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[Youtube Review][The Late Late Show with James Corden] Selena Gomez Carpool Karaoke
YouCo 2020. 10. 27. 11:31(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Selena Gomez Carpool Karaoke
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Selena Gomez Carpool Karaoke
Playtime Comments : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Selena Gomez Carpool Karaoke
Same Old Love: 0:16
Come & Get it: 1:30
Hands to Myself: 2:36
Kill em with kindness: 4:35
Love you like a love song: 8:37
Shake it off (Taylor Swift): 10:34
8:34 "Hey, look at you now" -selena
Releases a song called "look at her now" in 2020
1:22 i spent the whole time wondering if that camera would or not fall
Watched this a thousand times but haven’t noticed James at 10:41 until now
7:19-7:43 Selena's reactions
3:53... The way she laughed... So cute...
It was 4 years ago
"Look at her now " - Song of Selena Gomez
4:41 I sit the same as Selena is sitting in the car
Top Comments : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Selena Gomez Carpool Karaoke
Selena: “UUUOOOOOWWW!! ”
James Corden: trying not to die on the roller coaster.
Selena: acting like nothings happening
James: “James Cordon is also in the car but”
I died
edit: everyone in the comments, i’m fully aware as to why she is like this. i know what she has been thru. i’m not clueless.i’m aware she has lupus and had a kidney transplant and her relationships and everything like that and i feel really bad for her and i hope she feels better now.
She’s such a kind and beautiful woman! She doesn’t deserve the hate she gets
I love how Selena is literally performing in the roller coaster and James is yelling his heart out
Let’s be honest, you’ve watched this more than once
She is the kind of person with whom everyone want to be friends with.
The way Selena is sitting in the car, I felt that
Literally nobody
Me : Selena Gomez is the bravest singer in the world
selena is the calmest person ive seen to ride a rolloercoaster and singing she hit those note. lol
Let's appreciate all songs of SELENA GOMEZ!!!she deserved all of that
the fact that selena is chilling in the rollercoaster and james is trying not to die
Only Selena Gomez, One Direction, Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber and Sia's carpool karaoke have 1oo million+ views and only Adele's has 200 million+ views
Literally no one:
Me: watching this for the 10000000000th time
Selena : hey but “look at you now”
Selena 2019: “uh uh uh uh uh Look at her now”
Imagine being in a rollercoaster with Selena Gomez and James Corden
Adele: Hello...
Charlie Puth: We don't Talk anymore.
Justin Bieber: What do you mean?
Selena Gomez: I'm so sick of that same old love.
Justin Bieber: Let me love you.
Ellie Goulding: So love me like you do.
Ariana Grande: Love me harder.
Meghan Trainor: Me too.
Justin Bieber: Love yourself.
Meghan Trainor: No.
Taylor swift: I'm feeling 22.
Demi Lovato: I really don't care.
Selena Gomez: Good for you.
Demi Lovato: I'm having a heart attack.
Selena Gomez: But the heart wants what it wants.
Silento: Watch Me, Watch Me
Ariana Grande: Focus on me!
Taylor Swift: In your wildest dreams.
Ariana Grande: Problem?
Taylor Swift: Cause baby now we got bad blood!
Please guys subscribe me if u want.
If u don't want than have a nice day
Jesus loves you! (John 3:16)
He is coming back! (Matthew 24:42-44)
Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigênito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna.
João 3:16
Caso vocês não conheçam a Deus, venham conhecer! Ele sempre me abençoa, me ajuda, me consola, conforta, encoraja, me dá esperança... Sabe, Deus é Deus! Venham conhecer o amor de Deus!!!
Caso queiram, podem vir, se aproximem, lendo a Bíblia, orando, indo a cultos, cultuando, adorando... Aceitem a Jesus! Sejam batizados!
Mateus 11:28-30 ARC
Vinde a mim, todos os que estais cansados e oprimidos, e eu vos aliviarei. Tomai sobre vós o meu jugo, e aprendei de mim, que sou manso e humilde de coração, e encontrareis descanso para a vossa alma. Porque o meu jugo é suave, e o meu fardo é leve.
Oremos para que a cada dia sejamos pessoas melhores, e saibamos, vale a pena!
E dizia a todos: Se alguém quer vir após mim, negue-se a si mesmo, e tome cada dia a sua cruz, e siga-me.
Lucas 9:23
Seja negando a nós mesmos, mas aceitando a Cristo!
Bom, Ele vem!!! Estejamos nós preparados!
42 Vigiai, pois, porque não sabeis em que dia vem o vosso Senhor;
43 sabei, porém, isto: se o dono da casa soubesse a que vigília da noite havia de vir o ladrão, vigiaria e não deixaria minar a sua casa.
44 Por isso ficai também vós apercebidos; porque numa hora em que não penseis, virá o Filho do homem.
Mateus 24:42-44
Ele vem salvar o seu povo!
E em nenhum outro há salvação, porque também debaixo do céu nenhum outro nome há, dado entre os homens, pelo qual devamos ser salvos.
Atos 4:12
Saibamos e confiamos:
Porque para Deus nada é impossível.
Lucas 1:37
[The Late Late Show with James Corden] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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