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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] 7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone | Malavika Varadan | TEDxBITSPilaniDubai
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.

When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?

To save your busy time, why don't you check out the fun contents, summary, and empathy comments of popular YouTube videos first and watch YouTube?

(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] 7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone | Malavika Varadan | TEDxBITSPilaniDubai




Summary Comments : [TEDx Talks] 7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone | Malavika Varadan | TEDxBITSPilaniDubai


How to establish connections with people through conversation (not necessarily just with strangers):
1. Dare to begin, dare to say the first words
2. Skip small talks, focus on what's really interesting
3. Draw on the common ground
4. Make genuine unique compliments
5. Get people to share what they think about something, listen to listen
6. Don't multitask, be there, be in the conversation
7. Remember what you two talked about

**1st big takeaway: "people can forget what you say, what you do, but they will never forget how you make them feel"
**2nd big takeaway: look at them in the eye
**3rd big takeaway: every person is a really good book, you just have to figure out which to read next instead of only skimming the titles


1. Just do it
2. Skip small talk, ask personal questions
3. There is no room for negativity, instead find the things in common
4. Give a honest unique compliment
5. Ask for a simple opinion
6. Be present, eye-contact
7. Remember their details (Name/place etc)

I recommend watching through the whole thing, but.

1. First word floodgates (3:33)
"Once you've said the first word, everything just flows."

2. Skip the small talk. (5:20)
Ask personal questions. Be bold, and you might be surprised how much someone might share.
Asking about family might help elicit response.
The lady gives a neat tip, and a neat story at (6:27)

3. Me - too's (7:34)
Don't start with negatives. Start the conversation on the same side.

4. Pay a unique compliment. (8:45)
Someone may forget what you say or how you look, but they would never forget how you made them feel.
There are words and compliments that people are immune to.
Avoid them and pay a genuine, unique compliment.

5. Ask for an opinion. (10:19)
Ask generic questions like "what's your last movie and how did you find it?" instead of "what do you think about how this affects the oil prices?"
That is the difference between generic conversations and exam questions.
And when someone gives you an opinion, really listen; listen to listen, don't listen to reply.

6. Be present. (11:40)
Don't look at your phone etc.
Make eye contact. You literally feel the conversation.

7. Name, place, animal, thing (12:42)
Remember their name. It's really important. Say it back to them. Places they want to go to. Their pets names, their children's names.

I''ll save you 15 minutes.
This is what contained in this video:
1.Say hello,
2.Ask personal questions,
3.Find commonalities,,
4.Give unique compliments,
5.ask for simple opinions,
6.Pay attention(Be in the moment),
7.Remember names.

1. The first-word flood gates
2. Skip the small talk
3. Find me toos
4. Pay a unique compliment
5. Ask for an opinion
6. Be present
7. Name, Place, Animal, Thing



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] 7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone | Malavika Varadan | TEDxBITSPilaniDubai


2:28 background

10:01 what if I say "I love the way you lie"?


2:52 im leaving lady u friend zoned me.



1:42 fact





Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] 7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone | Malavika Varadan | TEDxBITSPilaniDubai

Rule 1: Be attractive
Rule 2: Don't be unattractive


Me: complains of being an introvert in my mind

YouTube recommendation: come check this out



I made eye contact with Ghost Rider and noticed he was more friendly than I am...

This lady is the kind of lady I would love to have a friend.

This is reason why preeti was kabir's girlfriend because he said i love the way you breathe


I like money.

You like money too?

Wow. We have so much in common. We can be friends.


Me trying to make a conversation.
Me: hello
Girl: hi
Me: so how long you been a girl?

"A conversation is an adventure." More like an anxiety-riddled obstacle course.. hence why I am here lol.


You know you're confident when no one laughs at your joke so you do it yourself


Lovely one, this. Don't bother about the comments, her points are true!


I am watching this because I am so bad at conversations that I act cold so people won’t want to talk to me. I do that to avoid awkwardness. I hate awkwardness. It makes me feel intimidated! Ughhh.


I wasn't expecting this comment section to be so dope.


I still don't know what to reply after hmm...?

Her: Skip small talk
Also her: Ask about pets names and places to go in vacation

here's a 100% foolproof convo
starter that i always use:

"do you know bts?"


How is she moving from one side to the other like that without moving her feet?

Edit: She's glowing

how do i proceed after she says "i have a boyfriend" ?

7 ways to make conversation with everyone

Me, an introvert nervous sweating intensifies


I tried first time conversation wth girl

she said: shut up


Tommorow is my exam and i am watchings 7 ways to start a conversation wowwwwwww

sounds like a nazriya nazim

wow man i am watching it 4 years later ..... haha is there someone who are watching it on same date as me


It's surprising how nobody is saying anything about how cute she speaks


Me in convo **
Me: Happy birthday
Someone : Thank you.....
Awkward silence for one year

Back again next year with same topic

She is cute af and i love her energy.

When Her one eye cover with hairs she must be feeling like jack sparrow


I can't even have decent conversation with myself

I was a very social child, I was pretty popular at school too because I could easily hold a conversation with anyone and got along with everyone. As I got older I sort of lost that social ability. I'm not anti social, I can talk to people. Indeed I find it easier talking to strangers than some family members! But I'm working on getting my old social skills back and thankfully I succeeded. How? The only way I can explain it is: Learn not to care, learn not to be nervous, learn not to be afraid of silences and just let conversations flow naturally. Humans are social creatures, just let it come naturally. You are what you imagine yourself to be, so imagine yourself as social and talkative.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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