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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Would you use time travel to kill baby Hitler?
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Would you use time travel to kill baby Hitler?




Playtime Comments : [Vox] Would you use time travel to kill baby Hitler?

6:06 "Even Former Future President Jeb Bush." Something about this isn’t right.


6:35. Only a monster would place a Jenga piece that way

3:46 I just realised that Wisconsin totally looks like Tanzania.

3:37 Interesting surname...


Am I the only one who cracked up at 3:43 when expecting the title of some novel, we instead get 'Unemployment Insurance in Wisconsin'


6:09 former future potus?



Top Comments : [Vox] Would you use time travel to kill baby Hitler?


Just accept him into art school,
He'll become a cool artist instead.

I wouldn’t kill Hitler, I’d persuade him not to give up on his dream of being an artist

Instead of killing him, get him accepted into art school


No, there's no telling what could've happened instead.


I Have a better idea
>Get bob ross
>Send him to 1930
>Tell him to give hitler some art classes
>Hitler enters art academy

"If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and Toby, I'd shoot Toby twice." - Michael Scott


me: i killed hitler!!!
my friend: who?!


I’d go back in time and teach Aristotle all of modern scientific knowledge, imagine where we would be now.

i wouldnt, because i believe in the butterfly effect

Observing history is beneficial, but changing it is only dangerous.


Everyone: "id accept him into Art school"
Me: "hehe Leonardo da hitler hehe

Real question: Would you let Hitler into art school?


I watch these for fun. I’ve learned more in the past week than in the last school year

Thinking about it logically, if you went back and killed Hitler then a alternate paradox timeline would be made and then it would lead in a series of events not occurring meaning that you would never exist meaning that you never killed Hitler ending up with you being dead and non existent and Hitler still alive. Moral of the story, Hitler always wins


Everyone: No, because we'll mess up the timeline
Avenger's Endgame Hulk: That's not how time travel works

No, changing something that has happened will always change the present, every horrible thing makes us learn, deleting every sad or bad experiance from ever happening makes us dumber than we already are. There is no point in killing baby hitler.
you can change the future but never change the past.

No I wouldn’t, because it would enrage his father, who punished him severely

No, even the smallest changes can make big changes

its called the butterfly effect

Stopping the great depression would be more effective tbh


no because it would create a time paradox because if you went back in time and killed hitler, he would never have become a horrible dictator/person and thus future you would have no reason to go back in time to kill hitler, its like the grandfather paradox if you go back in time to and kill your grandfather you would have never been born therefore would not have the ability to go back in time to kill him therefore you would still exist to kill him but then you would not exist etc etc etc it goes in a never ending loop

Suddenly everyone is an expert in consequences of time travel


If you killed baby hitler, everyone else will just think that you killed a baby


I'd tell him he's a good artist


No, because that's not how time traveling works

-me, who watched endgame 10 times


‘Changing the past doesn’t change the future" - professor hulk


I would give him a seat at an art academy


No, you can't mess with the time line Barry


Drinking game: Take a shot everytime someone says 'Time' in this video.

Butterfly effect? I prefer the “Banana Cream Pie Paradox”.


You could have just forced people who in charge of the art school Hitler attended to accept him.


no, I would give him a Jewish best friend, better parents, and send him to art school.


I’ll just tell him “nice art man don’t listen to everyone else”


Best case scenario: You save a lot of people who would be dead by now anyway.
Worst case scenario: You mess it up and now Hitler has a time machine.



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