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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TheOdd1sOut] Strangers Trying to Sell You Stuff


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TheOdd1sOut] Strangers Trying to Sell You Stuff




Playtime Comments : [TheOdd1sOut] Strangers Trying to Sell You Stuff

3:55 sounds like the sweetest grandma voice e v e r. It makes my sweet grandma sound like a scratchy cat voice.



I like how he put Yugi’s or maybe Yami Yugi’s hair for the third person near the right side. 1:52-1:57

4:56 I think this might be the same guy who approached me at a Wendy's a while back...conversation went fairly similarly...


never going to regret watching these old videos..."I'm youtuber so i'm not going to heaven" man that made me laugh really hard....at 3:34 AM.....



0:06 also James: makes a video on how to get the most candy on halloween

6:36 u should go to American idol or where ever you are from. U sing really well


0:30 you just explained my life



Top Comments : [TheOdd1sOut] Strangers Trying to Sell You Stuff

James when he is 78
“Sorry my mums not home.”


Person: Dont talk to strangers!

Me: Isn't that how you make friends?


We’re literally ALL strangers talking in the comments ._.


Who knew that he wanted to be a math teacher


I miss that voice

“Do YoU HaVE a WaTEr FiLtEr?”

“Yes I do,but it broke”

“Yeah they do that”


1990s: DONT get in a car with strangers


Adam: “S-sorry man I don’t got any cash on me”
James: “heheh poor”


"Don't you hate it when a dentist tries to start a conversation with you while they have their fingers in your mouth?"
Yes, all the time. Idk why they do that

can we take a moment to appreciate how much better james’ videos have gotten? you can really tell how much effort he puts into his videos by the quality of them from the backgrounds to the thing hes starting to do more where the character’s mouth actually moves along with each individual syllable (thats pretty freaking hard by the way and takes foreverrr)

Parents every day: don’t take candy for strangers.
Parents on Halloween: ok kids bring back lots of candy from strangers!
my dad is that way

James: “If a stranger offers you candy don’t take it.”
Halloween: am I a joke to you?

Don't take candy
hErE iS a ReWaRd FoR pAsSiNg YoUr ExAm

THE LAD was just too adorable as a child, so only truly heartless people would offend him.

If a stranger offers me an illegal copy of shrek 5 I’d accept no matter what.

My parents don’t say anything about stranger danger. My parent “thought” I was smart enough. Let’s just say we don’t talk about that times tho




James: But being a door to door salesmen, YOUR the annoying one!
Mom: Honey, its time to raise money for your school fundraiser!
Me: Seriously?

If I was shooed away once at a door I'd probably never speak to anyone in my entire life ever.
I'm not the best at handling rejection..

I can’t be the only person who feels bad for the people that have to knock at the doors

If someone tries to kidnap me, I go like: Wow. Someone actually dedicated their time to kidnap me? I’m not stupid. (I’m a child by the way)


i hate when people put like little words or phrases in the subtitles that he doesnt say like bro no-one cares if you OMG


"Don't take candy from strangers"

Halloween:"Hold my beer"

Edit:wow thanks for the likes
Edit:again wOw 500 LIKES WOW!

Aren't we all strangers...

"This message is brought to you by The Dentists of America Association. Remember to not consume any chocolate or sugary substances from this point on, as we are secretly keeping your teeth hostage within your mouth. That's correct, we are very small and hiding in a bunker within your teeth. From now on the only sugar substances you are allowed to consume are those which are in a circular shape and have an 'M' imprinted on them. During production of this broadcast we were unsure how long this message should be, as it will only be on screen for a brief period of time; this has led us to believe you have somehow miraculously paused your entertainment in order to figure out if 'The Dentists of America Association' is real. We can confirm this, we are very real and very cool. Do you know what else is cool? Flossing. Remember to floss. Oh, you just wanted to see if there is something funny written in this long paragraph? ... (shoot I'm gonna have to think of one off the spot) umm... what's a dentist's favorite movie? Plaque to the Future!... definitely didn't find that one off Google. Don't you hate it when a dentist tries to start a conversation with you while they have their fingers in your mouth? They'll ask, 'So how was school?' and you'd respond with, EIDASWKYRASDEEADGHK SFD'

That's right. I paused the video to copy this whole paragraph for you guys that only 2% of people read. I have a broken wrist so I had to use one hand. You're welcome for my pain and suffering.

The funniest part is when James turns on his CD player and realizes his mix tape is in there

"Don't take candy from strangers."

Halloween: yes



This message is brought to you by the Dentists of America Association. Remember not to consume any chocolate or sugary substances from this point on, as we are secretly keeping your teeth hostage inside of your mouth. That's correct, we are very small and hiding in a bunker within your teeth. From now on the only sugar substances you are able to consume are those which are in a circular shape and have an 'M' printed on them. During the production of this broadcast we were unsure of how long this message should be, as it will only be on screen for a brief period of time; this has led us to believe that somehow miraculously paused your entertainment in order to figure out if the Dentists of America Association is real. We can confirm this, we are very real and very cool. Do you know what else is cool? Flossing. Remember to floss.Oh you just wanted to see if there is something funny written in this long paragraph? ... (shoot I'm gonna have to think of one off the spot) umm... what's a dentist's favorite movie? Plaque to the Future! ... definitely didn't find that one off Google. Don't you hate it when a dentist tries to start a conversatio with you while they have their fingers in your mouth? They'll ask, "So how was school?" and you'd respond with, "EIDASKYRASDEEADGHK SFD"


00:19 For those of you that didn’t read what it said, here’s what it said ———> “This message is brought to you by the Dentists of America Association. Remember to not consume any chocolate or sugary substances from this point on, as we are secretly keeping your teeth hostage within your mouth. That’s correct, we are very small and hiding in a bunker within your teeth. From now on the only sugar substances you are allowed to consume are those which are in a circular shape and have an ‘M’ printed onto them. During production of this broadcast we were unsure how long this message should be, as it will only be on screen for a brief period of time; this has led us to believe you have somehow miraculously paused your entertainment in order to figure out if ‘The Dentists of America Association’ is real. We can confirm this, we are very real and very cool. Do you know what else is cool? Flossing. Remember to floss. Oh, you wanted to see if there is something funny written in this long paragraph?...(shoot I’m gonna have to think of one off the spot) umm... what’s a dentist favorite movie? Plaque to the Future!... definitely didn’t find that one off Google. Don’t you hate it when a dentist tries to have a conversation with you while they have their fingers in your mouth? They’ll ask, ‘So how was school?’ and you’d respond with, ‘EIDASWKYRASDEEADGHK SFD’


Ur lucky dude, now in cub scouts and Boy Scouts they make you sell popcorn, and it’s overpriced. And at least for Boy Scouts a portion of the money goes to pay for your summer camp fee, although the portion is like 10%, but cub scouts have it even worse, a portion of the money goes to help the pack, but it’s like 2% if the money goes to help the pack, and not to mention they hand out these shitty cheap prizes if you sell a certain amount, that’s great for the kids who have their parents take the form into work, but for me, it was door to door or nothing, and people were pretty rude, there was one lady who pretended she didn’t speak English, there was a guy who said he doesn’t believe in god and the Boy Scouts is a hoax, and that we had to get off his property immediately, and then there were people who didn’t answer the door at all.



[TheOdd1sOut] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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