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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 임의적이지 않다는게 뭘까요?


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.

When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?
To save your busy time, why don't you check out the fun contents, summary, and empathy comments of popular YouTube videos first and watch YouTube?
(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 임의적이지 않다는게 뭘까요?


Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] 임의적이지 않다는게 뭘까요?


3:51 Cat bursts onto scene. "oh, you recording? OK, I'm out."

2:07 "If you can read this, you can get a good job with high pay!"


2:07 i see it as "if you can read this you can get a good job with high pay!"

i think i read it wrong


9:19 I know, its an introduction of VSauce

"Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer, Essays and Aphorisms


8:41 thats the most perfect proof for chaos theory or butterfly effect i have ever seem :D

5:54 From what I remember, Napolean was either 5' 7" or 5' 9" though!


1:44 you know you've played too much of runescape when the first letter after "q" you think of is "p"

0:33 so that is how you pronounce "Laplace", well gonna immediately throw that knowledge out the door and kept pronouncing it "Lap-Lace"

3:24 who else said it with them?



Top Comments : [Veritasium] 임의적이지 않다는게 뭘까요?

Help, i' m stuck in a loop. I keep getting sent to Vsauce's "What is Random?" and back to Veritasium's "What is NOT Random?".


Laplace: What if you knew the exact position and velocity of every particle in the universe?

Heisenberg: Wait, that's illegal.

I found this video TODAY and Michael was wearing the same t shirt as mine

And this video was about randomness



3:51 That cat was random.

Michael: OR WAS IT?????

Vsauce: What is random?
Veritasium: Wht is not random?
Me: •_•

dat vsauce song.

That awkward moment when you become Michael Stevens.

you can't make thumbnails like that and expect people not to ship you with vsauce

New studies of quantum mechanics show that the thumbnail is inspired by famous Spiderman kiss.
– Socrates

Amazing video  @Veritasium  &  @Vsauce , we love the unique questions and insight as always!


Marvel: infinity war is the biggest crossover in history
These guys:


That thumbnail looks like a poster for a romance movie.


And ofcourse the next recommended video is 'What is Random' by Vsauce!


Stop it Veritasium, I'm getting tired of scraping the pieces of my blown mind of my living room ceiling.


Everyone thinks Endgame is the ultimate crossover but this is better.


"Name a more iconic duo. i'll wait"

Me, an intellectual:


Veritasium and Vsauce have both mastered their style of teaching science, listening to both of them talk about the same thing in the same place is incredible.


This is the best crossover in history.

“Or is it?”

Omfg vsauce and veritasium I love this life

those twelve fundamental particles are:

Ve, R, I, Ta, S, Iu, M, V, Sa, U, C, E
edit: there were two uranium, so i changed.

If you can read this you can get a good job with... hi pa?

This is the closest we've ever been to debunking how The Simpsons always predict the future


I want someone in my life who looks at me like Derek is looking at Micheal in the thumbnail


I think that the "random information" generated in our brain is being sent by someone (or ourselves) to behave in a particular order, thus there is a fate predetermined to each of us, ok now ponder who is sending the information.

Ans: Ths length of your video!


You know something is complicated when you hear the word 'quantum'

People named Michael Stevens must be really confused right now.

i dont know why i watch any of these videos.. veritasium or Vsauce.. i litterally sit here and dont know what the fucks going on. at all. i just feel smart listening to this.


Nice video Derek! But a couple big quibbles. You don't gain information when you measure the electron's position. What you gain in position information you lose in momentum information. That's Heisenberg for you. On a more general level, all we know about quantum mechanics right now is that it's unitary. That literally means that a quantum state has the same amount of information in it at all points in time. If the universe can in fact be described by a single quantum state, it MUST always contain the same amount of information. The second law of thermodynamics, and the collapse of the wavefunction, only appear true to us because we are a subset of that very same quantum system.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[Veritasium] Channel Posting

[Veritasium] Anti-Gravity Wheel?

[Veritasium] Backspin Basketball Flies Off Dam

[Veritasium] Can Silence Actually Drive You Crazy?

[Veritasium] Can You Swim in Shade Balls?

[Veritasium] Drinking in ZERO-G! (and other challenges of a trip to Mars)

[Veritasium] First Image of a Black Hole!

[Veritasium] How Were the Pyramids Built?

[Veritasium] I Waterproofed Myself With Aerogel!

[Veritasium] Making Liquid Nitrogen From Scratch!

[Veritasium] Why Machines That Bend Are Better

[Veritasium] Would You Take This Bet?

[Veritasium] 왜 맹독성 동물들은 온대 기후에 살까?

[Veritasium] 이중 슬릿 실험

[Veritasium] 파괴 불가능한 코팅!?



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