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[Youtube Review][OverSimplified] 프랑스 대혁명 #2 - OverSimplified
YouCo 2021. 4. 30. 02:17(Recommended)Popular Videos : [OverSimplified] 프랑스 대혁명 #2 - OverSimplified
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.
Summary Comments : [OverSimplified] 프랑스 대혁명 #2 - OverSimplified
Top 3 Most Terrifying Battlecries
1. hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot
Playtime Comments : [OverSimplified] 프랑스 대혁명 #2 - OverSimplified
Edit: Timestamp is 20:53
21:39 fun fact: the "vote for Pedro" on the wall is a reference to the Portuguese King's son. when Portugal realized lots of revolutions were happening, they made a revolution within Brazil, but Pedro, the king's son, became the Emporer of Brazil. it basically just overthrew the king for his son.
10:28 imagine soldiers just walking by moving their rear
Top ten anime betrayals
4:59 When you're playing HOI4 as France and someone far away takes Belgium just to piss you off, so you just declare war.
And the group of men charging hooting .... God hilarious
Top Comments : [OverSimplified] 프랑스 대혁명 #2 - OverSimplified
Can we all just take a minute to appreciate the fact that in spite of the fact that their government was practically nonexistent they were STILL able to hold off and even push back the rest of europe while they did whatever?
Soooo, are the Napoleonic Wars coming next?
Oversimplified:”he was a bit mental”
Robespierre: to the guillotine
I learnt more about my own country in an English YouTube video than in my history classes...
~Robespierre, French Fruit Ninja
ChopchopcHopCHOpChopChop Chop
Napoleon: "Are you sure about that?"
Person: *dislikes video*
"Wait, this isn't a list of enemies."
"It says, Yippee ki yay mother fu - AARRRRGGGGHHHHH"
AmAzInG wOrDs
Le hooray
You could make a religion out of thi....
No please don’t.
We are all waiting for the Napoleonic wars!
Btw thanks for the likes
I always hear the story of the French Revolution from the perspective of Mary Antoinette. It was actually nice not to hear too much of her backstory. It always made me feel sad what they did to her and her children and husband. This version gave a more detailed take on what happened outside of them.
Oversimplified: has two different sponsors on two videos
This enraged Skillshare, who punished him severely.
"hoot hoot"
"there's a tax for that"
"My hair is a boat"
"To the guillotine"
"le hooray"
"We are not poo-poo heads"
Robespierre: we can make a religion out of this
For being "oversimplified", this is actually more detailed than my highschool's history class about this revolution
„Do you mind if I say a few words? Gentlemen: before we start, this execution was sponsored by Raid Shadow-“ CHOP
For those of you who are serious about studies, like maybe you have an exam or something
I suggest watching these videos BEFORE reading the textbook, these will make it more fun, when u actually read the textbook.
Fun fact: During Robespierres arrest,he attempted to commit suicide by shooting himself in the jaw and the day of his execution,the guards removed the bandage keeping his jaw in place so he began screaming in agony until the blade shut him up.
Fun fact: One of those who voted for king Louis's death was his blood relative, the prince du sang and duke of Orleans, Louis Philippe II, who would've been in line for the throne had Louis XVI's entire family died out. Aka, his own cousin had voted for his death, made all of the difference in it, and was arguably the moment when Louis XVI lost his faith.
Edit: btw Louis Philippe II was later guillotined himself during the Reign of Terror, after his son defected over to the coalition. That son later became Louis Philippe I, king of France.
[OverSimplified] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
[OverSimplified] Channel Posting
[OverSimplified] Henry VIII - OverSimplified
[OverSimplified] Hitler - OverSimplified (Part 2)
[OverSimplified] The American Civil War - OverSimplified (Part 1)
[OverSimplified] The American Revolution - OverSimplified (Part 1)
[OverSimplified] The Cold War - OverSimplified (Part 2)
[OverSimplified] WW1 - Oversimplified (Part 2)
[OverSimplified] WW2 - OverSimplified (Part 2)
[OverSimplified] 삼국지 - OverSimplified
[OverSimplified] 제2차 세계 대전 - OverSimplified (1부)
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