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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The 1995 Hubble photo that changed astronomy


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The 1995 Hubble photo that changed astronomy




Playtime Comments : [Vox] The 1995 Hubble photo that changed astronomy

1:51 wtf John Lennon doing there


1:31 one of the earliest memes

1:50 What's John Lennon doing there.


3:32 doesn't that 2 seconds blow your mind

I’m pretty sure that’s John Lennon at 1:50


1:49 I don't know why but I always get a laugh watching nerds (very smart ones) celebrating.

0:06 even crazier space dust!


Let's see "jonny carson" build a space telescope with no errors on his own and see what happens.

2:17 gravity falls flashbacks intensifies


1:50 who knew John Lennon was working for the Hubble Space Telescope even though he was fatally shot 10 years prior



Top Comments : [Vox] The 1995 Hubble photo that changed astronomy


We love you Joss Fong <3


Every time i see the Deep Field picture it makes me realize how absolutely insanely massive the universe is.


Makes me want to play Space Engine.

I don't understand how some people don't want to be bothered with learning any of the fields of science. I wish I could go back to when I was younger so I could've paid more attention during science class. I kick myself in the ass all the time thinking about what could've been had I just paid attention.


1:51 - John Lennon at 6 O’clock ..

Seeing these comments has convinced me that nobody has ever seen John Lennon before


Still my Favorite image, It says it all! You can't Fathom how far those galaxies are...Truly Amazing


Just imagine what the JWT will capture when it eventually launches.

So amazing and revolutionary. I wish the future could be just like this.


This was great and very interesting. Good job!


Nothing has moved me more than that image. As a kid, I was always looking up at the night sky, pondering its awesomeness. In 1996, when I first saw the deep field, I was overwhelmed by the time that we could view. That those little light particles landed on Hubble to reveal so much of what our universe is, was massive. To this day, I contemplate that image on a regular basis.

I'd love to see the James Webb telescope do its own version of the Hubble Deep Field when it finally launches


What’s amazing is less than 100 years ago we didn’t even know there were other galaxies!


They were outraged over 2 billion while they signed on the Iraq war, which will cost trillions if you count all the misc. costs for the next decade or so as well, in a hurry and still stand by it!

The most important photo ever taken by man. Had an AHA moment first time i ever saw it that we're definitely not alone in the universe. Always set this as my background image for my computers and cell phones.

I had that photo as the background on my computer for years


2076 - The James Webb Space Telescope image that changed history: “We’re sorry. The image you’re looking for does not exist. We encourage you to watch another, ‘It will be so amazing when the JWST is finally in action,’ YouTube video.”

Nice clip. The universe is mind boggling! Thanks.

Just imagine this. We look at a planet that has advanced life but we do not know because it is a million light years away and the life only formed 10000 years ago.


It depresses me that I won't get to see human beings travel to another Galaxy.
I can't die, I need to see it happen


Is it me or is Vox's videos amazingly well done? I seriously can't stop watching them.

Every time id see that photo on the internet I'd remember the fact that it takes almost 4gb to load. That even if you zoom at the darkest part of that photo, you'll still see galaxies, and then more galaxies. Great photo


The most beautiful photo ever taken in history.


I like how "maybe it was just some weird spot of space" was a valid theory.


subscribed! good job


Looking at photos like this one makes me feel like humanity is so useless

Anyone interested in this story, the Hubble telescope, or space travel in general would do well to look up a copy of IMAX Hubble, an imax film shot mostly by the astronauts on the first mission to fix the telescope after it went up. It's narrated by Leonardo Dicaprio. It's a really, really incredible film that changed the way I looked at outer space.

Learning about space makes me want to explore it once I’m dead. Like a spirit in sandbox mode without creative permissions.

Seems like last year, thanks for this I remember this


I swear VOX is the best channel in YouTube
Love from Philippines



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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