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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Mark Rober] The Truth About my Son
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Mark Rober] The Truth About my Son




Playtime Comments : [Mark Rober] The Truth About my Son

7:40 "it's enough to make a grown man cry, and that's ok"


From time 7:30 i started crying its a very very important message to all us mortals and ill ask my mom if we can donate 20 dollars


Praying for your whole family.

7:14 hit hard I haven’t heard those words in years

7:45 you can hear the tremble in his voice you can tell he loves this kid makes me super happy to see


I have high functioning autism. Although I live alone, pay bills and lead a more or less "normal life" I still have 3:25 with sound filtering. It's exhausting at times, sure I might have to leave a busy place at times because it becomes overwhelming but other days... not a problem at all :)
Thank you for this video :)
What an achievement to raise £1,000,000.00



Top Comments : [Mark Rober] The Truth About my Son

Mark, thanks so much for this video. I don't talk about it publicly much, but I have two daughters on the autism spectrum. While they have their kryptonite like loud noises, sensory overload, and a lack of social skills, they do have superpowers of their own... They make me smile and laugh every single day. I'll definitely be tuning in and donating during the stream. Cheers man.

- Jeff

Much respect Mark. My four and three-year-old are both on the spectrum. And Oh so different they are. Thanks for sharing it’s definitely a tough road but it’s the most rewarding for sure

I was just diagnosed with autism last month. I will be turning 27 this week. This touched me.


I don't really know what to say. Thank you for sharing this and giving us more information about your situation, and other parents situation with special needs kids.


This is nothing to laugh on, but the way he said how he doesn't care about his nieces and nephews, was hilarious

I’m 17 and this is enough to make me cry


Thank you so much for sharing your son with us! This really hits home with me personally, and I can't tell you how great it is to learn more about how simple life can be if you make it about the individual and their place of happiness.

Beautiful video. Nothing more precious than a bond between parent and child.


Thank you for highlighting that not all of us autistics have these “super” abilities.


Dude..... this one hit in a different way! Such great content. Such a great cause.

My son is 2 years old, and I have definitely became more and more compassionate after having a kid. I can proudly say that I teared up watching this video and seeing the great bond you have with your boy.


My brother was autistic.. but had a great soul.. rest in peace bro..

As an autistic adult with debilitating hyperacusis, I appreciate this.


I can attest to the awesome drawings, as I'm a proud owner of one myself.


Didn't think I could respect you even more than I did.

I was just recently diagnosed with Autism.
I spent my whole life enduring the struggles it, unfortunately, can come with and my feelings were disregarded by the people around me.
I was treated as if I was crazy or my feelings were invalid.
I'm glad that you made this video to shed light on Autism.
This video was so beautiful and reduced me to tears. You're an excellent father

My 8 year old is also diagnosed with autism. Thank you for making this and raising such sensitive, humanizing awareness.

My little brother is autistic and so this one hits home. Very excited for this live stream!

Thanks Mark, it's awesome you're using your platform to spread this kind of message! Looking forwards to the livestream!

The kid in the Santa scene is so cute, those people is so nice and friendly


I’m autistic and like, dang, I never realized hearing everything wasn’t a normal thing? Odd, but yeah. I’ve learned to appreciate everything in life. Thank you for understanding me. I don’t know if anyone’s gonna see this, but I don’t care. :)


Does he ever not smile or laugh I smiled the whole way through this video thank you for this


There is nothing better than the feeling you get when you're so happy you cry. This video is amazing and I'm so happy Mark shared it with us. Mark, if you ever read this, I wish you and your wonderful family the best!

When he smiles it looks a lot like yours, Mark. That bond is wonderful, cherish it.

I could watch this video for a year on repeat

I’m proud of you for this! Very informative and genuine, idk what to say but this is easily one of your best videos!


Thanks Mark, from another special needs Dad.

Mark Rober is one of the few YouTubers that makes YouTube a healthy Social media platform.


Glad to see you using your platform to help both your son and millions of other children across the globe! Your story is inspirational and you have our full support.


My nephew is autistic, thank you for doing this Mark. I donated $1000


Had to hold my tears when the kid scored those 3 last points! Mark, thank you for making the world a better place.

I have a sister with Down Syndrome and I have never seen someone who loves people as much as her. She sometimes gets overwhelmed and can't focus, but she loves making people happy. She laughs all the time and makes me so happy to see her growing. I have gone to a camp that is specifically designed for kids and adults with special needs once and will be going again this year. I get to volunteer and help these amazing people have an amazing time at camp. I also volunteer at a therapeutic barn and these kids are amazing and you get to see them make huge strides and see them be proud of themselves. it's one of the best parts of my week and it's so encouraging.

Three thoughts:

1) Greta Thurnberg is one of the most crucial people on our planet, largely due to a unique perspective, a direct result of her autism. She's stated on many occasions that she doesn't consider ASD to be an affliction, but a benefit.

2) You seem to be an exceptionally rare, gifted, giving, overall amazing human being. I have to believe that some portion of this is due to the unique experiences with your son. Something tells me that you and your wife are just as fortunate to have him ... as he is to have both of you.

3) You mentioned that you "look older" in this video. Don't kid yourself, you're timeless :)

Hi Mark. Thank you for sharing your story. My son is going to be 22 this year. They told me he would never speak. I didn't give up. Thanks to start ups and people like yourself I was able to find the help he needed to reach his potential. He is now a sophomore in a community college. Having said that Autism is still sadly very under severed. Many people don't know the pain of not being able to get quality help because you can't afford it or find it. Keep us posted on your sons progress and future fundraisers.



[Mark Rober] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[Mark Rober] Channel Posting

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[Mark Rober] ARCADE SCAM SCIENCE (not clickbait)

[Mark Rober] BEST Guess Who Strategy- 96% WIN record using MATH

[Mark Rober] Beating iPhone Heart Halloween Costume + 20 more high-tech costumes

[Mark Rober] Building the Perfect Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

[Mark Rober] CARNIVAL SCAM SCIENCE- and how to win

[Mark Rober] DRONE Solar System Model- How far is Planet 9?

[Mark Rober] Defog your windows TWICE as fast using SCIENCE- 4 easy steps

[Mark Rober] Drinking Nasty Swamp Water (to save the world)

[Mark Rober] EASY Pinewood Derby Car WINS using Science!!!

[Mark Rober] EPIC Matrix effect w/ a ceiling fan & 1 GoPro (ghetto bullet time)

[Mark Rober] FLYING PHONE SCAM EXPOSED (so I built a REAL one)

[Mark Rober] Feeding Bill Gates a Fake Burger (to save the world)

[Mark Rober] Glitterbomb 3.0 vs. Porch Pirates

[Mark Rober] Glitterbomb Trap Catches Phone Scammer (who gets arrested)

[Mark Rober] Hot Wheels STUNT RACE- Slow Mo (2500 FPS)

[Mark Rober] How To See Germs Spread Experiment (Coronavirus)

[Mark Rober] How to Survive a Grenade Blast

[Mark Rober] How to save 51 billion lives for 68 cents with simple Engineering

[Mark Rober] Is NASA a waste of money?

[Mark Rober] LED Edge Lit Table- HOW TO

[Mark Rober] Liquid Sand Hot Tub- Fluidized air bed

[Mark Rober] Measure height with a watch! Cliff jump science

[Mark Rober] NASA Pumpkin Carving Contest w/ LASERS!!!

[Mark Rober] NICEST Car Horn Ever- DIY

[Mark Rober] PAINT Super Soaker Battle (w/ Colin Furze)- Splatoon IRL

[Mark Rober] Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb Trap

[Mark Rober] Playing Card Machine Gun- Card Throwing Trick Shots

[Mark Rober] Porch Pirate vs. Glitter Bomb Trap 2.0

[Mark Rober] Rock Skip Robot- The Science of Perfect Rock Skipping

[Mark Rober] Rocket Powered Golf Club at 100,000 FPS

[Mark Rober] SCIENCE CLASS #1- WHY Does Helium Make Your Voice Higher?

[Mark Rober] SKIN A WATERMELON party trick

[Mark Rober] Scooby Doo Surveillance Cam (w/ 2 iPhones)

[Mark Rober] Shark Attack Test- Human Blood vs. Fish Blood

[Mark Rober] Testing if Sharks Can Smell a Drop of Blood

[Mark Rober] Turtles or Snakes- Which do cars hit more? ROADKILL EXPERIMENT

[Mark Rober] Watermelon smoothie hack in 2 minutes- No mess

[Mark Rober] World's First Automatic Strike Bowling Ball

[Mark Rober] World's LARGEST NERF GUN!!

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[Mark Rober] World's Largest Elephant Toothpaste Experiment

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[Mark Rober] World's Longest Field Goal- Robot vs NFL Kicker

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