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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] 10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] 10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes




Summary Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] 10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes


I believe to have hyperthymesia. I can remember all the way until I was 2. I can remember what I ate and what I did. I can remember some dates and conversations. I can remember what the weather was like . My first memory was when I was 2. It was around the morning time and it was a sunny day. I was inside a crib in my parents bedroom watching Cats Don't Dance on Cartoon network. I was also eating cheese grits. I can also remember all the shows I have seen when I was 2 all the way until I was 8. I can also remember all the movies I have watched when I was 5 all the way until the present day. The first movie I have seen in theaters was Chicken Little. I can remember more than my own family combined. I remember when I was 3, I was at my grandma's house It was around night time. I was watching Charlotte's web 2 in her bedroom. I remember that she had cooked some Ore Ida french fries for me that day. I'm a bit worried because I have no clue whether I have hyperthymesia or not. I mean I have researched about the condition but I'm not not sure.



Playtime Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] 10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes

11:33 I loved when you where having a French accent

Am I the only one

Not even a single Soul


just me ok

3:50 since it sounds like an deltarune reference for me so I’m calling it

jevil syndrome

5:04 that reminds me of ice bear from we bare bears he sleeps in a fridge


11:34 surprised me when the narrator’s accent changed lol aptly so because the superpower was about accents


2:25 i could seriously use this during my period


3:48 this is the point where i looked like uh-oh because i have both of these


4:10 I know someone with that he’s a genius in math he can do anything in under 10 seconds

4:56 so me I like staying cold places and I like touching cold stuff even tho it's super cold... But I don't think i have insensitivity to cold

9:21 surprisingly, if I had 1000000000 legs I would want to have each one of them..



Top Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] 10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes

the people who cant feel pain be like

Killer: Stabs person
Person: Why hello there!
Killer: c o n f u s i o n

I know someone who have savant syndrome, his name is Google, he can litterally answer anything and do anything
edit: most likes ive ever gotten on youtube ngl


Me after hearing that many cases have been in Sweden : I wonder if PewDiePie...


"...could be a real feature of
real x-men"

shows a picture of batman and wonder woman

“The real x-men-“

shows batman and wonder woman-

I have a disease of getting high grades when not studying and low when studying

Hey I met a person having extra fingers and it was somebody u will imagine to be ur friend

These are disorders/conditions not diseases.



Elsa : "I can hear you ;))"

I can make people exit a room at a surprisingly fast rate

My mom was silently listening to this. And at the middle of the video she said.

"The only disease you have is laziness and sometimes stupidity"

Yeah she's really my mom.

Man people with hyperthymesia can easily perfect every exam


First time the title didn’t have the phrase, “Only 1% of people can solve this”

Can you imagine a person with all these diseases at once


Was it only me that got extremely offended when he mentioned X men while showing pictures of wonder woman and Batman?

Imagine if an immortal had hyperthymesia


that woman is totally the opposite of me I'm scared of almost everything lol

Me watching this being pale, Partly allergic to the sun and I have a few pointed teeth, and... I shaved my head!


Other: Hyperthymesia - ability to remember everything.

Savant syndrome - ability to do anything.

Me: Laziness - ability to do nothing.


Boanthropy is a psychological disorder in which the sufferer believes he or she is a cow or ox.

My brother has Asperger and he could solve a three digit number MULTIPLICATION! he is really smart well so am I I just need to study more


It’s funny how he says x-men then shows DC characters

Bright side: these people have amazing superpowers.
Me: wow really
Bright side: yes but acctually no

When you say "Forget about it" Or "Nevermind" to somebody with hyperthymesia

Wish I had hyperthymesia. Would surely have become chess champion and defeated strong chess engines.


Peoples with all the diseases and syndromes ! Should be called

The next avenger ! [Rareman]

Hermine has the memory one because she remembers ALL THE TEXT BOOKS


I know a real hero

My Parents.

The last example definitely hit home with me! Over a decade ago, my husband and I purchased our first home thinking it would be our 5 year home (funny how it's becomes more). We had to upgrade somethings and completely renovated others as well as adding a half bath to our 1920's Craftsman home. I guess that this unfortunate because my husband and I along with some family did all of the work ourselves and we had some "hiccups" while renovating and upgrading our home. My husband and I were working on our first project and I've had numerous experiences working on this type of work and took the lead. I had bent over in our basement and wasn't quite "familiar" with my surroundings. I accidentally hit my head on the electrical box so hard that I was knocked out. It definitely wasn't my first concussion or last BUT it was the 1ST one that changed the cadence of my voice and my accent which became British though I've never traveled or knew anyone there. Let's just say family, friends, and students thought it was pretty cool. It took over six months until my cadence and accent started to slowly get back to "my" normal speech/ dialect! The body and brain are absolutely amazingly complex and weird!!



[BRIGHT SIDE] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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