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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Maroon 5] Maroon 5 - Daylight (Official Music Video)


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Maroon 5] Maroon 5 - Daylight (Official Music Video)




Playtime Comments : [Maroon 5] Maroon 5 - Daylight (Official Music Video)


I am at 6:56 in the video. Five and a half years later, I’m watching this whole video and reading the comments posted. Maroon 5 did such a good job painting the joy and sorrows of young people in this video. I feel honored being part of something that has moved so many. My hope is that many in this video have been able to find joy in their lives over the past five years. I know I have. Stay strong everyone! <3


This was my Mom and my song. We’d belt it at the top of our lungs with the windows down in the car during her final year after battling cancer for four years.

And the night we palliatively sedated her in hospice, I played it for her one last time. And as I held her crying I felt like it was me singing it to her that it was okay to go. And her singing to me that she didn’t want to and preparing me for her departure.

And 5:55am on August 5, 2013, right as the Daylight came over the lake, my mom passed away.

And for four years after her four year battle with cancer I struggled for never expressing my hurt and pain from our life and not forgiving myself for not changing my life around willingly and joyfully to care for her.

This year,
I have finally embraced the journey of forgiveness of her and myself. And I have never felt more capable of love and who I am.

For 28 years I was so afraid of becoming my mother. Now I am proud to be my mothers daughter.

So, I am celebrating my 30th Birthday this weekend and her life. Because I won’t be where I am without during her life on earth and after she passed.

So, thank you.

Thank you for writing this song and making this video.

I helped prepare and lead me to healing. And gave me great memories of singing at the top of our lungs in my grandpas old, beat up Cadillac with the wind combing through our hair on highway 694.

2:25 aaah e a Femingos


Is this listentnig in 2020 march
This video fantastic


2:23 omg flamingos YouTuber brazilian

Feeling so miserably broken right now, but the girl at 6:56 gives me hope and I smile every time I see that part.
Thankyou whoever you are <3



2:47, "No one loves me"

Me: "You're not alone on that one"

There is this girl at this bank where I usually go to pay for my bills. I would talk to her and make her laugh which is a good thing. The only thing that's holding me back from asking her on a date is the constant sting of rejection I've felt for a long time. It's a reoccurring pain that holds me back SO much and I hate myself for it. I often wonder if I'm just meant to live my life alone. I'm SO close to accepting this fact. I don't even know what to do and I feel like I'm trapped....

I think I should forget it and just leave it...



Top Comments : [Maroon 5] Maroon 5 - Daylight (Official Music Video)

Here's a story (Might be a little long )
all throughout my primary school years, there was a girl who i had liked. This was around 2nd grade , i started falling for this girl...And throughout the years, we barely spoke , simply because i was to shy,(she was too) and i think she noticed all of this. And i always tried hard to say something, but i just couldn't. when we reached 8th grade, the year was almost over, and we were 2 weeks away from our prom night. my close friends pushed me to ask her to prom. i really didn't have the balls. I remember one night during that week, my close cousin had sent me some songs from his phone, and Daylight was in it.. when i heard the song, she always appeared in my mind hearing the lyrics, knowing it being our last year in primary school, we may not be in same schools in the next. I was just thinking about the prom night coming up, and i had one shot to ask her out to prom and how i feel, and i had to make sure that night would be special and memorable( me listening to the song thinking about all this) as the lyrics go "We knew this day would come, we knew it all along
How did it come so fast?
This is our last night but it's late
And I'm trying not to sleep
'Cause I know, when I wake
I will have to slip away
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close.

So i told myself that night, i wont hold back any longer.
Next day comes, all i could think about was telling her how i feel and hoping everything works out, that whole day during school i was honestly confident yet my heart was going 1000times faster.
After the siren went and school finished, i remember just looking at her from my seat , heart pounding, deep breathing , i just closed my eyes for a moment and told myself today is the day,get this all off my shoulders and tell her how i feel.
She walks out of the room, to go and pick her younger brother who was in 1st grade. I followed and kept my distance, my best friend accompanied me. Then finally , i just went for it.
She didn't look surprised as i approached her , its as if she knew what was going to happen. i walked with her to where she was going to get picked and i told her everything. The whole time i was telling her how i feel, she was always smiling looking down. She stopped me for a moment and simply said "i feel the same, ive been waiting for you all this time" .. i think i wanted to marry her right there, how happy i was , unimaginable........ We hugged , exchanged numbers and i went home the happiest kid alive.
That night we sent each other texts for a bout 2 hours ( trying not to get caught from parents )
hearts , smiles , but no "i love you" yet. The two weeks before prom , we talked much more in school ,spent time together , i would walk her and her brother home sometimes , i was honestly in love and the happiest.
The week before prom , our school had someone come teach us how to waltz with our prom partners . each of those days of practicing and looking into the eyes of the girl i love was like a dream.(officially bf,gf secretly lol )
i was the kid who would take part in all types of sports and she was the smartest girl in the school :))dont judge hahaha x)
Aight we will skip to prom night .
It was like i mentioned , the most memorable night and i cannot forget it.
I wore sort of a blue tux and she wore a similar colored dress.( we planed it )
When i saw her come at our prom venue , i was falling in love over and over again , how beautiful she looked, the most beautiful girl in my eyes :)
When the dancing started , everyone with their partners , slow songs playing .. when we started dancing together its like time froze , holding onto her , i didnt wanna let go , and so did she .. it was magical.
"Here I am staring at your perfection
In my arms, so beautiful"
As the night came to an end , and we , were having our final songs and stuff , she dragged me outside .. we sat and we talked and looked at the stars , saying how the night was magical to both of us. We shared a long hug together , the type of hug you just dont wanna let go. We looked at each other and finally , we had our first kiss.. that i can never forget. i remember her face , clearly , it was amazing . Then our first "i love you came in " i couldt never forget.
We then continued going out for about 2 years (also went to the same high school)

And then thats where i fucked up :"(
i was immature at the time and fell for another girl... i broke her heart .... and i regret it so much i cry over this.
that same year that girl cheated on me and went for another , while my old gf just continued with her studies , and so did i after ...

ive been single for almost 3 years now , and yet i still love the girl i fell for first , we talk now and then but its not the same... one point we started talking alot again but , i had stopped ... telling myself i dont deserve a girl like her .... i dont want to hurt her , but in my heart i still love her .....
when i say i was immature and broke her heart , i was really immature and i regret it till today.
if i could rewind time i would do it and never fuck up what i first fell for . She's a smart girl and was always loyal to me , yet i fucked up .

i think i really screwed up my once in a lifetime love .
who knows maybe in the future something can work out between us , but the fact that i broke her heart , i can never forgive myself , never .

If you really love someone truly , please appreciate every single moment together .
The honest truth about me now is that ,my heart is not the same and its hard for me to love and feel the way i used to before.

That brings us back to this song Daylight.
Every time i hear it , it takes me back
i tear up every time.( yea this song is still special to me )

Appreciate what you have and who you love.
dont make the same mistake i did

Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
:) <3


Anyone listening during the quarantine in 2020?

I laugh as hell when she say "I really hate people complaining in facebook" and it's 7 years ago at now 2019


Fun Fact: Corona brings Nostalgia

I've cried every time I've sat through this video. Every time.



NOSTAGLIA: proceeds to beat me up



I'm just gonna put on my headphones and cry at the corner, this is too emotional. I hope I can do more for Maroon 5, more than only liking their vids and subscribing their channel


I think that we need more songs like this in the world, songs that talk about the real problems, not just partying and drinking and smoking, because its songs like this that can send a positive message, and that will have a good influence on people.

We don't need more songs that stereotype, or judge, or insult/misrepresent people. That's why I love songs like this, because they can lift up your spirits especially when you listen to the lyrics more carefully.

(Not saying that all other songs are crap because I love all genres and sometimes you need a good random song that doesn't really make sense lol and they can help too, these are the ones that give me, hope I guess, and it reminds me that this is why I like to be optimistic and stuff, sorry for the rant lol but I hope that it is the same for all of you too! :)

And if you read all of this thanks haha :) <3 <3


"I hate People who complain on facebook" xD

This makes me cry 7 years later


it's a great way to express that we must Stop Judging , nobody is perfect and everyone is different


why would people dislike dis?!

This song should be over 100 mil views

I struggle with depression and anxiety, and I was about to end it all. this song came on the radio and I have no idea why, but I really wanted to see the video. This is my first time seeing this video and it has shown me that Life is beautiful and worth living!
Thank You to everyone who was in this video and Maroon 5, You saved a life today

This song is so old but this is my first time seeing its music video!!! Damn


Man has it been this long 2012-2018 this is one of his best music videos they Made but girls like you video is just no no no

Why did I start crying the second this video started

This is the example that shows number of views can never prove how beautiful and meaningful a song could be.


this made me cry


This song gets me everytime because it hits home so much and it rem6me of everything I've been thru


How is this song almost 7 years old and this is my first time seeing this video? I love this song, just never knew this existed.

watching this during quarantine. and who ever is reading this, i advice you to seize the time with the people or things you love or moments you dont wanna miss.. because everything will soon be memory

This song used to be one of my favorite Maroon 5 songs.
Just because its title is ‘daylight’, I set it up as my morning alarm sound.
You already know what happened after that...

I just lost my niece a couple of hours ago, within 2 months of suffering from DIPG. The whole family was broken-hearted. I just hope that she's in good hands now. Maxene if you're reading this, Tatay Ying loves you so much baby girl.


the people in the video ,are ya'll okay ?


Missing these kinds of songs, really

this song makes me sad, because on the last day of school I was going to tell my crush I liked her, but at the end of
classes on the last day, we were sitting
I was trying to create an environment but it was with cellphone in her hands and it was hard
speaking. However she said she had to go.
When she turned the corner I
desperate, ran to confess me, or maybe she did not like me and would be
run in vain. It was at that precise moment that came by a friend that was me
help her, and when she looked at me just said "Run after her still have chances," and I did not let him finish speaking, ran for a huge street where she was going home but when I got to the end she was not there. It was then that never again would see why for the year it would change schools, it was all in my hands and wasted the opportunity. To this day I suffer from not being able to kiss that girl of my dreams. A tip for you, never leave to the end the possibility of a relationship.

Show my your hands if you're still listening to this song 8 years after gangggggggg.

I hate people who make other people feel that they are not good enough.....

This song never made me sad the first couple years I knew about it, now - I have feelings, real life responsibilities, a country to serve - it’s hard not to think of how ignorant and completely emotionless I was, but I thought it was the only way I could get through all the negativity in my life. For anyone that sees this now, in the future, whatever it may be - isolation will never fix social struggle, it will always snowball. You have no idea just how much people mean to you until you’re stuck waiting for yourself to be next, with nothing but the thought of “at least I didn’t kill myself.” , sometimes, it’s worth it to just put up with shit just so you don’t risk regretting everything you’ve done prior to now.

I used to have a girlfriend since we were both 16 y/o. We have turned into adults together and I have learned so much with her. I loved her a lot. We dated until we were 22 y/o, when I had the opportunity to study abroad for 1 year. She got the same opportunity, but she could only go when my exchange program had finished. So back in the end of 2013 we were in our last night, laying in my bed, knowing that in the daylight I would leave and we would be far away from each other for 2,5 years. We talked too much about what could happen next and how we both would be after these 2,5 years. Then I put this song for her to listen to and ever since I hear it play, my heart breaks a little because it was so perfect for the moment. I knew she got back these days, but it has been a long time that we do not talk and many things have happened during this time. This is exactly the time we were talking about in that last night we had. Well...


I started my weight loss journey back in July of 2018. I wanted to lose 50 lbs. But I kept having people tell me I wasn't losing the weight the right way or I wouldn't be able to reach my goal. But I kept going. I am proud to say now 8 months later I have officially went past my goal and lost 62 lbs. You can do anything if you believe you can and don't listen to those voices. I just proved those people that said I couldn't wrong. And ever sense then they never told me I couldn't again. ;) Keep up your fight and keep going. Don't let anyone tell You that You can't. You are stronger than you know. Much love to all who reads this.



[Maroon 5] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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