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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The #1 reason people die early, in each country


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The #1 reason people die early, in each country



Playtime Comments : [Vox] The #1 reason people die early, in each country


2:28 "then there's the Rich countries...": *shows India*

Me, an Indian: oh?


0:44 Morocco, Westen Sahara and Greenland be like “Death? Yeah we don’t know her”

2:07 that didnt age well

1:19 Saudi drivers man

0:49 4 shades of red is really hard to tell apart

1:20 is that guy fixing his tire he must've been in a hurry to get somewhere

1:07 Video suddenly turns into a meme, holy cow I did not see that coming!!

(Deja vu plays)

(Rage your Dream intensifies)

1:06 meanwhile in Saudi Arabia:


1:14 cough gun control has the same effect cough



Top Comments : [Vox] The #1 reason people die early, in each country


The #1 cause of death is dying. Together, we can stop this.

"Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia" :
Men doing Quadruple car backflips to see which can do better.

Vox: ''In rich countries'' *highlights Argentina
Me, an Argentinian: visible confusion

All these years, Saudis got a bad reputation in the ignorant West about not letting the women drive. They were just protecting them


The thumbnail reminds of a certain song....

In China: “infectious diseases have dropped dramatically”

COVID-19 giggles

No one:

Saudi guy: vibing on the hood of the car texting

In heaven
African kid: I died due to malaria
American: I died due to heart attack
Arab guy: habibi I was trying to change tyre on a moving car.


Everyone’s acting like life’s promised to them?


I see map
I see greenland
No one dies in greenland
Move to greenland and live forever

I'm saudi and I approve this message

The reason Saudi Arabia doesn’t allow women to drive is because they’ll nag the men about their dangerous driving

Bro I was legit trying to wipe the circle off my screen


Why do I wanna live in Saudi Arabia now, it just seems so vibe

Bye guys I am going to Greenland.

Safe driving *exists*


Since cinemas are banned in Saudi Arabia, Saudi People rather watch Fast and furious in real life

How’s your driving skills?
Me: I follow traffic rules and drive safely
Also Saudi:
Cars have four wheels, but we only use two

the saudi one kinda made me laugh

Saudi Arabia: I paid for the speedometer, I’m going to use the whole speedometer.

Who else is watching 4 years after the video was made ?


Saudi Arabia : "Hold my oilll"

Watching this during the pandemic , the number they said in the beginning is like ×50

so it's proven, Philippines is rich

especially in debt


Vox: “In rich countries” * Highlights Brazil
Me, a Brazilian: visible confusion


Saudi Arabias: doing car tricks.

Me: wow those people are LiVInG LiKE LArRY


Vox: rich countries
Also Vox: highlights 90% of the world

So we're not gonna question people tryin to do coffin dance in the thumbnail?

ah yes, the "lets choose three shades of red almost completely indiscernible from one another for an infograph"

And it has gotten even worse in Venezuela... These last three years have been very rough for our country. Yes, the main cause of death are homicides. You would be surprised (or extremely shocked) at how often and easily people talk about this in a daily basis. You can hear almost anyone go and say, "Was your friend's dad finally rescued from that kidnapping? I heard he was left on the highway at the middle of the night"; or, "Yesterday my neighbor and his two kids were held at gunpoint. The gang entered their home and ransacked everything, threatening to kill his wife." These conversations are not just from relatives and close people or friends, they come from some around the city, too. I sometimes overhear conversations in a restaurant, market, or bank about these situations. Although it is a common topic in most conversations, it doesn't mean we take it lightly. In 2014 youth riots and protests triggered even more death, but that's another topic on corruption. Low income people in the streets would literally kill for the phone or tablet/laptop you're using right now. My dad was actually attacked in the street by a man holding a sharp object, with the sole purpose of stealing his phone. We live in fear everyday, checking twice for any car following us home in the rearview mirror, rushing to get the keys out of our bags so to open a door quickly, cancelling social gatherings due to the lack of safety in the streets... the list goes on and on. It is sad, because some Venezuelans that can't afford to live like that decide to leave the country in hopes of living a better life. I don't blame them, everyone deserves that opportunity, but nobody deserves to live as if we were prey to an animal. I have had countless friends move to other countries. I remember dreading the day my best friend would tell me the bad news, opting for the an escape and leaving everything behind. Well, we are close to seeing better days, at least. The country is taking slow baby steps to progress, but it is something. The fact that the people who remained behind in the country are realizing the consequences of this is good, too. We are sick of what is happening, and we are demanding change. Oh, and this is just the teeny tiny tip of the iceberg.

Anyway, hope you learned something from my venting. This has been Venezuela from the year 2013 and onwards in a nutshell. Peace out y'all



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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