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Summary Comments : [James Charles] No More Lies
The fact that the people who attacked him actually talked about "acting mature about the situation" when they not only 1. Started rumors about him that obviously weren't true 2. Made a huge NEGATIVE impact in his career even still to this day and 3. Were the ones who acted as the more immature people in comparison to someone who had barely entered adulthood is just so funny.
Playtime Comments : [James Charles] No More Lies
Top Comments : [James Charles] No More Lies
Edit: Wow, I haven’t ever had this many likes on a comment
you never bring up someone’s mom..... you just don’t?!
1. She isnt just saying something to her friends she is ruining a teenagers lively hood.
2. She said that she doesn't want to be associated but then she starts something this big for all of the internet to see you are associating yourself with him. She is to old for all of this and where are those seats sis?! Shes just salty because he got more famous at 19 then she will ever be. Also he may have meant all of these kind things but then you changed. All she shows is her best moments not his nor your bad moments. He also supported you A LOT! On his channel he shouted you out multiple times but the only reason i subscribed to her was because he shouted her out as her close friend and a great makeup artist. CHANGE MAY MIND PLEASE
one year later and i STILL get chills when starts talking about his mom.
“Hey brothers!”
- Jamina Charles, 2019
If she truly cared about James she would not have tried to put shame on his mother. She is a selfish person and I'm glad that James was the better person.
You go gurl!!! You are a good person and you didn't deserve this. Love ya!
Idc that it’s October 2019 now, I just wanted to say it’s sad how quick everyone turned on you. I’m not even faking it when I say that I believed you the whole time, my friends turned on you immediately too so I never really spoke to the much about this drama to them but I’m proud of how maturely you handled this, love you!
Being 19yrs old and had to go through all of this drama, facing millions of people ..Woah thats true nightmare.. You were amazing and i just watched it like 40 minutes relating to my own..sister! You are good ..much love from India ..love your makeup
Just watched this and I felt bad for James. I loved how he handled himself. Love you James and I'm a new sister.
So i know I'm late on this. But i need to speak my mind honestly.. I havent watch shanes video all the way through yet, i wanted to know what all this tea was about first. So i watched Tati's video, then this one. I barely watched her video all the way through. Something didnt add up with how she acted and the allegations she tried to bring foward without ANY proof whatsoever. I was not only bored but felt like she was lying to my face, ive never followed her nor have i even heard of her. But just watching that ONE video i got jealous, angry, and decieving vibes from her. I personally wouldnt trust her ever again if i were you. Now, I havent always liked you James (not to be rude just an opinion from past videos ive watched) but from watching this video, I was able to watch it through the end because i could see and almost feel the truth coming from you. Unlike everyone else, you approached this efficiently, in great detail, with more than enough proof, but you weren't in any way coming after anyone. I now respect you in so many ways, because this shows me your true character. Im truly upset that your closest friends had turned on you so quickly.. And honey, i know EXACTLY how that feels. I may not have been youtube famous millionaire, but I at one point was cyber bullied by people i knew and even people i didnt know. My closest friends treated me like a virus, and i felt that i had no one until i finally just spilled the tea on the one who started it all. I know you will get through this. And whether or not you rekindle your connection with your "friends" or not, just know you are NOT alone sister! I'm sure everything is cleared up now and i hope to the gods that people seek out the truth like you so gracefully presented us. Keep up the good work love!
Me practicing English listening to him talking so fast:
lol why did Jeffrey get involved? he puts his ass in everything
I’m sorry but I never liked Jeffrey
He wasn’t kidding when he said this is the last time he’s talking about it. He’s done and thriving now. BIGGEST UNO REVERSE. PERIOD JAMES
Wow he’s such a well spoken articulate young man.
Everyone re flocking to this after the finale on shanes channel btw
A 40 yr old women dragging a 19 yr old because of vitamin gummies...
Tati's "bye sisters" was basically an ad to her gummies while james didn't even put a damn link in this video's description. I respect him so much.
who’s here in 2020?
When James doesn’t start the video with high sisters
1) Yes, this response is "planned". I said in the first few minutes of the video that I had an outline of points I needed to hit and I practiced my speaking too. Not trying to hide anything, just had a lot of things to get into one video.
2) I started taking screenshots of everything when I was in Australia, but I missed a few, and had take a few when I was back in LA. The time zones are 17 hours apart and I tried to make sure I noted every time there was a change but it looks like I missed a timestamp note in the convo with Sam. None of these screenshots are edited. Why would I risk editing a screenshot when the other party could come forward and prove me wrong? All screenshots are in chronological order.
3) I blink a lot always. This video is no different.
4) This video is not monetized, in fact, it actually got copyright claimed. Some people are seeing an ad for some reason, I'm sorry I'm really not sure why.
I appreciate the comments but I don't need #TeamJames. I want to heal and move on from this situation, and I want everyone else involved to be able to do the same. The internet has seen enough negativity over the past few weeks, let's all be respectful please.
Oh baby, I am so sorry for what you’ve been through. You’re just 20 YEARS OLD and you handled this situation very maturely and even though those two people hurt you so bad I don’t feel there’s hate in your heart, I truly feel you wish things could’ve been just different . I know you won’t see this maybe but if you do, sweetheart you’ll get through this and you’ll find amazing people in your life. This is something you needed to go through to realize how evil, poisoned and BAD people is, specially in the industry you work on so you gotta be careful in identifying who your friends are. Truth shines out itself and God is with you and your family is too, which is the MOST important thing. I hope you are feeling better now:) lots of kisses and a HUGE hug from Nicaragua.
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