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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] What's In A Candle Flame?


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] What's In A Candle Flame?




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] What's In A Candle Flame?

At the 1:15 point the French guy in the white shirt has a facial expression of guarded Terror and fleeting trust for him. It looks like hes fully expecting some to go horrifically wrong at any second. LOL


1:56 (While playing with fire and electricity) "It's going really well"
I would hope so

0:58 This is what I feel scientists look like when they throw random stuff in the large hadron collider...


That really puts just how powerful lightnings are into perspective.

1:08 - 1:46 - I love how much fun you're having with that. XD  I would be too.

2:23 Rip finger. ;C


2:10 That guy's arm veins make him look like he's being electrocuted.

2:16 those veins!






Top Comments : [Veritasium] What's In A Candle Flame?

If the vein guy gets a papercut HE WILL FRICKIN DIE!

You mean a flame has free mobile ions? So since fire is a mixture of hot burning gases, gases become ionized when strongly heated, making it plasma? Plasma is an ionized gas is it not?

"What is a flame made of?" has been one of the major questions of my life! Thank you so much for finally answering it!

2:24 i love how he is so chill with his "ahhh" about being zapped with a couple thousand volts xD

I have a brilliantly bad idea: FLAME TASERS!!! (flame throwing taser thingy. because we can.)

at 02:24 why its not FATAL

is this why some volcano eruptions have lightning strikes in the ash clouds??

so if i spliff a joint and smoke only the positive maybe i will be happy hahaha


So that's how fire benders can become lightning benders


A candle's flame has no SHADOWS!

This was the most metal thing I've ever seen. Amplifying electricity's reach with fire. I demand a bigger version of this.


haha "il y a des ions dans la fumme" your french is cute^^


What's going on with the guy's veins in 2:12 ?  Is the electricity doing that?


lol i was going to ask what would happen if he touched one of those metal disks with the 10k volts, but he did that at the end lol


I find this SHOCKing and reVOLTing.

Esp. that guy yelling at the end.


sooe fire is a good conductor 0_0 Holy cow !!!! I Dont want to be in a forest fire when a lightning strike !!!


other people: wow science, me: damn that guy is vascular

I didn't know Arsene Wenger was also a physics master!

Is there a reason for filming this in france, or he just wanted to show off?


In the Last Airbender in order to create lightning one had to separate the positive and negative energy of the fire inside them. It is said to be incredibly hard and only a selected few capable of it.
It's really amaze me how much study did the creators did in order to make an accurate representation.

Wait, so fire behaves like a conductor?


Ohhhhh du français :D


Always nice to see someone on youtube speak french

Veritasium parle français !

Look at this guy arm's veins! JESUS!


Some veiny arms he's got there.


the combustion of candle also produces water.. dont you think its the water that enable the electric charge to travel greater distance?

Question: why does the flame go both ways? A plasma is where some electrons get knocked off of atoms, right? The electrons are negatively charged and move towards the positive plate, but all of the actual atoms should be positively charged and move towards the negative plate. What causes the flame to also move towards the positive plate?


that smell after ur dealing with plasma is so weird


Thanks for another interesting video.
But could you do one about what a flame actually is, please?
You proved it has ions in it but what is the whole of it?  Why the light?  Never mind why the difference in colours of light, why the light? - if there are several reasons please explain them all so we get a complete picture of what's going on.
Also what is it that happens when the hot gasses meet a spark?  I mean what's the difference between the hot gasses with ions in you get when you blow out the candle and the light and heat emitting FLAME that can sustain it's own reaction?
What's going on for a generalised fuel source with regards to both the chemistry and the physics?
There's no sensible, waffle free explanation for normal adults, that I can find, on the whole of YouTube.
Thanks and keep up the good work.      :-)



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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