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[Youtube Review][TED] How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure
YouCo 2020. 10. 23. 15:33
Summary Comments : [TED] How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure
The seven deadly sins of Speaking
1. *Gossip:* Speaking negatively about someone who is not present. People will not trust you because a while later, you will gossip about them.
2. *Judging:* It is hard to listen to someone who consistently judge you during a conversation.
3. *Negativity:* Having a negative viewpoint on things.
4. *Complaining:* which is mere viral misery. Could be on anything, politics, sports, or the weather.
5. *Excuses:* Not taking responsibility for our actions and being a blame-thrower
6. *Exaggeration:* Drawing an imaginary image and inflating stuff excessively. It can get to the point of outright **lying**.
7. *Dogmatism:* Stating facts as opinions without consideration of facts, evidences, and other opinions. In other words, Bombarding people with biased opinions on a certain topic.
- *Foundation of powerful speech (HAIL)*
1. *Honesty:* Being clear and straight. Not using deception and lies. But using brutal and unnecessary honesty could hurt people. *"Honesty tempered with Love".*
2. *Authenticity:* Being yourself and not imitating a non genuine persona. "Standing in your own truth".
3. *Integrity:* Be your word, do what you say, be trustworthy, and take responsibility.
4. *Love:* Wishing people well. No judgement.
- *Toolbox of Speech (Voice)*
1. **Register**: Talk from your chest, not the nose or throat. "We vote for the politicians with lower voices". People associate depth with power and authority.
2. **Timbre**: The way the voice feels. "Rich, Smooth, Worm, like hot chocolate." It is a skill that can be trained.
3. **Prosody**: Talking with enthusiasm, not being monotonic like a robot. Avoid repetitive prosody as if every statement was a question.
4. **Pace**: Talk normally and slow right down to **Emphasize**.
5. **Silence**: A powerful tool to bring attention. Should not be filled with UH's and UM's.
6. **Pitch**: To deliver an idea or ask a question and being understood. (The caps-lock of speech)
7. **Volume**: The quieter the better in bringing attention. Don't be a broadcaster and pay attention to the loudness.
- Warm up the toolbox of voice
1. Arms up, take a deep breath and sigh.
2. Lips: (BA BA BA)
3. Lips: Horse sound
4. Tongue: Exaggerated (LA LA LA)
5. Tongue: Roll an R (RRRRR)
6. The siren (WEEEE [High] yoooo [Low])
Speaking is one part of the puzzle because having a good conversation also depends on being a good listener.
Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen 7.471.503 Views
Julian Treasure: 5 ways to listen better 1.307.557 Views
1. Gossip
2. Judging
3. Negativity
4. Complaining
5. Excuses
6. Lying
7. Dogmatism
HAIL - To greet or acclaim enthusiastically
H - Honestly (Be straight and clear)
A - Authenticity (Be yourself)
I - Integrity (Be your word)
L - Love (wish them well)
Amazing Toolbox:
1. Register - Locate your voice at your chest to gain some weight
2. Timbre - Voices that are rich, smooth and warm
3. Prosody - Avoid monotone, a statement sounds like a question and repeat a statement
4. Pace - Get excited by saying something really quickly; Slow down to emphasize; Silent
5. Pitch- Ex: "Where did you leave my keys?" with different pitches, are different meaning
6. Volume: Excited - High Volume; Attention - Low Volume
Warm up your voice
1. Arms up, deep breath in and sigh out
2, 3. Warm up the lips: Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba...; Brrrrr.......
4, 5. Tongue warm up: La, la, la, la, la....; Rrrrrr.....
6. WeeeeeeeeeAaaaawwww (From high pitch to low pitch)
Four things I learned from watching this talk
1. "Seven deadly sins of speaking to avoid"
1) gossip -> I need to work on this sin
2) judging -> I need to work on this sin
3) negativity -> I need to work on this sin
4) complaining -> I need to work on this sin
5) excuses
6) lying (embroidery, exaggeration)
7) dogmatism (confusion between fact and opinion)
2. what I need to say: four powerful cornerstones of speech to make a change in the world
c.f. "hail means to greet or acclaim enthusiastically"
1) H: honesty (be clear and straight)
2) A: authenticity (be myself)
3) I: integrity (be my word)
4) L: love (wish them well)
3. how I need to say: tools to play with to increase power of my speech
1) register: e.g. if wanting weight, lower pitch of voice
2) timbre: the way voice feels e.g. breathing, posture
3) prosody: rhythm (e.g. not monotone)
4) pace: e.g. slow to emphasize
5) pitch: e.g. make pitch high or low
6) volume: e.g. louder to emphasize
4. exercise the following before making a presentation
1) arms up to sigh out with ahh
2) lips with ba ba
3) lips with brrr
4) tongue with la
5) tongue rolling an r
6) siren from we to aww
The Dont's
Habits to move away from -- Seven deadly sins of speaking:
1. Gossip
2. Judging
3. Negativity
4. Complaining
5. Blame-throwing (Excuses)
6. Embroidery, exaggeration --> lying
7. Dogmatism (my way or the highway; conflating fact and opinion)
The Do's
H.A.I.L -- Four (4) cornerstones of powerful, change-making speech
H - Honesty: Being true - straight and clear.
A - Authenticity: Be yourself. [Standing in your own truth.]
I - Integrity: Be your word. [Doing what you say.]
L - Love: Wish them well.
Toolbox (the voice) - Some tools
Register - (P.s. Depth is associated with power and authority.)
Timbre - The way your voice feels -- rich, smooth, warm (can be trained!)
Prosody - the sing-song, the meta-language, the root 1 of meaning in cnversation.
Pace - including silence (don't have to be filled with ums and ahs)
Pitch - to indicate arousal, etc.
Volume - excitement (loud), attention-grabbing (quiet)
Warm up your voice!
1. Arms up, deep breath in. Sigh out.
2. Ba-ba-ba-na
3: Brrrrrrr
4. Exaggerated la-la-la-la
5. Roll an RRRRRR
6 The siren - Weeee (high)... awwww (low) [Repeat] The only one if able to do only one.
Playtime Comments : [TED] How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure
Imagine someone being late and walking in at 8:49
How to speak so that people want to listen
the man with grey hair: sleeps...
1:21 Watching this video on October 1st, 2020 and yes it's dreadful (Coronavirus).
7 sins of speaking:
excuses, not taking responsibility
exaggeration, that can become lying
dogmatism, confusion of facts with opinions
H - honesty, be clear and straight
A - authenticity, be yourself
I - integrity, be your word, trustworthy
L - love, wish people well
Humans prefer voices, that are low(coming from chest), rich, warm, smooth. YOU can train to get there (coach, posture, breathing, exercises).
Change tones, to communicate meanings. Dont use wrong tonality and make it reflect what you are trying to communicate.
Pitch - how high
Volume - from loud to quiet
2X arms up, deep breath in - breath out as arms go down
warm up lips "ba, ba, ba..." 8:14
lips coming alive "brrrr" like kids
tongue exaggerated "la, la, la, la"
"rrrrrrrrr" like champagne for the tongue
siren high to low 2x "oooweeeeaaaw"
Me in the front of the class doing my exercise before i ask the teacher to borrow a pencil
The teacher: *Visible Confusion
Me: 8:06
The substitute teacher in the corner debating whether to call the medic or not
Me: 8:52
*Hears ambulance noises
8:32 that guy on the left looks like he’s ready to fight for the 4th reich
0:40 Hmm is this a sign for the next anime series I should binge on
Top Comments : [TED] How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure
This man just made grown men and women make weird sounds lol
"My goodness you look ugly this morning"
But first hit your throat, Mnmn Mnmm...
•••Men speak with a little base in it, avoid speaking to fast.
•••Ladies speak calmly men automatically like that.
Avoid, Eh, ehm, etc in the middle of your speech.
Just pause and continue with the next word,then everyone in the audience will automatically see you as an intelligent person subconsciously.
It's a human trick.
"Hey, listen. Hey, hey, hey listen. HEY! SHUT UP! LISTEN! HEY! Hey, listen! LISTEN! HEY!" works for me.
While I was trying the exercises, I said “yyyyyy” in order to say “r”. I have noticed that I can’t say “r” .
Video on 'How to make people listen to you'
Shot at 01:25 of a man sleeping
"How to speak so that people want to listen"
Scrolling comments
"...if you're really wishing somebody well, it's very hard to judge them at the same time."
Cardinal bullet point.
Who is watching after seeken recommend
The irony that a man is sleeping in the audience throughout this is so beautiful that I may weep...
The way my parents looked at me when I tried the siren😂😂😂😂
I’m just going through an emotional tornado, at meetings at work I feel frustrated unable properly communicate my points, all because I’m being upset and anxious. This speech helped me to think about that I can be powerful with my voice tool box, if I speak calmly and with love. So help me God.
5.36 talking about tone...
"From the tone of your voice I can tell you mean business".
The tone of our voice speaks volumes.
I don't do this deliberately but, in my job, if I'm saying something that needs to be heard, I can hear the tone of my voice drop.
The same when my sons were kids. People make the mistake of raising their voice and this is how arguments start or long silences.
A deep, even tone, projects confidence and authority.
Couple that with honesty and integrity and follow up with enthusiasm and love, and you're on to a winner.
This is how dictatorships begin too.
See how readily the audience stood up like obedient children, at his command.
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