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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Insider] Former Cult Member Rates 11 Cult Scenes From Movies And TV | How Real Is It?


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Insider] Former Cult Member Rates 11 Cult Scenes From Movies And TV | How Real Is It?


Playtime Comments : [Insider] Former Cult Member Rates 11 Cult Scenes From Movies And TV | How Real Is It?

8:17 I like how he basically describes the organization the film is based off of, but he doesn’t use it’s name, very smart


8:58 love the way he avoids naming the group due to the intense legislative power of the group


7:17 'stay away from space cadets' as a stoner this made me laugh hard af


The learning scene clip at 14:20 reminds me eerily of the uighur 'reeducation facility' by China


5:35 scene Made me really uncomfortable men trying to disrobe a woman so openly

7:16 stay away from space cadets?? That's some weird advice...



Top Comments : [Insider] Former Cult Member Rates 11 Cult Scenes From Movies And TV | How Real Is It?


I'm genuinely afraid that I'm going to be indoctrinated in some way because I'm so anxious. I'm 20 and pretty soon I need to start finding my own independent footing in the world. Thankfully I have a supportive family to rely on, but.... man, the amount of times I've just let myself go with whatever the group is doing just to stop feeling lost is scary. College, internships, jobs, friend groups, clubs....

Jokes aside, he actually explains this very well. And it kinda makes sense how people get roped into cults . I am glad he got out


That scene with the bees was the most dogshit acting i've seen in a long time


Apparently in Jonestown there was a woman who hid under a bed and escaped being killed. I can’t imagine coming out of hiding to see almost one thousand dead bodies.


Apparently, Hollywood has a very good understanding of cults...

As an actual pagan, these “pagan” cults don’t reflect the actual religion, much like Christian cults don’t Exactly reflect the Christian religion


Now show him a clip of a crossfit class

I would like him to review American Horror Story: Cult, and listen what he thinks about Kai Anderson’ methods


I feel bad for such nice, genuine gentleman like him got to experienced something bad like that.. way he talks, his knowledge, his wisdom, i can see that he’s actually a caring person. wish he’ll get over the past and wish him nothing but the best stay healthy sir


So basically Hollywood has NAILED the art of making cult films!!
Makes you wonder where they get their experience & knowledge

Next: I rate Christian movies


Similar to him i was invited to a “talk” that i was told by a friend was about communication that he said would be good for my sales work. It turned out to be a cult. First your in a room with a heap of people including the friend while people talk about how the organisation helped them so much blah blah blah. Then they separate you from your friend and put you in a room with a speaker in the front and then 3 people behind you watching taking notes. You’re instructed to do an activity where you take your trauma and then break down your personality. Then they ask you to sign up for more workshops, all of a sudden those people behind you come up close and try and pressure you to sign up for $700 per session corses. I freaked out, told them i was going to the toilet then bolted out of there, and several people chased me. I didn’t go to work for a week or 2 afraid to leave the house. Saw my doctor and he referred me to a psychologist to speak to who reassured me and then i was able to return to work. It was only a couple of hours one night with this cult and it fucked me up so i can imagine how it would be to stay there longer.

So weird that Jonestown is still portrayed as a mass suicide when in actuality it was a mass murder


"Former cannibal rates human eating movies"

I was in a cult. For 7 years. The last two I was trying to get out. It’s all like he says and it’s terrible.

If anything MLMs like Cutco and Amway like a cult . Can’t believe I almost got sucked into one

When I lived in Korea a cult tried to recruit me. The stress one particular lady caused me was one of the main reasons I decided to leave only after 3 years. The last year was hellish. She just wouldn't leave me alone, the biggest issue was that I lived next to one of the members, and she often came to visit her. They liked hanging out by the door so they knew when I was coming or leaving. I couldn't move because the school I worked for provided housing. One day, when I first met them and didn't realize it was a cult, they invited me to their church. I made it very clear that I wasn't interested in joining, but accepted to go because I had friends from other religions who also invited me to their church and didn't see anything wrong with it. Anyway, they took me to their church and after showing me a video about their beliefs, etc they wanted to show me where they get baptized. That just put me on alert and I refused. I was thinking, "Oh hell no, are they going to try to baptize me?" Since I refused they literally dragged me there. There were 5 or 6 women and they were blocking the exit. I guess they saw that I was getting scared and angry so they moved out of the way and let me go. It was really scary to be surrounded like that, I also wasn't 100% sure where I was in the area so if I ran out of the church I would have gotten terribly lost. Anyway, they took me home and one girl asked me to be friends with her. She was young and a new member, she looked very hurt when I said I didn't want to be her friend, and said "But I'm a good person, I just want to save you." That terrified me and also made me really sad for her. To me, she was the one that needed saving. The look on the main lady that tried to recruit me was scary. It was like her facade had disappeared as soon as she realized I wasn't going to join. While my story isn't as terrifying as the ones we hear about on the news, the stressed that it caused me did affect me a lot and eventually it developed into depression. I felt trapped being in my own home, and every time I left or came back home I felt afraid she would be there.

"My eyes! My eyeeeesssss!!!!" Worst acting in human history X-D

“A person is smart. People aren’t” - Agent K


I hate how pushy those "recruiters" are. Like they give you this weird feeling like they will follow you home until you say yes. It's hella disturbing.


I was raised in a cult (independent fundamentalist Baptist) since I was six years old, but my family was also like a cult, my dad is a narcissist. I also married a narcissist.

The best day of my life was leaving. I left my husband, my family, the denomination, everything I knew.

I edited this comment so you'll never know why I got 57k likes. Sorry.

Shows cult clip
Guy: "This is a great clip"


When I was in an Intensive therapy group. There was a guy who spent his childhood stuck in a cult. Due to his parents and he was sexually assaulted by the adult cult members. He was in his 40's at the time I was in the therapy session with him. The pain he had in his voice. Ugh

There's only one cult I will ever agree with.
And that's Blue Oyster Cult!

Should've had him react to the Farm in Riverdale


He has such a unique voice, like I’ve never heard anyone sound like that ever


Its crazy to see how an average person can be controlled in about 3-4 days

"Excuse me? But may I ask for a little of your time to talk about our Lord and Savio-"

"Oh? You dare approach me? I know what you're up to scoundrel! You cannot fool me! Have at you!"


In all seriousness though, thanks to Ian for sharing his experiences and educating us on the dangers of cults.

I still don’t know if this is a cult or not. I’m torn. But a bf I was seeing a few years ago decided to take me to a meeting for these self-development seminars he’d been going to. He said it was so eye-opening. I knew he was going to these courses, and thought it was typical life-coaching stuff. So I agreed to tag along. There was a HUGE hall full of people. A charismatic leader was talking about how one day he just “woke up” and saw the beauty of the world and his whole mind shifted from then on. He wanted to share these philosophies. He was tired of living the life he’d been living. He wanted to be a new person. So here he is. The stories he told were funny, I laughed. I was entertained from the sidelines, type of thing.

Then suddenly, I got ripped away from my bf and taken to another room for “group activities”. I didn’t have to do anything, but a group leader stood in front of us and told a heartbreaking story of a failed marriage and nearly losing a mentally challenged son. People in the group started sniffing. I got teary-eyed too. We were all crying by the end, and I was mesmerised by this woman’s story. I was amazed at myself, as I never cry in public.

She was looking more at me than anyone else by the end, and as soon as she was done, suddenly her and two others appeared at my side and started telling me how they felt I was the most empathetic audience member; that I have a special something in me that’s crying to be developed. I started to feel uneasy with the over-complimenting. Eventually, they got my bf to come in, and all of them started pressuring me to sign up - it’s so easy; it’s just a bit of cash upfront; they have so much financial support service to help me out; they have counsellors that will talk me through the courses; my life will be changed. I was especially succumbing to my bf’s pressures, because he seemed so “enlightened” in the moment, his eyes were lit up, and I felt I didn’t want to let him down.

I did sign up, and I did go to the course. It was a 3-day intensive course. From morning to late night, several days back-to-back, barely any time for sleep, and hardly any breaks in the day. You feel disconnected from the outside world, you don’t have to time to “sleep on it” and really let it sink in, and the sleep deprivation starts to mess with your ability to see things crystal clear. There was a lot of talk about trauma, they break it down, they explain things, then... they make you dig up your own past. They tell you for every breaktime to call someone from your past to apologise, to talk things through, to make amends, and - of course - to tell them about the course. And reel them in.

I will say, I did get a lot out of it. I did open up emotionally, and looked into my traumas for the first time. But the amount of coercion to sign up to other courses EVERY breaktime was insane. They swoop in like vultures and use every line under the sun to make you feel guilty for not furthering your development. I was so firm and curt with them that they eventually stopped targeting me. They told me to call my friends and family and exes to make amends and invite them, and again, I had to tell them firmly “no. I’m using this break to snack.”

What an experience... oh, and the ex also signed up for an MLM and tried to get me into that. We are no longer together lol.

the fact that he got into a ult bc he wanted to stop smoking, I think it is the most frightening thing of all of this video


Was in a cult for 14 years myself. They take away your identity and replace it with their blueprint idea of a person. Everyone had to listen to same music, eat the same food, watch the same movies, stuff their outside friends, stuff their family members who are not in the cult and so much more.
I can still vividly remember the day I had a mental breakdown because I didn't know who I was anymore. That was the day I decided to plan to leave the cult. It took me 2 years of planning in advance due to what they do to people who decide to leave. But I managed to escape.
Now, I feel no longer handcuffed and I am re-exploring who I am, what I like. It's strange but it feels good

EDIT: It looks like many of you would like to know more about the cult I was in, how it was etc. I'm considering an FAQ video. If you're interested leave a comment with your question

EDIT 2: First set of videos uploaded, just go on my channel. Next videos will follow

I married into a cult at 22. I was groomed by a security guard in Job Corps. He was the cult leader. I was newly out on my own and vulnerable to suggestion. I felt like I had nobody else because it was kind of true. I left four years later when I had to go to the psych ward to recover. Due to malnutrition I had six rotten teeth and was 62 pounds. Thankfully I hid money away and moved to a different state. The following six years were horrible due to the nightmares and my constant questioning of reality. I'm doing completely better now and am an atheist. But I still have nightmares of being stolen from my home back to that cult. I wake up crying. Someday I will not have these dreams. I have a beautiful set of dental prosthetics now and I use a wheelchair due to the neurological damage done. But I love my life

I've had scientologists repeatedly try to get me to come to their things. Usually, their tactics have been focusing on my disability and how I will be so much healthier and even healed if I just go along and see. They're relentless. In comparison, I became muslim, and on the way to that even the imam that I asked a friend to call sat me down and talked to me and asked if I was sure, and to take my time thinking about it. I'd been around muslims for years, and only two had ever asked me to go to the mosque or any kind of class. A few had given me books, but they had asked if I wanted them, and said that if I decide I don't want them to just give them back, or pass it on to someone else etc. If I'd been approached like the scientologists have approached me I would have avoided it like the plague. I've also had a local evangelical church try and push me to go to their service, again to be 'healed'. One other evangelical group multiple times trapped me in a religious service by tricking me (I was isolated due to disability, and they claimed we were just going to go out as friends to have a picnic). A life tip to all: NEVER suggest your faith can heal disability and illness. It's disgusting, shows prejudice towards disability (eg oh it must be because you were bad, or possessed, or just didn't believe enough etc) and takes advantage of people desperate to be healed. The same goes for helping the poor whilst at the same time bringing up religion when they aren't of your faith. You're taking advantage, not really helping.



[Insider] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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