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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Why Sitting Down Destroys You | Roger Frampton | TEDxLeamingtonSpa


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Why Sitting Down Destroys You | Roger Frampton | TEDxLeamingtonSpa


Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Why Sitting Down Destroys You | Roger Frampton | TEDxLeamingtonSpa

From 1:33 - The best bodybuilding advice, ever.


0:34 "It made me laugh so much." Really? It barely raised a smile with your audience.


Skip to 11:40 for the demonstration on the best standing posture.


7:01 So the Slavs were right all along


1:27 The part you are looking for


I laughed so hard at his joke at 4:10

Grace. Amazing... Grace. how sweet (the sound)

Or maybe I laughed because of his laugh.



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Why Sitting Down Destroys You | Roger Frampton | TEDxLeamingtonSpa

Next up: why living makes you die

This is all well and good, but you didn't offer ANYTHING on how to do it, how do we improve our posture and skeletal range of motion?


Why Being Told Sitting Down Destroys You While Sitting Down Destroys You


Not joking: my next youtube search will be "DIY Standing Desk"

I'm looking for a babysquatter, but there's none advertised.


"You're as old as your spine"...Well, that complicates things


...sitting is the new smoking... ;-)


I'm not gay or owt, but you just know he's got chiselled abs under that shirt.

Awesome work Roger, I'm so proud of you brother, you put in the hard work and made it happen! I love this talk :)


Well, he can destroy me when I sit on him.


Good job you gorgeous man,my son was in perfect health. As as he started spending all day sitting down in class he started complaining of back pain leg pain chest pain all kinds of muscular pains before he could even reach 18 and now I see why thank you talk was insightful.

I was about to go out and do something and then this was recommended to me so now I’m here sitting down while watching this

Sitting in classrooms sitting in the office at your desk
Got to think of other ways or be ruined


Most TED's are a big buildup to a disappointing word salad.

A lot of people will now work from home due to covid.
I've worked from home far longer, and I can assure you, sitting (...slouching..) in an unergonomic sofa for many hours a week is far worse for your back than good office chairs.
Another medical train wreck "side effect" coming down the line, sadly.

I'm gonna sound like an old lady but this young man is quite articulate and really made his point. I'm going to try and move my body as he said. It was very educational.


does anyone feel something missing from this?
i feel like we didnt hear enough about the resting posture or something.


Let's all return back to our 3 year old body. Easy


Sitting down is such a trivial thing but it damn get's you later and as a surprise.

Fix it now. It is VERY important.


I'm turning 50 next week. This is a brilliant , and timely, presentation.


I just broke every chair in my house can't stand them!


Love having a nice sit. Always have, and always will. Underrated.

I have a theory sleeping on a bed is an issue too. I'm in my 20's and had back pain from working at a desk most days. I thought it was sitting down but once I started sleeping on the hard floor my back pains and insomnia went away. Interestingly it's common in asian cultures to both squat and sleep on hard surfaces.

The over-arching message here is good but without improvement suggestions not super useful.


Man talked about sitting down destroys you

The whole crowd sitting down


I hope everybody got up and moved either during this video or right after.


Do yoga... IT includes everything you said about spine and movements


Those of us at SLAVES JOBS, on our FEET ALL DAY, so people like him EAT & LIVE WELL, do NOT AGREE.

I always knew the pain I experienced from sitting was chair induced.

Be humble, squat down


I believe him and found my hack for modern day life, since squatting wouldn’t be welcome in places we visit, the important thing is to to make sure your weight is on your pelvic bones, that ensures the spine to straighten and then remember to push your chin with a finger so the skull sits on the spine. Shoulders fall back in place and a kind of ramp model agility swipes down the entire body. The legs making righ angles from the hip, knees and ankles. The only thing important is to sit on a hard surface, I prefer the floor, but when on a couch, I either sit in the front edge or the back edge, else plop a board or hard cushion on my chair.
The result: u feel really light and don’t feel the need to collapse to rest

I wish I had learned about this so much sooner!!!! :( I've always been busty, but I didn't get a proper fitting bra until my mid 20s. By the time I found out America's bra sizing is ALL WRONG I had already been suffering from back pain since my teens. Then I was pregnant with twins and the pressure on my back and the pain got much worse. I went to a chiropractor a year and a half ago and she told me I was 5-10 years away from severe arthritis in my lower spine and it was contributing to headaches and pain in my neck AND shoulders. Now I have a time limit on how long I can stand and I have to REST my back daily like an old person and I'm only 30.. :I

But, of course, in good old America.. Chiropractors aren't covered and neither is preventative care, so I can't afford to get any treatment. I've tried yoga, but I have to be extremely careful or one wrong move and I'll mess my back up for HOURS. Same thing with heavy lifting - never mind exercising. I've tried to strengthen my core and upper body, but the pain gets too bad. :'(


I started playing drums when I was seven. This meant I had to sit on a throne, which offered no back support for long periods of time to practice. When I was fifteen I fell of a forty foot dry waterfall and landed on my back resulting in a compression fracture of my lumbar vertebrae. My first thought was that I wouldn't be able to play anymore. With the aide of a back brace I made a full recovery. When I was twenty-one I played six hours a night, six nights a weak for six months strait. I never suffered from any back pain. Later on like any good musician I worked construction as well as performing at night. I was a tile setter and this is truly back breaking work but I was always careful not to bend when I lifted heavy buckets or shoveled. I lifted with my knees. I did start having some back pain after I began working with computers sitting in a cubicle for 8 to 10 hours a day. One of my band mates was a personal trainer and he showed me that if i stood with my feet crossed and reached upward with one arm and alternated this stretching exercise it would alleviate the pain.What's the point. Never sit hunched over a keyboard for a period longer then 20 minutes. Stand up, walk around, stretch your spine. Be careful. Back injuries are painful and permanent.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TEDx Talks] Channel Posting

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