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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] A rich life with less stuff | The Minimalists | TEDxWhitefish
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] A rich life with less stuff | The Minimalists | TEDxWhitefish



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] A rich life with less stuff | The Minimalists | TEDxWhitefish


"Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil."
--James 4:13-16

1:05 Oh my God that ringtone brings back so many memories

I'm a 22 year old British guy in university studying for an Economics degree. My final exam is in three weeks, after which it's time to face life. On the back of this video, and in the next three weeks, I plan to sell everything I own; car, MacBook, iPad, GoPro, etc. I have worked in an entrepreneurial sense for nearly all of my possessions and at 02:13am I can't put into words how excited I am to rid my life of all of them.

Thank you for this - I'd make a video to log my progress but I'm selling the camera.

00:56 Still The best ringtone ever

0:56 - Joke fail.

Wow! What a good life you have guys. I want to comment though that what you called being minimalist is one of the principles that Jesus taught like for example Jesus said in Mathew 6:19-20 "19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal". I know for sure that Jesus is teaching us how to be really rich and how to be really happy. We can learn more about how to be to stress free and find true freedom in Jesus' teachings if we only allow him to teach us through his teachings that was recorded in the bible. We can't really find our purpose and fulfillment not until we go to our master builder. As the car can't fly no matter how hard we try to make it fly because that is not the design of the one who made it to fly, so is with us, we can't really be totally fulfilled not until we read our owners manual on what he designed us for.

for my own future reference: packing party 9:14



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] A rich life with less stuff | The Minimalists | TEDxWhitefish


Ironically, this TED talk has more props than any other I've seen.


"Adding value is a basic human instinct."
"We all need some stuff. We all have to pay the bills, right? It's just that, when we put those things first, we tend to lose sight of our real priorities."
Well-said .

simplicity is happiness for sure. thank you


The phone call thing in the beginning, was that just an excuse to get off stage or was there a deeper meaning to it?


True wealth comes from having great health, great experiences and great connections with others. As long as you have a roof over your head and doing what you love you have everything you need to be content.


AWESOME video! I lost everything, home, car and health, because of a Narcissist. I got cancer and then the light went on! I believe it had to do with the stress in my life. I severed ties with all the toxic people in my life. Right now I'm working at getting Disability and aspire to one day live in a Tiny House working online and just being plain happy!

I used to have a handful of beautiful things in my house and I LOVED them and cherished them. Now I have dozens and they just annoy me because I have neither the time to enjoy them nor the heart to get rid of them.

This really hits home! I was making over $100K per year in my mid 30's but I was also working 50-60 hours a week. Sure, I made good money for a single guy but I didn't feel rich at all! I worked so much that I didn't even have time to enjoy the money I was making. Having lots of money doesn't make your life any richer. Focus on yourself first! Don't live to work, work to live.

some people still didn't understand let me clear this in one line -> IT'S NOT ABOUT EARNING LESS IT'S ABOUT SPENDING LESS.


Remember, we're all born with nothing and we'll all die with nothing. Possessions don't mean too much!


I want my children to watch this 13 times each. Until they get it. ;))

Where can I find this video with Spanish sub?? My parents need to hear this, like really


I fucking love this.

I really love this!! Because growing up I always wasn't that materialistic even to the point when I use to work at the mall. I wouldn't buy anything even when I liked something. I just didn't care.. But after while I saw myself feeling pressure to have all the latest things. I don't want that materialistic lifestyle or how we're suppose to be in society keep making me unhappy. with minimalism you finally get your freedom and true happiness. Thank you

“Are you a rich man, do you have a lot of possessions?”
“I don’t have that kind of richness, my richness is life”. - Bob Marley

I'm watching this in 2020. Who else?

Yes but, I really need my hello kitty toilet seat cover. : )

These guys hit it dead on the spot. I actually got rid of my iPhone went to blackberry. More apps you have more distraction less productivity in your life. Technology can take you somewhere bad or good . There is consequences when you are doing a lot of app activities on your phone .


I love the whole minimalist thing and regularly remove things from my life that I consider excess og needless....


the things u own end up owning you.................


Where would artists be if no one bought their art? I love looking at my art. It gives me energy. Blank walls are depressing to me, and boring. A lot of people don't have to find meaning their lives by getting rid of most things, though I've started to get rid of lots.


Working all hours to buy stuff we don't need, with money we don't have to impress people we don't know.

Financially speaking, you cannot be a minimalist if you're poor. You're on the doormat of poverty. But, I do understand from a mental standpoint. It applies to everyone.

"Stagnant" is the word that perfectly describes my life at the moment.

A blind millionaire would give all his money to see. This makes me think, how rich am I? And how rich are you?


Becoming conditioned by society norms is the problem. Becoming unconditioned and unbrainwashed is very difficult to do for 97 percent of the population


I am already living like this didn't realise there was a club.


“Stuff didn’t fill the void. It widened it”


great presentation, watching in 2020 during lockdown.

Check out flylady.net if you have issues with decluttering and overcoming procrastination to declutter. She's awesome! Seriously... !!! 

I don't get these guys saying they are living a minimalist life when they did an 8 country 100 city tour in 2014. Less stuff, but chasing from place to place. Seems cluttered in another way to me.

I am so happy to meet you two!! Last August, My husband and I decided "he needed to go on a long road trip in order to save our relationship. He loves to take road trips and I tend to need home time. So off he went on what ended up a 11,000 road trip and I started looking at our packed 3 car garage. To me, coming home and when the garage door opens to welcome me with open arms, all I saw was "stuff". Stuff everywhere, I felt "cluttered in my heart and soul. So I decided to start cleaning, packing, giving away, selling things I didn't need anymore. The second thought when he would come home with a clear head, I would present him with a clear garage. That August 7, 2016 started my journey. It was mind clearing for me and I would rest in the evening, get an urge to go clean up some more at 11pm and I was energized! As the weeks went on, I documented with photos and videos of my progress. I would look at them often and I felt giddy and happy in my mind and heart. There was a side benefit that I started losing weight too! He eventually came home and I was so excited for him to drive up and open the garage door and see the transformation. It was really hard for me not to leak my secret when he would Facetime or call me. Then with that elation I felt, I started in on my own wardrobe closet, and that is when I realized "less is more". I then found Marie Kondo: "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up"
Now....here is the big point of my sharing...Our relationship was renewed, and he wo was so proud that his BIG road trip, he learned that a few change of underwear , one pair ,of jeans, a fleece, windbreaker and toiletries and he too started his own road to recovery on "less is more". We looked around our 2500 sf house of 4 bedrooms, that I had filled up. Our family was him, me and one little white dog. We bought a 1500 sf townhome and currently donating furniture, packing up all nicknacks, and basically closing the doors with furniture and starting a new chapter in our life. Then a week ago we came across you two! I like seeing open spaces and my mind is refreshed.
I am happy you two came across my path to recovery of "compulsive consumption" Lastly my offering of advice. "Why do you need 6 bottles of anything just because they are on sale in quantities. Remember keep your money in your pocket as the products will always be on the shelves..those are your storage facility without costing"


Main keys to happiness: contribute beyond yourself, remove the approval addiction, daily self-reflect, keep a neutral, but rational view in "negative" situations, stay proactive + have 100% focus in the present. That's it. I struggled with materialism, along with an identity crisis, for 4 years as a young adult entering his early 20s and I can surely relate with this story. I never knew what I wanted in life, I was stressed, I was lonely, and my "happinness" was in a constant roller coaster ride. It was until graduating college, that I began to reflect on my life a lot. I ended up forcing myself initially to be more active with my surroundings, attending church groups, attending retreats, and educating myself on the human mind by reading more books.

"Don't live to work, work to live"

I certainly agree with them on the mentality of minimalism as I try to practice it myself. I think the issue at hand though is if you live in poverty surviving day-to-day, it's much more difficult to achieve this kind of lifestyle. For example, poor people have worse health than those who have more money due to lack of quality food, adequate healthcare, and higher exposure to toxic environments around their homes. I don't want to put down the speakers for trying to inspire better lifestyles for people, but it is important to note that those with greater resources are better equipped for achieving something like this.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TEDx Talks] Channel Posting

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[TEDx Talks] How to stop screwing yourself over | Mel Robbins | TEDxSF

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[TEDx Talks] How to triple your memory by using this trick | Ricardo Lieuw On | TEDxHaarlem

[TEDx Talks] I Was Almost A School Shooter | Aaron Stark | TEDxBoulder

[TEDx Talks] I've lived as a man & a woman -- here's what I learned | Paula Stone Williams | TEDxMileHigh

[TEDx Talks] Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia Thurlow | TEDxGreenville

[TEDx Talks] Let’s Talk Porn | Maria Ahlin | TEDxGöteborg

[TEDx Talks] Mathematics and sex | Clio Cresswell | TEDxSydney

[TEDx Talks] Pełna moc możliwości: Jacek Walkiewicz at TEDxWSB

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[TEDx Talks] Programming your mind for success | Carrie Green | TEDxManchester

[TEDx Talks] Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons

[TEDx Talks] Select the right relationship | Alexandra Redcay | TEDxUpperEastSide

[TEDx Talks] Stand Alone to Stand Apart | Bhuvan Bam | TEDxJUIT

[TEDx Talks] Sólo cambié mi actitud y todo cambió | Juan Bautista Segonds | TEDxSanIsidro

[TEDx Talks] The Discipline of Finishing: Conor Neill at TEDxUniversidaddeNavarra

[TEDx Talks] The Ideal Diet for Humans | Galit Goldfarb | TEDxWilmington

[TEDx Talks] The Most Unexpected Acoustic Guitar Performance | The Showhawk Duo | TEDxKlagenfurt

[TEDx Talks] The Secret To Achieving the "Impossible" | Ravi Dubey | TEDxGGDSDCollege

[TEDx Talks] The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong | Amy Morin | TEDxOcala

[TEDx Talks] The Simple Cure for Loneliness | Baya Voce | TEDxSaltLakeCity

[TEDx Talks] The Skill of Humor | Andrew Tarvin | TEDxTAMU

[TEDx Talks] The Super Mario Effect - Tricking Your Brain into Learning More | Mark Rober | TEDxPenn

[TEDx Talks] The lady stripped bare | Tracey Spicer | TEDxSouthBankWomen

[TEDx Talks] The mathematics of weight loss | Ruben Meerman | TEDxQUT (edited version)

[TEDx Talks] The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans | Daniel Amen | TEDxOrangeCoast

[TEDx Talks] The person you really need to marry | Tracy McMillan | TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen

[TEDx Talks] The secret to self control | Jonathan Bricker | TEDxRainier

[TEDx Talks] The surprising beauty of mathematics | Jonathan Matte | TEDxGreensFarmsAcademy

[TEDx Talks] Top hacker shows us how it's done | Pablos Holman | TEDxMidwest

[TEDx Talks] Transforming Noise Into Music | Jackson Jhin | TEDxUND

[TEDx Talks] Unwavering Focus | Dandapani | TEDxReno

[TEDx Talks] Waking up as a meme-hero | Andras Arato | TEDxKyiv

[TEDx Talks] We should all be feminists | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | TEDxEuston

[TEDx Talks] Why fasting bolsters brain power: Mark Mattson at TEDxJohnsHopkinsUniversity

[TEDx Talks] Why the majority is always wrong | Paul Rulkens | TEDxMaastricht



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