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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenville
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenville



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenville


Start at 6:22 to have a head start with the concept of "Intermittent Fasting".

I eat breakfast every day.

At 1:00pm


I only eat between 5:00 pm-9:00 pm on weekdays and I've lost 7 lbs in the last 3 weeks I eat whatever I want.

The actual topic starts at 5:50

6:48 _ i can't find a definition for the word "exteed" , am i spelling it wrong or did she mean exceed or something else?

Psalms 109:24
My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh faileth of fatness.



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenville

Now i can justify sleeping 16 hours a day


You mention that the fasting is FREE...
I would like to take it a step further, and say it may PAY you back! You could SAVE money by fasting.

She’s thin because she doesn’t stand still.


After this video I started intermittent fasting and in less than 4 weeks lost 7kg in weight thank you x


I’ve been intermittent fasting and 72 hr fasts Thursday night through Sunday night’s for 2 weeks with no breads sugars or soda. I dropped two pant sizes

She's so inspiring ! I'm glad I watched this before turning 70!


Fasting is tremendous for mental clarity, higher focus and positive mood.


ive been intermittent fasting without even noticing. thanks corona.

Well, all of this could be applied to men too.

I used to weigh over 400 pounds. In a little over a year I have been able to to lose over 100 pounds over the last year. I did this by intermittent fasting and switched to a WFPB (Whole Foods Plant-Based) lifestyle. No exercise, no counting calories. I am disabled so I couldn't exercise. But now with the weight loss, I can exercise. Exercise is a necessary key component for me now. I got down below 300 pounds and suddenly my weight loss stalled. So now I do DDP YOGA and use a stationary exercise bike. The adventure continues.


This changed my life. I fasted for 16 hours every day and timed it for a week. My energy levels are amazing, my body composition became better, my digestion improved, i save money and food since i only cook when i eat once or twice per day... I am so impressed.


I stumbled upon IF. After retiring I've been sleeping in till late morning and have breakfast around 11 or 12. Usually coffee and toast with peanut butter. I then eat a normal dinner at a normal time and then I am full and done for the day. I started losing weight (I was pretty overweight) and worried i had cancer or something because I kept losing weight. One day while watching a daytime TV show with a guest nutritionist who was touting IF, I realized that's what I was doing. I had lost 34 pounds and it wasn't cancer! I have been able to keep the weight off during this time of quarantine while everyone else is gaining. It is the easiest "diet" I have ever done. It's not really a diet.


My intermittent fasting consists of eating between 12pm and 4pm and fasting the rest of time. I have been doing this for over eight months and I feel as good as I can be at my age (I will be 77 in a few days!) I am extremely poor, so I can't afford the best quality salmon, and most of my vegetables, avocados, and nuts are not organic, but I eat as healthy as my budget allows. Sometimes what you don't eat is just as important as what you eat. Avoid processed and sugary foods, avoid restaurants (I can't afford them anyway!), make everything from scratch, chew your food well, etc. Hope it helps!


"Breakfast being the most important meal of the day is wrong"

Random guy: "aw"

I've been in Chronic pain for 18 years. Was on 150 mcg's of Fentanyl for 7 years until it almost killed me... I have been trying this 12 hr fasting and it works. Been Opioid free for 9 years. The right food decreases pain by 80%... taught this old dog a new trick for sure.


I’ve been skipping breakfast for years. I’m the only person in my whole family who isn’t obese. It works.


Guys, she said free, simple and flexible yet all the comments about what is the best time to eat and fast. Set your own schedule. Period. Also tea and coffee and water is okay as long as you don't add sugar or cream. Most doctors advocating IF say that keep a drink under 50 calories and you will not break your fast. Pretty sure I will get a ton of comments about this last line!! Keep it S.I.M.P.L.E. but start NOW.

Breakfast is the first meal you take when you Break your Fast....but nobody said it had to be in the morning


Lost 39 pounds last year fasting. It was effortless. Back on the bandwagon to lose another 30 pounds. Wish me luck !


unintentionaly, the exact thing i believed i was doing wrong, was exactly the most appropriate thing to do, i usualy stay without food for extended periods, and have my meals randomly and when absolutely, necesary, so i was kind of always fasting, which is why my body was always resting.


My intermittent fasting is waking up too late and not having time to eat breakfast.

I’ve been intermittent fasting officially since the beginning of the year, but working at a children’s theatre required me to skip breakfast anyway was def the start to my fasting it wasn’t until I realized I would eat around 2p that I looked into intermittent fasting. Totally helps me regulate my weight and promote muscle gain.


I just did my first month of 20:4 and I lost 8lbs - the month isn’t even over. I didn’t lose a single pound on calorie restriction for five weeks.


What she's suggesting here, is intermittent fasting and a "soft Keto-diet". VERY good advice!!


I gained 5 pounds in 14 days because quarantine...


This works. Hard at first but you get used to it. Now I wake up not even hungry. Give it two weeks, you'll see.

I was 205 lbs when I started it in april now we are in august and I weight 155 lb.. it's really the best solution

I love the line that women do not have to gain weight as they age!

Intermittent fasting broke my weight loss plateau, I went down 8 lbs in 2 weeks

As a 62 year old woman, I was exercising at a gym 5/6 days a week... eating low carb... lost some weight. Added the fast... doubled my weight lost, muscle increase, great mood, increased energy and I was never hungry!!! THIS WORKS!!!

Today is everything about feelings. Mouth pleasure. Instant gratification. Constantly rewarding themselves with food for doing nothing. I watch these on my nephews eating oreos every morning and sugar snacking/craving all day long. Many people don’t believe or understand that food
affects your cognitive function and behavior. Its just Oblivionland 24/7.


Nothing, absolutely nothing, has worked so well for me! I highly recommend it, I went from a size 14/16 to a size 8/10, my brain was functioning so amazingly and I was happy everyday day. I paired it up with daily yoga, breathing exercises, meditation, healthy eating (avocados, sourdough bread, smoothies and loads of nuts...). I do have to say, it is a lot easier to pick up this habit if you live on your own, if you have people at home with you that aren't taking this on it's gonna be a bit of a challenge, so good luck! I'm gonna start doing it again.


I m on my 2nd week of fasting, I m using an app just to remind me when I can/can’t eat. I chose a plan with different daily fasting time, so I don’t feel bored of having same eat time every day. I’m really really happy of it, it s really simple and also flexible, I m not worried about kcal, I only try to eat simple and basic food. The only “problem” to me, maybe someone had the same, is that I feel colder than usually. Btw it s the only way to eat that works for me. I agree that it s easier if you live alone.

Hi everyone, I am now on my 5th week of Intermittent fasting and have lost 10kg which I'm really pleased with.
I have been a food junkie for many years, I honestly thought I would never be able to do it as my greed for food was insatiable. I would look forward to my next meal even while eating a large meal, snacked in-between with biscuits , chocolate etc.

I have now upped my exercise by walking around 10k steps, light weights I do at home too.

It's a great fast and trust me if I can do it, anyone can.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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