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[Youtube Review][Mark Rober] Measure height with a watch! Cliff jump science
YouCo 2021. 3. 28. 08:12Summary Comments : [Mark Rober] Measure height with a watch! Cliff jump science
I'm not usually this guy, but I was curious so there you go
gravity= 9.81
1/2 ( gravity x (time)^2)
1/2 ( 9.81 x (time)^2)
or in a simpler way... ( 9.81)/2= 4.9
4.9 x (time)^2
so just square the sample of time and multiply it by 4.9
here's a potato...O
thank me later!!!
Since we are using sound to judge the height, we have to consider the time to taken for the sound to reach Mark's ears.
Speed of sound( Approx.): 343 m/s
Converting meters to feet: 1097.6 ft/s
Time recorded: 1.71 s
Height of the cliff: 46.7 ft
So now, The sound of the rock hitting the water has to travel all the way back to Mark's ears before he stops the timer.
Time taken by the sound to reach Mark: 46.7 / 1097.6 = 0.04 s,
Sound takes 13 ms to reach the top....
The time taken by the rock only to hit the surface of water: 1.71 - 0.04 s= 1.67 s
Now, Calculating the height of the cliff: 44.62 ft
This justifies the reason why Mark finds the height to differ within 2 units.
for a moment there I was cracking my head on how did you come up with 16....gravity is only 9.81m/s2.....then it hit me....feet....imperial....Ahhhhhhh....my brain!
For metric people, then 4.903*t^2 is good, and for feet, then it's 16.1*t^2. Yes,I used integration.Also for feet isn't it easier to do (4t)^2.
Um... correct my math here... but if V naut is assumed to be 0 as he is starting from rest and jumping off, and a=g=9.8 m/s^2, then the equation simplifies to d = (9.8/2)(t^2)... and 9.8/2 does not equal 16...
Now I'm not trying to be a dick... but am I wrong? If so, please explain
Playtime Comments : [Mark Rober] Measure height with a watch! Cliff jump science
what happened at 2:05
"for most solid compact objects"
2:43 But there is a time delay (speed of sound) that you have to take into account. And you can only calculate that if you measure the time between impact and hearing. So you inevitably have to see the object and if you can do that anyway we can use the speed of sound to calculate the distance.
1:58 "how bout that"
1:46 I dont know why this is so funny for me
0:00 so today we’re ayrere cliff jumping
1:49 is that master chief?
but that's Nintendo logic XD
2:05 - love your games references. I particularly love that Mario 3 power.
Top Comments : [Mark Rober] Measure height with a watch! Cliff jump science
"dad, how tall is that building?"
"lets find out." pulls out cliff timer "head on up there, son."
'self respecting man of science' - uses feet for distance
Honestly, I came here just to look at the girl.. and she only makes a brief appearance for like 1 second. Damnit man what's wrong with you?
Oh cool, I'm gonna measure the hight of this bridge now
Me and my friend judged that the Empire State Building is 381 m tall. Rest In Peace terry
Can you develop an app that can convince some people around here to start jumping off cliffs, without the water of course????
But what if its a massive whole and it takes time for the sound to travel to your ear?
If you want the equation for meters it's d=4.9t²
Just remember to account for speed of sound for bigger distances kids.
Who else is going to watch a gismoslips video now and use things equation
2:54 if its an 100 foot cliff jump then its 100 feet duh
Those cliff jump guys are obviously only able to measure with one significant digit and therefore rounded up to 1x10^2
I WISH U WERE MY SCIENCE TEACHER , life wpuld be fun and i would learn alot at the same time :|
also when you hit termial velocity doesnt this app stop working quickly for example if it takes you 200 seconds to fall from a plane this function tels you you fell 640,000ft or roughly 195,072 meters. or 195km. ie from space. although that takes significantly longer to fall from then 200 seconds.
or if you take the time it took
if you take a real life example, felix who jumped from 24miles up or 38.6km. it took him roughly 4 minutes or 240 seconds. this function says he fell from 280.904km
If you want meters just use 4.9(t^2). For longer falls (ignoring drag), if judge time by sound you have to account for the speed of sound which is approx. 340.29 m/s at sea level. You can get a more precise measurement quickly by dividing the initial distance approximation by 340.29 and then re-doing the estimate with the added time. At 1000 meters you will get a 26.3% more precise approximation of 854m using this method as opposed to 631m without anything. There is probably a better method but I can't think of it right now.
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