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[Youtube Review][PewDiePie] I did an Oopsie in Minecraft - Part 21
YouCo 2020. 12. 19. 10:06(Recommended)Popular Videos : [PewDiePie] I did an Oopsie in Minecraft - Part 21
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [PewDiePie] I did an Oopsie in Minecraft - Part 21
Playtime Comments : [PewDiePie] I did an Oopsie in Minecraft - Part 21
Pewdiepie: “I saved your live Sven”
Me: And the series
21:40 : puts fires on jungle and falls big hole
Instant karma
pewds: "you see this ikea bird? staying with me has its privileges"
caption: (flashbacks to all pet deaths)
1:42 I actually thought that you forgot about him.
8:51 "dude your skin must be so wrinkly youve been here so lomg" he says to the skeleton horse with no skin
Top Comments : [PewDiePie] I did an Oopsie in Minecraft - Part 21
Me: * has flashbacks *
Felix:- Ride like a wind peepeepoopoo
Peepeepoopoo:- Moving slower than my internet speed
Pewdiepie: "There will never be another joergen"
Everybody: Laughs in Joergen the 3rd
me: A 18 year old rewatching the series crying when a pet dies
Pewds then: Remember that dinosaur I rode in Minecraft?
Mojang now: New: Jurassic Park pack!
Me: We not gonna talk about the flying dolphin?
Did anyone realize he named the Totem of undying “Baby”
Pewdiepie dealing with his kids in the future:
‘Don’t make me put you in a bucket’
(makes giant meatball on survival)
(makes ikea tower on survival)
(cheats for potatoes)
Everyone :”sweating”
The boys: peepee poopoo and diner bone
Dinner Bone: what skin?
Me Now: He really did love that sheep...
murders them all
pweds: Ya like flowers.
I like how there is a random llama on top of a piston
We all remember what we felt when jeorgen and watersheep died
felix : EAT EAT EAT
Pewds: builds a memorial for jorgen to prove he doesn’t love water sheep more
Literally the next episode: *builds another memorial for water sheep*
Also Felix:*Feeds His Dog With Pork*
Pewds: finds something cool
Pewds: “I can’t wait to show- aw”
Now: WE MUST FIND DINNER BONE, PEE PEE POO POO!!! furiously paddles boat
[PewDiePie] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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