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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Israeli settlements, explained | Settlements Part I


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Israeli settlements, explained | Settlements Part I




Playtime Comments : [Vox] Israeli settlements, explained | Settlements Part I


8:00 map needs to updated every month


around 4:40 mark, "They began protesting sometimes with extreme violence"... LOL

at 1:19 the British Mandate of Palestine had BOTH nowadays Israel-Palestine region AND Transjordan region. It makes a difference.

2:27 They should have chose #1 .



Top Comments : [Vox] Israeli settlements, explained | Settlements Part I


I'm drunk and completely support youtube videos


You forgot about the second intifada.


Britain is the type of guy that will accidentally ruin a bookshelf in the library and just runs away


You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Abraham Lincoln


Please do check the fact by interviewing both sides. Two poin of view with no conclusion is better than one point of view that will hide the other view.
Please do.

"Called flyovers because they bypass Palestinian villages."

Known in the United States as "FREEWAYS", which also bypass villages.


الله أكبر

This comments section is going to be full of civilized people talking respectfully

من عمل صالحا فلنفسه و من آساء فعليها و ما ربك بظلام للعبيد .صدق الله العظيم . إبتلاكم الله بظنكم آمين الله .

I can see Kashmir's solution here...Long live India,Long live Kashmir !


1948 lol keep going

Kashmir and Palestine are the examples that Britain never wanted to keep her ex colonies in peace.


What a mess. Feel sad for those people that have to deal with it.


This is all about ethnic exceptionalism wherein one group thinks they have been chosen by God to rule the land. Another name for ethnic exceptionalism is racism.

Seems amazingly similar to another movement that occurred in central Europe towards the middle of the 20th century.


أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم ( اعملوا آل داود شكرا وقليل من عبادي الشكور ) صدق الله العظيم


Those settlement towns look really nice and modern


You know when there is a conflict between nations over land you know there is British involvement in that.


As an honorary member of the British Empire, apologies for that mess



If Britain didn't divide Isreal and palestine this war won't even exist

British have a bad history dividing their colonies and leaving conflicts behind.

Im the son of a man who his family home and land for generations was destroyed and forced to travel to raise this man (my dad) and his seven sisters, this is just my small part in the story before 1948, imagine how many lives was affected, i am glad that there is comments knowing that what is portrayed here is not the whole truth.

British Partitioning countries based on ethnic religious lines creates conflict

India- pakistan partition
Israel-palestinian partition
Maybe other former colonies with ethnic conflict - sri lanka
And Many others where ethnic divisions have created disharmony


Someone didnt finish his job with Israeli

Lebensraum II: Electric Boogaloo

That ambient track is pretty good,


No one gonna talk about how China does this all the time?


Hey, I love this channel....

In the past few days of lock down I have been watching your videos and I noticed that most of the traumatizing wars settlements hatred was brewed in this world by British, I am not saying that I hate them or against them but they should have left the countries which they tried to get vested interests out of in a better situation


When you want to explain something for people to understand, always present the two sides of the story not one sided opinion. This implies that you are not neutral. Be balanced. What about the cruelty that they did to the Palestinian people???

Can you imagine everyone would claim territory on base of pick historical achievement?


2 things in world will not settle until WW3 :
1.Israel-Palestine over Gaza
2.India-Pakistan over Kashmir


It's not such a simple story
It's a big deal to kick out a resident from his home just by saying that, thousands of years before our ancestors were living there

I remember a few years back when I saw reports on the amount of people killed because of this on going historical conflict, and was in disbelief. The media engineered it in a way where it seemed as if both sides were equally advantaged but it wasn't even close.I don't understand why effective sanctions by superpowers haven't been pressed upon Israel (the more developed nation of that land) to pressure them into finding a solution to the regional issues of that land.


Why does this channel only have 1.2 mill subs? The production value is so good.


This wasn’t Britain’s land to give away. The Arab revolt lead to the military uprising of Arab forces against the Ottoman Empire to create a single unified and independent Arab state stretching from Syria to Yemen, which the British had promised to recognize. The Middle East was later split up by the British and French into territories rather than a unified Arab state, and the British abandoned their promise to support a unified independent Arab state. Many conflicts in the Middle East can be traced back to the division of what was to be a unified state. Edit: I read in the comments and see a lot of misinformed people. THE BRITISH DID NOT DRIVE OUT THE OTTOMANS, the Arabs did with the leadership of Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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