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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 이중 슬릿 실험


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 이중 슬릿 실험




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] 이중 슬릿 실험


0:13 “isn’t it an element?”

6:27 its like the exact opposite tone of Jesse Lee Peterson when he says amazing. This man is filled with wonder and it makes me glad

6:26 that guy was like my whole life was a lie... But kudos to his interest in knowing why does this happen

2:49 the beauty is in darkness ,thnk god i didn't propose her with my newtons ring

1:41 I have heard that those with bad handwriting are the smart ones. Look! This scientist got calligraphy-level handwriting!


They were fighting on wether light is wave or particle !

5:13 that looks mesmerizing I felt peaceful just looking at it lol

5:40 this dude sure didn’t skip any physics class when he was in school huh?


0:35 "can you see my aura?"
"ah no, not particularly RIGHT NOW. If I were on LSD it would be a different story though."

0:08 I am wearing the exact same Tshirt



Top Comments : [Veritasium] 이중 슬릿 실험

"What is light?"

Lady: Isn't it an element, or something?

What I like in these videos is the sheer amazement of people when they get the explanation. They're not stupid, they just don't have the same interests nor fields of competences than what the video is about.
But they're glad they've learned something and in the end, it's not being smart or stupid that counts, it's learning new things and seeing how cool the world really is.


2:53 I cannot believe the aura lady actually guessed the most correct answer.


"what's the diference betwen green and red light?"

"the color" i died


"if i was to explain light to a blind person, i would say that well i can see light.. and you cant" (facepalm)

Man: "as a blind person you see nothing, but i can see things"

Veritasium.exe has stopped working


"Isn't it an element" Oh my god...

The man who was in the yellow shirt was amazed at learning something new, and it changed his perception. The genuine, legitimate joy on his face makes me feel so warm and happy. Outstanding video. Also the pure joy of teaching from the host is also a beautiful thing. Thank you so much, you made my day :)

this is so interesting...
I have studied this as theory but seeing that in this video is fascinating!


I loved that reaction from the man with the yellow shirt, loved to learn something new, what a guy


lol if i was interviewed i would've given them a whole YDSE thesis

I can’t be the only person who wanted to see that “aura” lady look in the box

“if i were to explain light to a blind person... you see nothing and i see” is pretty much what i heard from the dude i the beginning lmao

Update: The yellow-shirt guy won a nobel prize in physics.

We need science students who are like the Yellow T shirt guy....

Class 12 from India hit like

But seriously man, the way they teach these subjects in school sucks all the fun out of it. I hope we can have more teachers like these guys who make learning fun for everyone.

"Do not study mathematics, physics and chemistry at school ... and your whole life will be filled with magic and miracles"

17-18 year olds are taught this in India in physics. I felt proud of knowing this concept.

watching the guy in the yellow t-shirt's eyes light up with curiosity was heart warming
I could really feel his excitement

Blind : what's the light ?
Not blind : you see nothing, I see things.

I love how stupid people's answers were and then they saw the interference pattern, boom it changed,that caused an awe and curiosity, everyone was equally bamboozled and curious.

"Green Chakra"
Indian culture

"theres some kind of principle involved in it that the average person's not familiar with." this man is a wise man


Don't be angry that he made people look dumb (that wasn't the point) but be happy because of the amazement everyone had once they learned the answer.

The guy in the yellow shirt was brilliant. He was so curious and ready to learn.


People actually have an "aura" its infrared and every body with heat has it


I guess the answer to the concluding question is, that when ambient light enters, it kinda enters like through a funnel and comes comes out similarly, or like sand in an hourglass forming a spot. However, it's a slit not a hole and thus light spots spread laterally and not top to bottom, with progressive lowering of intensity and mild scattering.

Legend says that the yellow shirt guy is still in the park thinking about it to this day.


Great explanations as always!
So after some thought on this, I've looked around for a 'double-double slit' experiment and cannot find anything so far. I'll keep looking.
My question: What happens if you do the classic Young's double slit experiment, and then place another set of slits in serial after the first, i.e. in place of the 'screen'?
If you did this with single photons, would you still get an interference patternover time after the second set of slits as well? Do photons switch continuously between wave and particle states, or are we simply interpreting their 'state' when we observe them, perhaps only observing the part of the state that we set the experiment up to register?

Light yeah light is the particles i.e corpuscles according to Newton as he proposed
Newton set up a new theory that newtons corpuscles theory
According to it light is a particle
Light travelled in a straight line i.e rectilinear progogatiom
He prove the reflects and refracts
But neewton failed to prove the polarisation ,interference and diffraction
Where as hygen prooved that the light are mechanical waves and prooved the reflection refraction interference (constructive and disttuction i.e formation of dark and bright fringes),diffraction
HE also contributes to formation of wavefront and wavelets
But hygen also failed to prove the polarisation of light
As light is not meachanial wave but is an electromagnetic wave
Which was prooved by Thomas young by his Young's double slit expiriment (YDSE).....



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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