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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | Cameron Russell
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | Cameron Russell


Summary Comments : [TED] Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | Cameron Russell


3 things that science still does not understand:
1. What was before the big bang.
2. The bermuda triangle.
3. The recommendations of youtube



Playtime Comments : [TED] Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | Cameron Russell

3:14 can only white skin be beautiful?

The best part was at 5:48 when she shows comparative photos. Here's me eating nachos 10 minutes later...


2 Timothy 4:18

The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.



Top Comments : [TED] Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | Cameron Russell

I find it amazing how so many people can watch the same thing and get two completely different messages out of it.  She clearly stated that what we see on the magazine covers/pages, isn't her.  It's a "Construction" of her.  How much clearer can she be.  That one sentence speaks volumes.  Maybe if she pointed out how short term a  model's career is or how her looks will fade with time and gravity, some of you wouldn't be so negative.  Society pays far to much attention on the packaging instead of the contents.  You can be beautiful on the outside but when gravity and age have taken their toll, all you are left with is who you truly are.  And that can only be found on the inside. That is what we need to pay attention too.   And I don't know about any of you, but I would much rather be beautiful on the inside because that's the person you live with 24 hours a day.    And no amount of money would be worth a temporary superficial beauty and a hateful and miserable soul that you have to live with your entire life.  And there are many people in this world that fit that description.  They have my sympathy.  Simply my humble opinion.

Money isn’t everything
- Billionaires
Looks aren’t everything
- Model

Looks aren't everything but it makes everything easier.


Next time lets hear someone conventionally ugly do the same Ted talk.


Looks will still get you more in life then talent will, except in very limited cases.

I love this. She basically said that a person's looks do not define you. It's just something you wear, it doesn't show your personality or your thoughts. It's an image.

Even hollywood actors admit to having insecurity, cause there's always someone who is younger, smarter, more talented or more gorgeous than you. You must realize your self-worth. There is no one like you.


Rich people: Money doesn't matter.
Beautiful people: Looks doesn't matter.



I feel like her jokes were very unappreciated, she’s got a good sense of humor and you could tell she was nervous to be there


Stop scrolling these comments are all the same lmao


I don’t think most people in the comments understand the point she is trying to make. She’s not saying that looks don’t matter. She says that no matter how beautiful other people perceive you at the end of the day you can still be very insecure and unhappy with your looks.

“if teardrops could be bottled, there’d be swimming pools filled by models..”

-Billie Eilish


Models - Looks don't matter
Billionaires- Money doesn't matter
But deep beneath we all know anything that occupies space and has mass is matter :)


Just something for you people to think about: Its common for work spaces not to hire good looking girls because they distract.


People really just hate successful people


In the wake of what is happening in this moment, this was a perfect talk in today's climate. Yes, you are stunning, but it IS so true that because you are white, you are privileged. I applaud you that you brought this to the forefront so many years ago as it is most relevant today. Thank you for your candor.

There are so much comments commenting on the negative comments, that the negative comments cant even be seen anymore


Omg her photo comparisons are real deal and people should be know more about this. Beautiful


Everyone is so shocked at how smart she is. She graduated from Columbia, she is smarter than 99 percent of the people in the comments.


I've had two VERY good-looking girlfriends in the past, and they definitely live in a different world.  Everywhere we went, men fell all over themselves to do anything they could to gain their attention and favor.  One girlfriend forgot her debit card, and got free gas.  The other got employment pretty much anywhere she wanted, despite being vastly under qualified.  And these are just two examples of the dozens of situations I saw while dating each of them. The world fell at their feet, because of their beauty.


Looks are everything. Believe me , I am not a model.


so 9 minutes of her talking that she is privileged and insecure.

Lesson to be learned: Just be happy all the way -- forever.

The fact that she’s a model is exactly why someone WOULDN’T believe her saying “looks aren’t everything” lol


Speaking from the black community, thank you for your courage to speak!!!!!! <3 <3

I am baffled at how people think that she is trying to say that "Looks don't define you". She is saying the exact opposite, she makes the point that she is privileged due to her looks while other people are dealt the short end of the straw and have to go through things she will never go through. Basically that even though looks do matter in our superficial societies, they should not.


Looks might not be everything but good looking people are generally treated better than ugly people in just about every situation.

This is amazing, this women is so motivational. I was literally sitting feeling down about the fact I dont look like these people, turns out it isnt everything

I can totally understand why persons in her industry are among the most insecure. Because in "show-off" business (as Jamie Lee Curtis so aptly puts it), your reputation is based on and you earn your living by looking good. In an industry where there's always a search for a new "lottery winner", it places significant pressure on those already in it because they're constantly expected to maintain an image and a persona that is not real. This many times spirals into serious mental health issues.

Unfortunately, the world never validates their cries because we, also living in a superficial world, grow up believing that persons with symmetrical faces have it all and any issue they have is just a whine. Are there more dire problems in the world? Yes, but that doesn't make her struggles any less valid.

"Don't judge a book by its cover."


I wish this talk were longer. Many people would understand this simple idea.
"shE's BeAutiFuL aNd DoEsn'T HaVe tHe riGhT tO sAy LoOks DoEsN'T MatTeR" comments are so full or resentment. Come on, childs. Everyone payed more attention to someone with looks at least once. It's programmed. She even said that. She's making us a favor by making people think about how different they treat a "bad-looking" person from a "good-looking" one. She's bringing down insecure people from the clouds who thinks that they need to be skinny and tall to have more confidence.
Start to treat yourself kindly, stop judging your own body and then you'll see how people can percieve you in other ways.

Why are people hating on her? She’s trying to be honest about why she is successful and that she isn’t perfect. What else do you want from her?


Models aren't everything. Believe me, i'm a Look.


As a kind of introvert and insecure person myself I can feel her. The story she's conveyed is not really appealing to most people but hey, she's told us her story with a good and honest heart from her specific background. You don't have to be poor, in suffered or disadvantaged minorities or community to have a stand to talk of what you want like hey you're white you should not talk of the black, you're rich you have no right to talk of the poor, you're beautiful you have no idea of the ugly, and so on. That's insecure to me.


It’s sad that as a beautiful skinny white woman her message is being misinterpreted. But if she was an average looking, older, slightly chubby person of colour her credibility on this topic would instantly be undermined, no one would listen because ‘what do you know?’ On Ted talks with these normal and standard women, I see comments all the time saying ‘you’re never going to get a husband’ or calling them ugly and fat. So tell me, if you’re about to comment negativity, who do you want to listen to? From whom do you want to hear this message of gratitude for inherent legacy and privilege, good looks do not make you happy, and recognizing that success and failure is only part of your efforts and the other part is out of your control?

"i can say deep down, the most beautiful people are the ones that are the most self-concious. i've met a fair share of models and they're like the pinacle of what is expected of all humans, and they've reached it, they have it, but they all hate themselves. it's this bizare thing. they're all super sad, they're all super self-concious, yet according to most peoples logic they should be obsessed with themselves. they should be over the moon when they look in the mirror. but that just isn't the case."
a quote by conan gray which stuck with me for the past year and some time



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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