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[Youtube Review][OverSimplified] Henry VIII - OverSimplified
YouCo 2021. 4. 30. 02:11(Recommended)Popular Videos : [OverSimplified] Henry VIII - OverSimplified
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.
Playtime Comments : [OverSimplified] Henry VIII - OverSimplified
Not even a single soul:
The poem at 2:21: "I love you dad.
You are so pleasant.
I'm so glad,
I'm not a peasant."
10:26 Prepare to be schooled, people!
The boy Henry was talking about in this timestamp is known as Henry FitzRoy.
Look it up, and let it sink in.
Edit: I wOnDeR wHy OvErSiMpLiFiEd DeCiDeD nOt To TeLl Us AbOuT hIm?
18:34 "its estimated 57 to 72,000 people were put to death"
6:05 I think we just got rickrolled without noticing.
Mom: I think we should send him to summer camp
Me: 18:17
6:04 - Mad lad rickrolled us
Top Comments : [OverSimplified] Henry VIII - OverSimplified
Child Henry, even at that age, he was already becoming a king and a tyrant
Also, that jousting accident when he woke up, i was laughing because he looked like he was giving the 4th wall the death stare, like "Im coming for ya'll, watch out"
Henry: “I hate my wife.”
Advisor: “Lol which one.”
Henry: “Off with his head.”
Me: a person who just watched Six
my musical senses are tingling
Henry's wife: *Doesn't produce male child
Henry: Dude, Uncool
Henry's wife: *Doesn't produce a child
This angered henry who punished them severly
When Katherine Howard was spelt with a C:
K Howard is here and the fun’s begu-u-un
Most people: *Came for history*
Me, an intellectual before i even click on the video: *Divorced beheaded died, divorced beheaded survived!*
I love you dad
You are so pleasant
I'm so glad
I'm not a peasant
Edit: Oh! And just got to the part with the other poem:
Your son is dead
But it's ok,
I'm also your son
Hip- hip hooray
Holbein was known for painting accurate portraits, so Anna's portrait would've been closer to what she actually looked like.
Henry actually dressed up as a peasant, barged in on her, and kissed her.
Anna, knowing nothing about Henry in the first place, was disgusted and confused.
Henry, who didn't like how she reacted, came up with the excuse of "She's just ugly" and let her live a fabulous life.
He actually wished he had kept his marriage with her later in life.
I’m a girl and I saw a guy in my high school with oversimplified merch and that’s how I got a boyfriend
i like how the poem says:"I love you dad.Your so pleasant.I'm so glad.I'm not a peasant" lol
Gives birth to a girl
Henry: So you have chosen death
The best way to survive a tyrannical king: Be the executioner
Before I even watch this:
Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived
Henry’s Mom: “Say load of bread!”
Henry: “Off with her head!”
Me: Yes, this will be important later
Type 1: People who genuinely clicked for history.
This is giving me hitler vibes and I don’t like it
Henry's wife: doesn't produce a male heir
Henry: so you have chosen death
“I love you dad
You are so pleasant
I’m so glad
I’m not a peasant”
This dude made a whole new religion just so he could divorce
King Henry Vlll’s wife: “doesn’t provide a male heir”
King Henry Vlll: yeah, there’s gonna be a tax for that.
Fun fact: anne of cleves wasnt even ugly.
Henry was interested in french literature at the time, where the handsome prince dresses as a peasant and the princess still falls in love with him. He tried pulling this move, and anne being rightfully disturbed, pushed him away. His ego was so bruised he attempted to put the blame on her.
Even then, henry admitted years later he should have married her.
The day this was uploaded I had the courage to leave a toxic and abusive relationship, and this video along with other oversimplified videos helped me feel better after being called like 5 billion different names by my ex for braking up with her.
Edit: for clarification, thank you for providing me a distraction.
[OverSimplified] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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