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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 13 Misconceptions About Global Warming


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 13 Misconceptions About Global Warming




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] 13 Misconceptions About Global Warming


Me at 2:00 AM taking a shower, thinking about the arguments I could have said:

3:48 - This is inaccurate. He wouldn't actually be listening to you.

0:42 flat eartthers : yes ofc globe is not warming

To everyone saying the internet is too nice and understanding: 3:33


2:37 the system was in balance, as all things should be. #ThanosStoppedClimateChange

5:35 lol "I'm not claiming its going to be some sort of crazy catastrophe"... proceeds to explain how it's going to be a crazy catastrophe.

THANK YOU. This subject got confused when it became political, like EVERYTHING else that got political.
Now, how do you hold someones attention for 6:49 to prove them wrong? THAT is a mystery of the universe I'd like to see solved. LALALALALALALALALALA, I CAN'T HEEEEAAAARRRR YOOOOUUUUU!

3:36 "i win"



Top Comments : [Veritasium] 13 Misconceptions About Global Warming

Careful there that's logic, logic is about to be outlawed.


Global Warming: *exists

Russians: Da, one less layer today comrades!


This episode of Veritasium was supported by audible.com, a leading provider of youtuber's wages with over 150,000 sponsored videos

Inaccurate. He would've just resorted to calling him a fascist or something along those lines as soon as the first misconception got debunked

Please do a recap of this video for 2020


I can not thank you enough for this video man.
"I came looking for copper and I found gold"

How warm was the earth when they could grow diary cattle in Greenland?

I'd like a similar one about the Moon landing conspiracy.


I love how you smacked down all of the points that climate deniers make on a consistent basis, bravo sir, bravo!

Has YouTube's algorithm made this go viral 4 years after release?

The 'internet persona' is asking way too educated questions. This is no good representation of the real 'critiquers'


This video was so hard to watch. I don't think I've heard any of these counterarguments before and I'm so thankful.


2019 entertainment
Watching a dude arguing with himself from 5 years ago , thanks youtube

the part when he said "i win" made me crack up. this is so realistic


"why are you wearing sunglasses"
Global warming... i need to stay Cool!

Great video. I was amazed by how well you managed to put this much relevant information, well illustrated, into just 6 minutes!

Two comments, though: First, I am afraid someone who doesn't know this stuff yet may be overwhelmed by the amount of information (and not understand some of it). It would be great if you could follow some of it up with more in-depth explanation (e.g., thermosteric sea level rise or the Delta13C signature of fossil carbon).

Second, I wish the internet was as friendly and accessible to reasonable arguments as your sunglass-wearing double! :D


Can we get a remake of this video with even newer statistics to further prove that Climate Change exists?

Internet: gets one fact right out of like a thousand biased opinions guised as facts "I win."


I died at "if the slope is nill the climate's chill" hahahahaha


I love the "internet" persona. Bring him back!


Everybody gangsta till vertasuim puts glasses on


Can we see your graphs going back a bit longer on the x-axis?


This guy is so nice he can only argue with himself

The youtuber "devil advocate" is actually capable of understanding of the counter-arguments and he listens to his opponent. That does not happen in most discussions.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses...?"
"Yo because it makes me look like my homeboy Don Jr. Why just sound the part when you can look it too?"


Not only this video has changed how I look at this, I think it must be the single most convincing, informative climate change video out there.  Thank you.


The Youtube character is that one friend of yours that doesn't want to accept that they have already lost the "debate".

Nice video Veritasium

Honestly, I kind of hope we completely screw this rock up for any and all forms of life. Why? Because then we would finally have to get off our asses and become a star faring civilization. We could have done that by now if we had just abandoned the stupid ideas called "Money" and "nations" and put all of our species resources into generation ships.

Who else watching this is picking up Ryan George vibes

"If the slope is nil,
the climate is chill."
- Le YouTube


It's really strange how everything he is talking about is one of the main topics in 2019.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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