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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Lady Gaga] Lady Gaga - Til It Happens To You (Official Music Video)
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Lady Gaga] Lady Gaga - Til It Happens To You (Official Music Video)




Summary Comments : [Lady Gaga] Lady Gaga - Til It Happens To You (Official Music Video)


"Why did you never tell anyone?"

Because I was 7. I lied about small things like cleaning my room.
Now I'm 20. I'm gay. And I told my parents recently. And they didn't believe me. But when the family member fronted, they said "you probably enjoyed it, you're gay."

I was 7. 7.



Playtime Comments : [Lady Gaga] Lady Gaga - Til It Happens To You (Official Music Video)

The trial facing my abuser is tomorrow. It's currently 11:02pm, i just broke down crying. I'm proud of myself for speaking up. If there's anyone facing a trial soon, i'm sending you all my love and strength. I'm here with you. If there's someone speaking up soon, i give you all my support, you got this. If there's someone who can't speak up for whatever reasons, I BELIEVE YOU, you are as valid as everyone. If there's someone sobbing, in denial, feeling numb, I FEEL you. IT WASN'T OUR FAULT. YOU DESERVE JUSTICE. YOU DESERVE TO BE LOVED AND TO LOVE. STAY STRONG. I LOVE YOU.



Top Comments : [Lady Gaga] Lady Gaga - Til It Happens To You (Official Music Video)


My son was 5 at the time. Thankfully, he told me. Of course I believed him, that's my baby. We're suppose to protect them no matter what!
The guy is in jail, and my son will never have to see him again

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

I did, you brushed it off - "that's just how they are".

"Why didn't you report it?"
Because I was young and afraid


"why you don't tell anybody?"

I think they will think that it's not so bad.

“Why didn’t you report it”
Because my mum and the uncle sexually abusing me told me it was my fault for dressing the way that I do.

“Why didn’t you report it”

No one would listen to a 13 year old girl whose priest raped her

...later did


"Why DID you report?"
Because he assaulted two other girls and it wasn't taken seriously until I spoke up.


im reading these comments with tears in my eyes, and i cant believe that there are so many. scatch that. i do believe, i just wish i didnt. i have never felt the intensity of this horrible problem until now, but i knew of it. i hate that this is the world i live in. where i believe every single story told in these comments, because if i didnt believe it, then maybe it wouldnt have been so common, so normalized. but it is, and i hate it. i hate it so much. the chance that someone is reading this is low. its long, and will probably be on the bottom of the list, but i dont care. i dont care because im writing this mostly for me, and for the slim chance that i moved even one persom who read it. ive never been abused or even harrassed. i live in a really good neighberhood, and im 16. so whoever you are, if youve been abused or raped, ihave no idea what you feel like, but im so sorry. i know it stupid to writh this. i mean, who the fuck am i? but if somehow, somewhere. someone is reading this, i want you to know that you are beautiful, and you are worthy. its weird th write this. i dont even know you. but i dont need to see you to know youre beautiful, and i dont need to know to know you are worthy. of love, of life, of everything. im writing this because i want you to see this. i want you to know that i believe you, that it wasnt your fault. im doing this hoping that maybe someone would read this. even one person. hoping. hope.i hope to never know how you feel, but i know that my chances arent high. i hope that someday you would hear it enought to believe it, to know its true. and i hope that oneday we will live in a world where no one will have to ever feel the way you do. and finally, if anyone is reading this, if anyone got this far, than congragulations because it came out long as fuck. and tank you, thank you for reading this, i hope i made a difference.


“why didn’t you report?” because I felt ashamed.

"Girls who come in and report this type of thing are usually distraught and in tears, you seem fine"
" You just wanted attention"
"Why didn't you run or scream"
"You wanted it"
" It doesn't make sense he's a good guy"'
" Your lying"
" We don't believe you"

It first began when I was 8 I didn't really understand what was happening however as I got older it got worse and I realized this wasn't right. I tired to speak up about it but no body believed me not my friends not my family. They all my my life a living hell too. In the end I just agreed with them and told them it was all lie, even though it wasn't, at the time I just didn't see the point in fighting anymore. I regret that everyday now, even if people don't believe you never stop fighting and try to get help, if you don't it will result in so much pain, well more pain.

“why didn’t you tell anybody?”

because i was between the ages of 11 and 12 and he told me it was my fault and that it was normal.


"Why didn't you report it?"

Because when I told a friend he said that I "wanted it", other friends didn't believe me. Because I was afraid to put my dad through even more pain than I had to. Because I was scared.

I was 17, drugged at a party, and woke up with the second guy on top of me. The two girls at the party, before I passed out, said they "didn't like me before because I was pretty". When I came to, I tried to leave the room, I crawled out because I couldn't walk and was carried back by the two girls... This happened several times until I realized I wasn't getting away.

What they did when I reported it : My school: He’s so nice he wouldn’t do that. You are making it up . The police: we gave him a warning. Someone else who also did it: if you tell anyone I will kill myself and it’s your fault. My boyfriend at the time: they are my friend so what. Reporting it doesn’t always mean justice. And it doesn’t make it stop!


I was 9. I was wearing jeans and a blue/pink tie dye t-shirt.
I wasn’t asking for it.

The next time, was three months later, on me tenth birthday.
I was wearing a pink dress with pink bow ties in my hair.
It happened 20 times in the next two years.

I’m twelve now, and the memories haunt me each night. I lay in bed crying, bawling, begging for god to just take me.

I told my grandma, she didn’t believe me. I’m too scared to come out about what happened to me. I’m scared they won’t believe me.

I didn’t report it because I didn’t realize it but I was raped. I was molested. I was sexually assaulted for three years.

I can’t escape the memories of it. Whenever I see the man at gatherings, I can’t breathe, I start crying and panicking.

I’m not okay.


“Why do you always wear baggy clothes?”
“She dresses like a boy”
There’s a reason for that.but you wouldn’t know that because you’re quick to judge someone you don’t know


How could 17k people dislike this?


"Why didn't you report it?"
I did. No one believed a 10 year old.

"All he did was touch you... It was wrong of him but it wasn't tht bad right? It could've been worse"
I was a kid He didnt 'just' do anything. Don't blame me for not trusting anyone ever again lol.


Underrated song they don't know how it feel for sure

after 7,5 years this stil is the song that helps me going on. my rape whas 44 years a go when i was 6 years old. i was a boy. I was in the hospital and he was a nurs. I never talkt aboud it til i snapt 7,5 years a go as a police officerr nou i have a massive Ptsd and depression and i finaly spoke about my rape

“why didn’t you report it”
because it was my own grandad and i was at the age of 6 and threatened to kill me if i told anyone


"Why didn't you report it?"

Because I was 13 and I thought it was my fault

"Why didn't you report?"

I called 911, they took me home and said I had to take myself to the hospital. I did & the police told the hospital no rape kit was needed. I went to a second hospital, same thing happened. The nurses told me they were sorry and sent me home.

Nobody believed me


This song deserved proper and better recognition. Sadly, people don't appreciate this masterpiece.


I was twelve. How was I supposed to fight against someone twice the size of me. I couldn't say anything I didn't even know who they were.


"why didnt you report?"
I was 7-9. he was my neighbour, my best friend, my kindergarten boyfriend, my first love. he was only one year older. i convinced myself, i wanted it too, that it was okay. i thought, or i really did, i loved him. i said it would make im happy. and all i wanted to have, was a happy smile of him. i wanted to make him happy. even if his needs would be over mine.

Why didn't you report it

I was too ashamed to speak up, I didn't want to make things worse for myself. I didn't want to see their faces again in court, I wanted to let it fly over my head and not deal with them.


"Why didn't you report it?"
Because it happened to my little sister, and... I was in the room and did nothing to stop it. Because I could have done something but didn't. Because for the longest time, I thought it was my fault.


“why don’t you report it” because i know you will get mad at me and not him. I’m afraid of what might happen. I rather cry about it


I was told that men can’t be raped or sexually assaulted, they told me to get over it and that I would be fine. I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror after he did what he did to me. I hated myself for so long. I still have issues with it, but I’m slowly starting to love myself again.


"Why didn't you report?" Because I was 6.


"Why didn't you report?"
I did, they called me a liar


Dear Mom,
When I told you a boy tried touching me you laughed dismissively you ignored me blaming it on the fact the me and the guy were both young, you were drunk like you always are but I know you remembered the conversation. You worked where the harassment took place and you did nothing, you saw this kid everyday and you did nothing
Dear dad,
When I told you I wanted to kill myself you called me selfish and stupid, I told you that you and mom were the reason but then you just said we can do whatever we want.
Just because you were raised by alcoholics and dismissive parents doesn’t mean you get to raise me
I will break the cycle
I will show you that I’m better than both of you
Until it happens to you, you won’t know how I feel

Why didn't you report it?

I did, but it was my husband.

"Why didn't you report?"
Because I'm a guy and it doesn't usually happen to men


"why didn't you report?"
Because I was just 14 when I was sexually harrassed by a security guard. He touched me and I was scared to fight back coz I was paralyzed. I was mentally disturbed, I was Bullied at school... they use to point at me and laugh...I use to get beaten up at school,at home.My grades were affected..I failed 2 times in my exams because I was overwhelmed with all the negativity. At highschool I was loner and I always felt neglected and rejected..I just couldn't fit in. It felt like everyday in my life was a bad day. they're were times when I was scared to leave my house because of the security guard who treated me like shit.My teachers use to pick on me and yell at my face for being weak at studies. Life was hell and I just wanted to quit. I was scared to confront people..it gave me social anxiety...it was like mental torture. I started harming myself by cutting my wrist because I couldn't cope up with the pressure of studies and bullying and sexuall harresment but at the end of the day I refused to give up. Everyone of y'all please do not give up you might feel helpless and hopeless...you might feel trapped inside your head but please remember...it's a bad moment not a bad life. Regardless of setbacks, failures and defeats I kept going.


I went 26 years without even acknowledging my assault as real. I convinced myself it was just a bad dream I had when I was little and that it wasn't actually real. Eventually I acknowledged that that wasn't true. Your brain literally has a way of protecting itself from trauma. So when people don't people or wonder why they spent so many years without reporting it... maybe they're processing the trauma of it. Maybe they haven't even acknowledged it and accepted it for themselves. You can't talk about it to anyone unless you've accepted it as real with YOURSELF first. And that can take literal decades. I thought I would go my whole life without talking about it with anyone but the Me Too movement inspired me to talk to a couple people about it.


This song got me to realize how strong I really am. Been through sexual abuse, rape, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. I used to beat myself up all the time for what I gone through, choices I made that got me in those predicaments; I chose drug abuse, and alcoholism to cope, only to follow the same cycle again. I have contemplated suicide, have asked people if I could "borrow" their guns, for "hunting" purposes or "practice" when in reality, pulling the trigger on myself sounded like a dream to the nightmare I was living. When Gaga came out with this song, it took me a year to even want to listen to it. When I finally did, I cried, because for once, I felt understood, I felt like I could open up, I felt like I could breathe again. Recovery from abuse, drug use, alcoholism, torment never gets any easier, but I realized I became stronger, mentally stronger. My husband knows I'm not easy to deal with, he knows my outbursts, knows, when I'm in that dark place, I'm not me. He understands why I'm not affectionate, but he still lets me know he loves me. Always will.

When I say Lady Gaga saved my life, I really mean it. This song alone saved my life. If I ever had a chance to meet you, the first words to her I would say is Thank you for giving me a second chance of life. To Stephanie G. Thank you.



[Lady Gaga] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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