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[Youtube Review][PewDiePie] I got RAIDED in Minecraft!!! - Part 8
YouCo 2020. 11. 20. 07:38Playtime Comments : [PewDiePie] I got RAIDED in Minecraft!!! - Part 8
Pewds: I got a dolphin. a few seconds later iT eScApEd!!
Me: Looking at the hole, without water.
Throws away an iron sword
Me:*Intensifying laugh*
16:18 look at the emeralds he hides from us
1:50 lol i DIED
okay malthus
17:30 wow, he came to their village, took their inventory, and imprisoned the villagers....
1:07 what's this volume thing from iphone??
Top Comments : [PewDiePie] I got RAIDED in Minecraft!!! - Part 8
The reason we all unironically enjoy watching this series is because
youre genuinely enjoying yourself :) Keep making yourself happy
defends town anyway
Thor: "Cause that's what heroes do."
Pewds: The child died!
Everyone:He just grew up XD
“If sven dies this play through is over”
Me: sweating
Sweating Intensifies
You cure poison by drinking milk
Like this so pewds see
This was probably the most intense Minecraft video I've ever seen lmao
Microsoft adds diamond dog armor
His inventory filled with trash
"I don't need this"
Throws away iron sword
Im convinced he’s gonna go to the End with an iron sword
Edit: wow i’ve never gotten this many likes before, thanks guys!
Imagen being a baby villager and having to deal with a raid,now THAT is scarier than monsters.
Felix: Puts Dolphin in a dry hole
Dolphin: Dies
Felix: The dolphin was here I swear
Depressed 9 year olds:
Pewds: good morning gamersss!!!!!!!!!
“if this gets a million likes we’re gonna make it minecraft month”
gets over 1.9 million likes
Ender Dragon:
Felix: CaN I PuT u in De BuckEt
Petition to make pewdiepie merch saying “hE hAcKeD yOuR EyEs”
Damn it made my day
Me 2 seconds later :we’ll dad did it soooooooooo
I still don't think he realizes he's making more sheep by feeding them
if these mincecraft videos stop we are going to have a problem Felix
Pewds: Me go adventure with horse
Me: Little did he know..
goes to empty area with no water
“I wonder why the dolphin disappeared?”
Proceeds to show that he never gave it any water
• invite friends
• create world
• gather wood
• make crafting table
• make wood pickaxe
• mine stone
• make stone tools
• find land to build home at
• found place to stay
• start to gather materials for house
• get wool from sheep
• create bed
• go to bed
• wake up
• go explore cave
• mine iron
• make iron tools and armor
• gather coal, gold, lapis, and red stone
• find diamonds
• make diamond tools
• find more diamonds
• make diamond armor
• mine obsidian
• leave cave
• go to bed again
• make nether portal
• go through portal
• gather glow stone and netherack
• fight off ghasts, blazes, zombie pigmen
• explore nether fortress
• gather soul sand
• go home
• go to bed once more
• wake up
• fool around with friends for a little
• tame a dog and cat
• create farms, shops, mine cart tracks
• start to build village
• complete village
• gather materials to make a castle
• spend days or weeks building it
• castle is done
• go to bed again
• wake up
• set off to explore far lands
• explore caves
• loot villages
• gather food and materials
• sun starts to set
• fight off mobs nearby
• head home
• put new materials and loot into a chest
• go to bed again
• wake up
• cook some food to eat
• fool around or troll friends
• go explore more caves
• die a few times and loose your loot
• gather more materials
• go mine some more
• find more ores and gather stone
• go home
• put materials into another chest
• try to go to bed
(You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby)
• kill mobs outside house
• finally go to bed
• wake up
• eat some more and make some more tools
• begin to gather ender pearls from endermen
• gather 12 ender pearls
• craft 12 eyes of ender
• find stronghold
• create the end portal
• jump in
• destroy the end crystals
• slay the ender dragon
• you and your friends celebrate
• get TONS of XP
• watch credits
• back home
• fool around more
• make anything else you want
• keep playing for months
“Hey man, I gotta get off, wanna play more tomorrow after school?”
• embrace all your memories of playing Minecraft
• life goes on
• friends come and go
• get married
• have kids
• tell your kids about Minecraft
• kids get addicted to Minecraft
• play Minecraft with your kids and enjoy your memories
• watch kids grow up and get married
• your kids have children of their own
• your kids tell their children about Minecraft
• they become addicted to it
• life goes on
• you die peacefully on your bed, looking back at your greatest memories.
“If Minecraft taught me anything, it’s to embrace each day and appreciate your life. Take risks and make promises, and forever cherish your life and the things you enjoyed most.”
[PewDiePie] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
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