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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [America's Got Talent] War Hero Brings The Crowd To Tears With His Song and Story - AGT Season 7 Tim Poe Audition
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [America's Got Talent] War Hero Brings The Crowd To Tears With His Song and Story - AGT Season 7 Tim Poe Audition



Playtime Comments : [America's Got Talent] War Hero Brings The Crowd To Tears With His Song and Story - AGT Season 7 Tim Poe Audition


like how his stutter disappeared 1:24



Top Comments : [America's Got Talent] War Hero Brings The Crowd To Tears With His Song and Story - AGT Season 7 Tim Poe Audition

Too bad he felt he had to lie to get thru. He was exposed as a fraud

Just scrolling through and found you. Had the deepest feeling of prayer and healing for you. Totally mesmerized by your performance and strength. My son was also injured out there. What you have given will never be forgotten but your future is already defined with your wonderful talent to reach to us all. Thank you buddy.

he lied about it go look it up on abc news ..he lied about his whole story

sometimes when we experience someone like this who attempts to manipulate others to gain "popularity" or "success" we might wonder what fate could be adequate to punish them. In reality they have to suffer the worst of all fates. They have to be this person.


This man has a beautiful voice!!!!!


I hate when people do stolen Valor that shot pissed me off

im from Scotland but your heoism is is truly outstand god bless you sir




Interesting how he doesn't stutter when he sings, Mel Tillis was like that

God Bless our military

salute to every soldier , who die for their country....


Just telling anyone who doesn't know, it turns out he was lying about being in the military. He never got injured in battle.


Stay strong guy for your family God bless you all.


Absolutely awesome!!May GOD BLESS YOU BROTHER.


Thank you for your service! God bless you! You have a great voice- keep playing and singing!


If someone keeps looking away while telling something it's a major sign they're lying

so you guys know, if you have a stutter when you talk, it goes away ehrn you sing. i had a friend who stuttered bad, but it went away when he sang

God Bless You My Friend & Your Family And Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart For Serving Our Country & Protecting All Of Us Americans!!!

wow, im a big many brute...this made my cry a bit.


I stutter to and him having the encouragement to be in front of an audience is just outstanding


Such a wonderful man...ty sir for being so brave and protecting all of us!!


Stolen valor is terrible and he should be so ashamed for making up a story like that.


honorable people have fought and still fight for our country to this day. lying about something like this while family members and friends die, fighting for the freedom of the united states makes me sad.

he should of said he slipped in the shower instead of stealing vaylor


This video should deleted or at least the title changed


I just found out he freakin lied

Thank you for your service, sir. G-d bless you and your family! May Yeshua heal you and watch over your!


Who's cutting onions?

yes, salute, however, a few more than 3 or 4 lines would have been nice

brandon. Sorry did not know that! He should be ashamed of himself. It is a disrespect to those who have served!

Most Importantly 'Thank You for your unselfish Commitment to Serve And Protect Our Country.
You Are A Great Man, Shuddering, No Shuddering who cares. You Found an outlet which is very inspiring.Thank You


my bf served in Iraq and he was seriously injured. He has a prostethic hip and a prostethic collar bone titanium now. He is an incredible man who taught himself to walk again, never accept the destiny of being paralyzed veteran! he is an incredible and invincible man! His father served in the Vietnam War, Father and son are of great lives!


thank you for serving


You're one outstanding Man!!! God Bless you!!! Thank You Sir!!!!

You're the real gentle man..Greetings from PNG.(Christine Kunz)

God Bless you , thank you for your services!!!!! Sir!

Absolutely awesome!!

military records, Poe served with the Minnesota Army National Guard from December 2002 through May 2011, working as a supply specialist. Records show he was deployed in Kosovo from Oct. 10, 2007 to July 15, 2008, and then served in Afghanistan for about a month in 2009. "Sgt. Poe's official military records do not indicate that he was injured by a grenade in combat while serving in Afghanistan in 2009, as he reports," Lt. Col. Kevin Olson, a spokesman for the Minnesota National Guard,
This was taken from this page,it is a statement from the National Guard,Lt. Col. Olson.Now I cannot believe that anyone would stoop so low to get on this show and stand on stage and then insult every MILITARY person not only in the US Military but the WHOLE WESTERN WORLD Military by making up a sob story to get the sympathy vote,it is beneath contempt.


SALUTE Thank you for the Gift of my Freedom. Thank you is such a paltry word for the gratitude I feel deep in my heart. You see, My Father is a 3 Tour Vietnam Vet with four Purple Hearts and had Agent Orange dumped on him and his whole Platoon. I suffer from PTSD and have a Closed Head TBI myself. I am losing my Vision and Hearing as a result of the dump truck wreck and the years of abuse and neglect as a result of my own father's war. But I am so very appreciative and I have grown strong and braver as a result. I get it. Thank You and Sir, Welcome Home {{{hugz}}. You picked the perfect song and you slammed it so well I am in tears! You did a beautiful job.



[America's Got Talent] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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