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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Netflix] To The Bone | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Netflix] To The Bone | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix




Playtime Comments : [Netflix] To The Bone | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix


0:44 The homeless guy offered her his food LMAOOOO


the line @1:00 gives me hope for this movie: "I'm not gonna lie, I'm really fucking hungry". it's the truest line about recovery I've heard in any form of mainstream media.

1:46 looks like he's about to face agent Smith :D


am i the only one that thinks lily collins looks and sounds exactly like spencer from pretty little liars at 1:19 ?



Top Comments : [Netflix] To The Bone | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix

Damn Netflix is killing it lately with their originals. and by lately I mean since forever.


You know what I hate about people hating this movie? If no one talks about it, is wrong. If someone wants to talk about it, is wrong. Netflix is just showing that not all stories are about happy people, with happy life. This is so important, especially for moms who doesn't know that their child is suffering of this mental illness, they'll see how they actually act and will be able to tell if they're in anorexia or not. And give them the help they need. No matter how Netflix decides to tell the story, is great that finally there is someone (with big influence in ALL the society) talking about it.

"People say they love you. But what they mean is they love how loving you makes them feel about themselves." Wow powerful...


"people say they love you but they love how loving you makes them feel about themselves."


Woah Keanu is such a babe


Anyone else think Lily Collins is absolutely beautiful?


I'm a recovering anorexic and I'm hoping that this movie doesn't end up like another thirteen reasons why and becomes more of an inspirations for others working to recover

Who else realized that the girl on the cover of the video is Rosie in the film Love Rosie?

Keanu Reeves being wholesome before the memes took over

"They're romanticizing eating disorders!" No, they're starting a conversation that most people are afraid to start.


From somebody in recovery, THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING. It's real. It doesn't glorify ED. It is inclusive. It's amazing. Recovery is YOUR CHOICE

i was anorexic. i lost a lot of weight and was so unhappy. my bones protruded again my skin, i was always cold, i fainted nearly every time i stood up, i would go days on only water and gum, the bags under my eyes were deep purple against my pale face. i was dying.

but then i ate. and i ate. and i ate. and it was hard and i would relapse and i would cry and hit myself and scream and i hated myself more than i ever had because i still had the mind of an anorexic but the body of a healthy teenager.

but slowly, my mind got better too. i became happy and healthy and good. i am now back to my starting weight and im happier and more confident than ive ever been.

if anyone is struggling out there, just please know that it gets better. maybe not now, or tomorrow, or even in a week. but one day, you’ll be reading a book or in school or trying to fall asleep or on a morning jog and you’ll smile because you’ll suddenly realise that you did it. you recovered. i believe in you<3

I have to say, I watched this earlier, and I really felt connected to the characters. Not because I've ever been there but because of the sincerity in the performances. I also found it really refreshing to see that they were giving us a movie that, IMO, was more about Ellen's journey to the moment she realized she wanted to live than the actual disease itself.

I like that they found an actress who has struggled with an eating disorder. Lily wouldn't be a part of something that glamorizes her previous pain.

"It's like you have calories Asperger's" This made me laugh so much as an aspie

I loved this movie. Very well done. In the end, the main character is slapped with reality and sees herself through different eyes, the eyes of a healthy person. I can relate to it so much.

If a movies shows a fight scene does that glorify violence? If a movie shows a rape scene does that glorify rape? If anything it shows how horrible that shit is and makes people stay away from it.

Why do people just find something to complain about all the damn time?!


So No one in the comments is gonna acknowledge that Keanu Reeves is in the movie.


Just finished watching this movie. I wish I had watched it sooner, it was so amazing. Growing up my sister struggled with anorexia and I remember her looking like this. In the group therapy scene, when Ellen’s sister was talking about how she felt I lost it. To me this movie is really accurate of what anorexia is like. It made me think of my sister and how happy I am that she’s alive.

This movie is so fucking emotional omg but it's so good pls watch


Netflix doesn't romanticize this stuff, people on the internet romanticize this stuff.

I totally thought the bottle scene was going to be extremely weird but I actually cried like a baby!! It just worked... I'm glad they're trying to bring awareness to this issue. I hope it saves some girls from the hell that is the eating disorder life


Every time Netflix makes a movie about something real, the internet loses it's shit and shouts that they're triggering someone or glorifying something. It's called censorship and we're gonna be fighting it until the end of time.


" People say they love you , but what they mean is they love how loving you makes them feel about themselves "


it’s pretty interesting how i watched this movie before i knew i had a eating disorder (anorexia) and i was like, wow this was a really good movie and i learned a lot... i hope i never have a eating disorder.... 2 years later, I’m now diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, and ironically now i’m watching this film again to gain inspiration due to me being severely depressed (due to COVID-19). Wish me luck on my recovery journey! :$


i watched it and this trailer kinda sucked but the actual movie was so great

I overcome anorexia 2 years ago It was the darkestplace I ever was, I was dying and I didn`t realized it. This is so important and I`m truly happy and grateful that this movie shows this perspective of that illness!

The movie was good but I needed more ending!!!


I hate when people say something about a film or tv show and they havent even seen it people always find something to bitch about!!! she went through it and shes shedding a light on it so people can understand!!!

This is a movie about recovery and it was made to raise awareness. This is not a movie about romanticizing Ana, case closed. YOU are viewing it this way. Instead, try viewing it for what it is. A movie that is TRYING to raise awareness for the ED that affects thousands. Grow up, once you see a male and female together in a movie you always want them to end up as a couple instead of as friends.

I don't understand why people think Netflix tries to romanticize shit like this. I think Netflix is trying to bring awareness to teens about touchy subjects such as suicide and anorexia. When I watched 13 reasons why it didn't make me think suicide was great or anything. it made me think quite the opposite actually. I'm 15 and I think shows like these are needed. it brings awareness to mental health in the teenage community

Not only is John wick a badass. he is also a therapist


Oh my God
It's Keanu Reeves


One of my uncles suffered from anorexia. He had always been thin, but after my grandmother died, he stopped eating. The whole family would try everything to get him to eat, and he flatly refused. Finally, one time, part of my family traveled to Mexico. We went into this restaurant where they bring you these huge sizzling grills of steak fajitas with vegetables. No one has their own plate. No one is keeping track of how much everyone is eating. You just grabbed a tortilla, and made your own taco and ate it. Add lemon, salsa and guacamole and eat it. Well, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that my uncle was also eating! He was laughing, talking and eating! He was cured. He is still pretty thin, but he does eat more. My mom cooks for him often.

"Movies and TV shows like 13 Reasons Why and To the Bone are glamorizing the issue" Bullshit. If people have been affected by specific struggles, a movie or a book about that specific struggle will always bring a part of the viewers past back up. That is completely normal and as someone who has suffered from many mental illnesses in the past, you simply are aware that movies like these could trigger something in you. That's simply a part of recovery and that doesn't make a movie shitty and it sure as hell isn't the fault of the actors and producers. "It's romanticizing the issue" there will always be stupid, young kids who will look at something dangerous and glamorize it for their tumblr blog. It's always been that way and it's not the movie's fault. I'm really sick of people jumping on the "it's glamorizing" train. Everyone always wanted movies that bring awareness. Now you have them and everyone's bitching around? The problem isn't the movie. The problem is your way of thinking, my friend.


Alright, I just have to say something. The internet is blowing up on how "netflix is glorifying anerexia" and "what are we teaching our children", blah, blah, blah, blah. I see nothing wrong with this movie. It is telling a story on the struggles of what anorexia can do to a person and how to go about helping someone who is struggling with this issue. I see this as raising awareness not glorifying anorexia. I do not hear the internet blowing up about how "Snowflake" (new tv series) is glorifying that smoking marijuana and selling it is cool or how killing someone who makes you mad is okay. Why is there no uproar or protest about these kinds of shows and movies?



[Netflix] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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