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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The power of introverts | Susan Cain
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The power of introverts | Susan Cain


Summary Comments : [TED] The power of introverts | Susan Cain


MOST Introverts:
1. Wait for people to make friends with them
2. Can be loud and energetic but only with close friends/ family
3. Don't like to open up
4. waits in silence for someone to start the conversation
5. Gets super energetic when discussing topics that they have a strong opinion about
6. Thinks Shhhhhhhh I'm reading but doesn't actually say it
7. Likes someone but doesn't confess
8. Likes being in the company of people but not essentially talking or socialising
9. Sarcasm & witty remarks (speaking to self)
10. Hates showing feelings
11. (new one XD) says hi multiple times but no one responds/notices
^^^Disclaimer:Okay, so this one miiiiight just be me, and not all introverts.
12. (creds Cosmic Gaming) Not wanting to go first because you're afraid of how people will react



Playtime Comments : [TED] The power of introverts | Susan Cain

I know for sure that in the future some of US will become amazing great leaders that will truly change the world for good.
I know for a fact that WE will be the reason that many problems will be solved, that cant be solved.
I know that YOU reading this right now are the purpose to change this world.

V.A.S.G. 12-5-2020, 4:23 AM
´Peace Away´

8:33 Solitude is a crucial ingredient often to creativity.


*looks around*

Oh right lol, I’m alone.....



Top Comments : [TED] The power of introverts | Susan Cain

This video is an answer to all the teachers who said..'your daughter doesn't participates in the class'

update: I graduated high school and I'm apparently studying French that I love, and I found out that I participate way more in my French classes than I ever have. I think it has to do with my love and interest towards the language. Find what you love and you'll see yourself change xx

Sometimes I try to get into the conversation but the people around don’t respond to what I say so I just

I hate when people think I dislike them or that I'm being rude when I'm quiet or I don't want to be a part of something

I think introverts have more sense of humour and Charismatic personality. Also they are great thinkers

(It's my opinion)

Proud to be introvert.


Sometimes those who don't socialize much aren't actually anti-social they just have no tolerance for drama & fake people.

"there's no such thing as a pure introvert'

*me, who scored a 0% extraversion/100% introversion at the 16personalities test * "observe"


"Stop the madness for constant group work".... Online College makes me dread Team Projects. Love working with industrious people. I would love to be the weakest link because I know I will work to be better. Team assignments are the vain of my college journey.. Why? You asked.. Because you cannot strangle or yell at Social Loafers


You have no idea how many times I (mentally) shouted "EXACTLY!" at my screen while watching this.............

Bro being called boring is so hurtful, just cos you dont talk a lot


I count the times she does that introvert thing where we laugh after saying something that makes us want to die inside

Old introverts read books
New introverts watch YouTube videos for knowledge.


Introverts, rise up. We're finally valid


I can see that she's really an introvert, I talk so fast as well especially when I'm excited to share something


Problem introverts have with society..
Society : be who you are. Do whatever you think makes you happy.
Introvert : sure.
Society : no, not that way. Like this. It's only like this.

99% of these comments made by us introverts are things we most likely wouldn’t say out loud.

It seems like unless you’re an introvert you don’t really understand the introverted mindset. But introverts can often generally understand the extroverted mindset. I think this is because extroversion is so much more “aggressive” of a mindset that it’s harder to imagine not having such “chaotic” feelings and experiences. Where as because introverts tend to be more reserved and they often don’t spend as much time socializing it leaves more time to be inside their own head and analyze everything. As just about as extreme of an introvert as you can imagine I analyze (and over analyze) everything. I try to imagine almost every plausible outcome before making decisions. It goes something like this

“ should I wear the black shirt or the white shirt?”

“ well the white shirt is going to get dirty much quicker but I like it more”

“on the other hand I’m going to be walking around at night so it will be harder to see me in the black shirt”

“the black shirt does looks better with the rest of my outfit though so maybe that one”.

That’s just the first example that came to mind, that exact situation has never happened to me.

At the same time though I love being inside my own head so much because it allows me to just zone out and be creative. I can physically see the images in my mind before I create them.

when people wonder why I am so quiet I say "I learn more by listening than by talking"

It's ironic how I all of a sudden become an extrovert when i'm around other introverts

Am I the only who is an opinionated person but doesn't really voice out their opinions because I'm afraid that I won't get to explain my side clearly and that no one would really care about what I'm talking about because I'm that one quiet person in the group who everyone doesn't give a care about.....


Me: Hello
Everybody (after a while): you haven't even spoken a single word


Fricking teachers bring down my grades because "I don't talk enough", apparently meaning that if I don't talk, I don't know anything. lol


As an introvert, I feel so appreciated right now

Well, this is something to show to my mom whenever she asks me to be more “social”


There is no pure introvert or pure extrovert…
Each side has its own advantages surely.
We just need to balance them.

I hate it when some people ask me “can you speak” or “say hello, I’ve never heard you speak”
Like maybe I just don’t wanna talk to you.


“ Why are you so quiet? “
“ well murderers don’t plan their killings out loud, right? “

Perhaps the issue with we introverts is that we often get mistaken as unassertive or inferior only to risk being labeled passive-aggressive when we finally choose to speak our mind


thank God that there's more than 10M people introvert like me. I realised that I'm not alone.

"What's wrong, why are you upset, why aren't you talking"

Me just trying to vibe

This girl sounds like Phoebe off of friends whooaaa


she seems like Pheobe Buffay, in a really sweet way


Being Introvert and Being Creative are two different things. Pls don't feel pity on yourself as we all are humans and not just one "VERT" category.
Also i am not an fully extrovert.


"wHy ArE yOu So QuIeT?" i don't know man , why you never shut up ?

I cried. It reminds me of those time when I'll get assigned as the leader of those group works and and sometimes I just can't help complain. Why can't we just do it individually? I mean, why can't I just do it individually? I prefer for it to be that way. But my teachers and classmates would think otherwise. It's like they're judging me for what I feel and believe. It's like they're shouting DON'T BE SUCH A SELFISH BI*CH! CAN'T YOU JUST WORK IT WITH US? WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SELFISH? DO YOU HATE US? DID WE DO SOMETHING TO YOU? TO OFFEND YOU?
And I would be like "No, it's just that I pre- you know what? Let's just meet up after school for this" Why do I have to be the one who always surrender? Why can't teacher, parents, principals, other people understand that. If you're an introvert reading this, I guess you know very well what I'm trying to say. It's just frustrating you know? To be like you're an alien to your own family and friends. Hope some introverts out there aren't alone. Peace out


This lady when she was talking about like the schools now on how they put us in pods and group work etc i felt that you see I'm young (I'm not going to say how old) and during my semesters last year and this year i became a problem for them since i am an introvert and i prefer being alone i try to work in a group but it doesn't work out for me and i tried telling them several times that i do my best when I'm alone but they just won't listen to the point where they were going to send me to someone because they thought something was wrong with me when I'm just an anti-social introvert that likes to work alone


Everything she said is very true, particularly the part about GROUP PROJECTS. They are the bane of my existence. I am a student (and introvert), and there have been countless times where I stayed up until 4 ante meridian working on some project that the others were too talkative and lacked the common sense to help me. Because I take an extra class in the morning, I have to wake up at 6, so on these nights (mornings??) I only get 2 hours of sleep. Also, it should be noted that I’m a perfectionist, so when I turn in a project, I always get a 100. Guess who else always does.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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