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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Expensive wine is for suckers


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Expensive wine is for suckers




Playtime Comments : [Vox] Expensive wine is for suckers


0:50 "in the united states".


And he said to him, Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guest have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now !!! John 2:10 NKJV

1:27 im not taking advice from anyone who goes around doing this


1:59 Please try finding who that one just who got it right all three times was! In these days of degenerating decencies we’re have a duty to honour a legitimate judge.


1:52 50, 100, 50?


0:31 is that lizzy from big data?

Is that BJ Novak at 0:19



Top Comments : [Vox] Expensive wine is for suckers

The big story here is that people associate price with quality. What other gripping revelations does Vox have in store for us??

Admit it, most of us wants to get drunk and doesn't matter if it is cheap

I’m from Southern Europe so I know my wine well hahahaha, here you start drinking wine when you’re 12


My favorite wine is Budweiser.


Why does a cup of hipster coffee cost 4$? ... oh wait this was about wine.

Jordan Schlansky would like a word with you.

I've taught myself to associate cheap shit with ideas of tastiness and luxury. I live like a king.


Americans: they couldn't tell the difference between an Amarone and a Tavernello if their life depended on it, but when some Managers tried to change Coke's formula they were about to start a revolution.


Frasier and Niles Crane would not approve this message!


We can say the same about men, they handsome and charming as long as they're rich.


Buy Italian wine


April Ludgate taught me this already


that's why I have an expensive wine bottle and I just funnel cheep wine into it when for whenever I have important company, all they see and taste is a 3/4 full bottle of expensive wine


expensive stuff tends to taste bad to me in part because I'm disgusted by the price.

For work we were taken out to dinner in NYC and the trader who brought us ordered a bottle of macetta (excuse my spelling) which was around $10k followed by a $3000 bottle of port and honestly It was a great wine and its quality was definitely noticeable but I would have preferred a bonus check.

You're not tasting the drink, you're tasting the wealth, the sofistication. It works deeply with the desire of feeling better than others.


True Story: a guy I know who sells wines had one particular wine stuck in his stock a long time because no one was buying it(8$ a bottle). He then raised the price 3x more expensive and he sold everything in a blink of an eye.

"This wine is gross."
"That was the $50 one-"
"AAH MYESSSS smack smack earthy undertine, hint of acidity, an overture of sweetness, complex myess.."

Buys $8 Wine
Buys and puts it in $48 Wine


As with essentially all alcohols, the only good wine is wine you like to drink. And the only good way to drink it is the way you want to.

Everything else is vanity.

If you want to look ignorant and tasteless mention this video at your next get together.

A wise man once said " Expansive stuffs are not always good and cheap stuffs aren't always bad such as Oxygen"


Why am I watching this when I don’t even drink?

You’ve got it! It’s exam week!

Real expensive wine is well over $500.


The best wine I have ever had was a 11€ bottle of Tokaji wine from Hungary.

Don't let Frasier or Niles see this


Another episode on: “I didn’t need to know this, but cool anyway.”


the "same grape" doesnt mean anything when it comes to wine production tho


The thing is, there are differences in wines, but other things affecting you at the moment of tasting can be more significant. Your mood, how tired you are, what you were eating earlier recently, etc - the impact of these are often more powerful than the differences between wines. Tiger Woods may be a better golfer than me, but if we're golfing in a hurricane, it may be hard to tell.

That being said, as the video showed at the beginning, in a controlled environment, you can often at least tell the difference between an expensive and cheap wine. The expensive ones will often have something special done to them, like spending much longer in wood barrels, which can create tastes difficult to generate in mass-produced bottles. That doesn't mean they are *better*, in the same way that a caveman wouldn't say truffles are better than pizza, but they are different. And while I've had some very expensive wines that were wasted on me because I wasn't in the right mindset, when you are in the right mood and hit a wine with a unique and deep flavour profile, you can have a lovely time.

So wine is similar to modern art.

I love Observatory videos. Fun topics, good research done, love em!
Except this one is a little off.... The favorable or unfavorable taste of the wine has little to do with the price of the wine. Of course wineries will try to make what they think is a delicious wine, there's a lot more to it than just that. Bottom line is that wine becomes expensive because of availability, labor, terrior, and basically all the overhead and operations cost that any business runs into.

Expensive wine isn't for suckers, but the opposite. Suckers buy expensive wine only because they think it's impressive to be expensive. People who study wine will be able to recommend expensive or non expensive wine to a guest or customer because they actually know about it and their job is to learn about the customers preference and use their knowledge to tailor the selection made.

This is like putting a price on an art form. There's no absolute price of a product, price of a product is decided by what the buyer pays. People pay millions of dollars for pieces of art which other people don't understand. It's not because that piece of art has a price, it's because the buyer could relate to it so much and want it so desperately that they are willing to shell out that kind of money.

Someone here said before, as long as you enjoy a wine that's what matters. Whether it is cheap or expensive it doesn't matters. In that sense the title of this youtube video doesn't makes much sense, expensive wine isn't for suckers, and cheap wine isn't for genius.


When I still drank alcohol, I had a zero alcohol tolerance so I always knocked the glass over and spilled and only drank half of standard glass and was able to get wasted from tiny dose. I'm diagnosed with ezofagitis or something like that a common stomach issue. So the last drink I have ever ingested went out immediately out of me as the drink caused immediate acidic reaction. Had a panic attack from a bit of alcohol too. This stuff acts inside of me like a cannon as much as insult to cuisine such as KFC and other fastfood chains that completely destroy the culinary arts.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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