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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper




Summary Comments : [TED] I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper

I love the 4
1. Don't assume bad intent
2. Ask questions
3. Stay calm
4. Finally, Make the argument



Playtime Comments : [TED] I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper

3:40 exactly like the Catholics forced upon me. “Love they neighbor, unless their ___________ *gay, black, Jew, liberal,..,” on and on. Sickening and complete brainwashing and I will never forgive them for doing that to me.

John 15:12 “love each other as I have loved you”


what she is saying here is so true.

7:00 on up couldn't relate to 2020 even more



Top Comments : [TED] I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper

i really don’t understand people who can’t forgive her. imagine being raised in that type of environment. all you’ve ever known from the moment you were born is to hate. imagine having no control over that and letting your parents shape you with their beliefs and not allowing you to form your own. the fact that she was even able to leave is astonishing to me. i know for a fact that i would not be able to muster up the strength to leave my family no matter what, but she did. and that speaks volumes about her character.

“we are all a product of our upbringing and our beliefs reflect our experiences”

I just wish Megan (and others) would credit Louis Theroux more. He played a significant role in the sisters leaving, through his subtle but clever questioning, more than they or most people realise.

He was an outsider who came into their lives inadvertantly acting like a counsellor, gently peeling away the conditioning and helping them reframe their ideology. He is a remarkable approachable and skilled journslist.

This comment section is so damn calm and "proffesional" Im proud of you guys.

This lady has an amazing voice.


This is peak character development if I’ve ever seen it.

This woman seriously needs to narrate audio books.

I wonder if her mom has ever watched this talk in secret because she secretly misses her.


It's allways those kind of people having eleven children

Good for her getting out. Hope her TEN siblings can do the same

I saw this a year or two ago and mention it at least every other month in conversation. This hits the nail on the freaking head.

As someone who is both gay and a veteran, I HATED this woman with a passion. However, hearing her here I am so proud of her and thank God that her soul seems to be saved. She has my support and my thanks.

I'm shocked, some constructive dialogue occurred on twitter!


The 1k dislikes are from the Westboro Bastist Church

Giving a five year old an inflammatory sign they can't read/ understand is sickening.


As a Catholic and Christian in general:
If you hate someone because of your faith, you're doing it wrong.


“We write off half the country as out-of-touch liberal elites or racist misogynist bullies. No nuance, no complexity, no humanity. “

It is never too late for someone to change just because somebody’s stumbles and falls does not mean they lost forever


THIS is what being "saved" really means.

This video is what we really need right now.


As a gay person, I forgive her


children should not be used by adults as pawns in any form of protesting

How can Christians hate Jews???? Jesus was literally Jewish


She came to my religious school . I got to meet her and honestly she was the kindest woman ever


This is one of the very best talks on TED, and I think everyone who uses the internet, everyone who wants to be a politician, teacher, counsellor, parent, law officer or government official should watch it from time to time. If the majority of people observed her four points - this would be a VERY different world.


I remember seeing Megan and the other young kids protesting and just feeling sad they were brought up in that manner . I'm beyond happy several of them got out. The wbc way is NO way to live...

"We need to talk and listen to those we disagree with." So true.

I've said "If we listened to understand instead of to reply, the world would be such a different place."


She chose the right path.

When humans begin to truly connect, the the thorns of indoctrination begin to wither away.

She left a cult. That takes an amazing amount of emotional willpower. I would like to think I would make the same decisions as her, had I been born into a similar situation, but who knows?

I’m a veteran. I saw you hold a sign that said “thank god for dead soldiers” and “thank god for IEDs”. I can’t explain how I felt when your church walked on the flag that my friends had on their coffins.

Thank you for saying this.

I forgive you. I will try to be more compassionate to people, like you, who are brought up in bad situations and show them love and respect.


Making KIDS protest is sick!

Its almost like brainwashing

I don't blame her at all, she was indoctrinated into a cult at birth, I'm so glad she broke away


I can only imagine what she had gone through, and how she felt. She has come so far. I wish her all the best for the future.


Her grandfather was the founder of Westboro Baptist, and her mother is the face of it. The extreme courage it took Megan to leave that disgusting place is crazy. The bravery of Megan is so astounding, and her open-mindedness is beautiful.


EDIT: hi reader! 2020 Me here, coming back to visit this comment that 2018 Me published. If you're about to read the replies, please heed caution, as some of them are very rude and ignorant. Some people do not realize that a person leaving all they know behind to stand up for what's right and to pursue a more loving, open, and intelligent life path, at the expense of losing all of their family, friends, and possibly causing harm to themselves if people from their past want revenge, truly is a form of bravery.

2020 Me still agrees with 2018 Me on this specific lesson--- that people CAN change, but admitting you were taught/believed wrongly, and abandoning your old life is difficult , yet doing it makes you not only brave, but also humble.

Have a good day :)


I’m gay and can recall the overwhelming anger and sadness I struggled with every time I heard about this woman’s hateful, homophobic family. But I’m also someone who struggles with lingering psychological trauma from childhood abuse caused by my family. In that sense, I relate to this woman. Because what that family has done to their kids is abuse. To see her out here, not just calling out the hate that surrounds her family, but also working to push through her own hate and anger and be a more understanding human being, is really inspiring. A reminder to us all who have survived a traumatic childhood and hateful family, that we need to confront the hate and anger they passed onto us so that we don’t act on it and hurt others

I've seen this TED talk more than 3 times in the last few years. I've seen her other videos and also follow her on Twitter.
And as a Christian from a 'third world' country where Christians are minority I can't help but wonder how most of us 'regular' non-cult Christians(both back home in my country and the US and UK where I've lived) don't realise that we all have some varying degrees of that hatred and feeling of self-righteousness deep in our minds.
We don't express it aggressively like the Westboro church, or at some level we all(religious Christians) have an idea that we are better than others because we are Christians.

Her speech makes us think how Christians all over the world have something to learn from her experience in the cult and her world view after she came out of her cult.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TED] Channel Posting

[TED] Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? | David Epstein

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[TED] Brain magic | Keith Barry

[TED] How to control someone else's arm with your brain | Greg Gage

[TED] How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure

[TED] I got 99 problems... palsy is just one | Maysoon Zayid

[TED] Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban

[TED] Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | Cameron Russell

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[TED] My journey from Marine to actor | Adam Driver

[TED] Reggie Watts disorients you in the most entertaining way

[TED] The art of misdirection | Apollo Robbins

[TED] The astounding athletic power of quadcopters | Raffaello D'Andrea

[TED] The history of our world in 18 minutes | David Christian

[TED] The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates

[TED] The orchestra in my mouth | Tom Thum

[TED] The power of introverts | Susan Cain

[TED] The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant

[TED] Thoughts on humanity, fame and love | Shah Rukh Khan

[TED] What I learned from going blind in space | Chris Hadfield

[TED] What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger

[TED] Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth


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