bad things. (Note I said most and not all. You obviously can't get out of terminal cancer in this day and age.)

The actual answer is “Anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to climb out of it”


"Anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to re-fill it."


“Anyone can dig a ditch but it takes a real man to cover it back up”


Me: half assleep on my couch watching this
James: plays death metal
Edit: sorry not death metal mEtAlCoRe

Anyone can dig a ditch

But it takes a real man to get out of that ditch


“Anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to get out.”

"Anyone can dig dig a ditch but it takes a real man to finish this sentence"


I came up with this one:
Anyone can dig a ditch
But it takes a real man to get out of one.

“Anyone can dig a ditch, but it takes a real man to put down the shovel”

It’s about how you need to know when to stop

Everyone is making answers for the riddle, so i will too. Any man can dig a ditch but it takes a real man to

Scroll all the way to the bottom of this comment.



[TheOdd1sOut] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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