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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] How this drug lord created a hippo problem in Colombia


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] How this drug lord created a hippo problem in Colombia


Playtime Comments : [Vox] How this drug lord created a hippo problem in Colombia

I swear a hippo laughed at 7:42 when he said people thought hippos were charismatic and tender.

Lol Hippo laughing at them at 7:42 when the guy said hippos are good- natured and tender.


5:29 That hippo sitting in the darkness is legit creepy.


"if you have a problem use guns, if it doesn't work use more guns"

7:42 that hippo laughing whilst he's explaining the farce of hippos, I spat my coffee


Best ñero of the year


2:49 looks like a giraffe version of Homer Simpson


My dude fr be the only one that got killed out of 50 others one out there

0:04 hello darkness my old friend

Nav finally when to college 3:37



Top Comments : [Vox] How this drug lord created a hippo problem in Colombia


Me: I wanna visit the zoo
Pablo: I will make my own zoo

I legit thought it was about Pablo Escobar using hippos to traffic cocaine

Yes! A new Borders episode is always a highlight of a day!

Narcos Season 5 should be these hippos attacking the Colombian government to avenge their fallen owner.


Everybody gangsta til the Hippos starts staring att you

First I thought, Pablo armed Hippos to guard his house after his death.

I'm just jamin' to the background music


Vox giving me answers to questions I didn't even know I had!

A “hippopotamus invasion” is the coolest thing I’ve heard in a while.

Who would win?
An entire nation
50 big grey bois


Hippos are reincarnation of Pablo Escobar, bribing officials and locals with their charm now.

It's all fun and games until you wake up one morning and see some sort of moose-whale-cow vigorously mating with your Prius.


How come we’re known for making things extinct? But fail to get rid of these hippos???


As a farmer myself, those fences wouldn't keep in a decent sized cow much less a hippo!


Escobar causing problems even after he’s dead

“Fences don’t work” that was a fence?

We complaining about 50 hippos but us humans having 6 kids each

When you're in quarantine and can't go to the zoo you make your own zoo.

Now they are going to deport the hippos for invasion!


I hope those hippos aren’t hungry... or even worse hungry hungry


*when your so rich you add another species to South America*

They hunt tigers??? No wonder they’re almost extinct now.


For some reason the locals love the hippos though and don't want the hippos harmed


just wait until these hippos are their own new species, the Colombian hippopotamus (Hippopotamus colombiensis)! the only living hippo species outside of Africa


And this is a reason why is so awesome to be a Colombian...


The drug lord didn't create a hippo problem, the government did by just letting them go free instead of sending them to zoos as well

This is the funniest problem a country has ever faced

it's funny that even being dead for decades pablo escobar still manages to bring chaos in clombia whatta monster

Moto Moto is having fun

I grew up in Africa.
The Hippo was my most feared animal and a big fear of any community living around them. Crocs, Lions? That is easy work. Rinos? Easy. Hippos are terrifying, I remember being on a boat cruise, seeing crocs, seeing land animals watching us pass by, seeing snakes in the water, Golden Orb Spider webs across an entire river. As soon as a Hippo showed its head above water. The entire boat just turned around, everyone onboard was aware of the dangers they pose. Everyone was happy we moved.
I get why Columbia likes the Hippo, but they really need to look into the history of them, They're cute, they're friendly looking, but you get close and you're dead. Shoot it, Stab it, Attempt a kill? Good luck.
That photo of the team that took down one Hippo was many men strong, I like to think they just posted it for internet points, But i fear they posted it online as many dont know the challenge of taking down a hippo.The team was proud they finally achieved a kill. Fair enough. Those things will charge, they stay in bushes waiting for noises to run at. They dont care what it is, they know they can take anything on no issue.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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