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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Is This What Quantum Mechanics Looks Like?
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Is This What Quantum Mechanics Looks Like?




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Is This What Quantum Mechanics Looks Like?


My god! I finally get Quantum mechanics, @3:20, I saw a man who is bald and not bald at the same time!


2:22 who else wanted the droplet to hit the corner lol

: "Group yourselves into five"
Us: 1:10

2:27 I thought it's going to hit the corner.

2:25 Tank (NES) game sound... I was wondering how I know this sound :D


0:31 There you go a droplet recombines.


3:20 - "All particles have a wave that accompanies them and guides their motion. And that wave is actually created by the particle."
I have a question here: what is the nature of that wave? In other words - a wave of WHAT?

6:13 Hey Veritasium, Derek here.


1:10 I like that five droplets walk together.


2:30 hey that's DOOM speedruns



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Is This What Quantum Mechanics Looks Like?


Is it possible that electrons are interacting with the mesh of space-time in the same way as these droplets interact with the surface of the oil?


I think this should be a cover picture of introduction to quantum mechanics book better than schrodinger cat.

Is it crazy that pilot wave dynamics gives me an inner peace and the Copenhagen interpretation fills me with a mild anxiety?


The Pilot wave theory reminds me of how crazy of a concept it is that electromagnetic waves don't need a medium to wave through. It's like an ocean wave but water doesn't exist. Paradoxical

Why has this not taken over the damn quantum conversation.


For me this is Derek's most eye-opening video to date - totally thought-provoking!


Dude, I have a PhD in quantum information theory, and I've never heard of these droplets. This analogy is absolutely beautiful. Even when it breaks down for other quantum numbers such as spin, it's the most elegant visualization I've ever seen to help you wrap your mind around the early problems of quantum mechanics. This should be shown at schools everywhere (with the proper disclaimer that there aren't always classical explanations for quantum phenomena). Loved your presentation!

I'd take the pilot wave theory

O.k. now do entanglement


My first thought: is there something where the two theories would have DIFFERENT predictions, which could then be tested?


0:13 imagine hearing that in a dark alley at night.


I've learned far more from watching videos like this then I ever did at school, awesome job man.


this made me finally understand so many things i was unsure of in physics

While the pilot wave is interesting, the fact that determination of which slit the particle passes through immediatly collapse the interference patern, I think it isn't the good one. If it was, there should be a way to observe a particle without collapsing its function wave. I fail to see how quantum entanglement could also be explained with this and the resulting thought experiment of the quantum eraser explained by PBS Space-Time could be possible. Not like I can say much though. I learned the surface of quantum mechanic during my license and I was really no good at it. It's been 3 years since I've done any.

I think this is the best piece he's produced. The relationship between which interpretation of quantum mechanics one accepts and one's view of "reality" is interesting. Describing reality is quite difficult, as we know from the variety in astrophysics of explanations for the origin of the universe.

I have to say that the pilot wave theory is something that my brain is capable of accepting much easier than standard quantum mechanics, so for now, that seems like the 'better' theory for me :-)

So instead of having something messy and difficult to grasp like wave-particle duality, we instead have a particle that creates a wave in whatever underlying field it corresponds to, and that wave will affect the particle. Finally, a simple and intuitive interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Guess that means it'll end up being wrong with my luck.

I have been watching PBS spacetime for a long time and they have a lot of vids about Quantum Mechanics. But you visualistaion finally explained me what is going on and i can imagine evetrything that is said at their chanel XD Thanks!


Woah! Pilot waves seem pretty legit. I’ve always had a hard time accepting the Copenhagen interpretation. Great video!

Too cool, I am studying quantum mechanics and this helps me wrap my head around it. Thanks

Next: they make dust motes that behave like quantum entangled particles


I wonder how Einstein reacted to de Broglie's pilot wave theory? And I wonder what he would make of this visualisation. I think he'd be interested!


What if the oil surface is curved or could you stack one drop over another?

Check out Collective Electrodynamics by Carver A. Mead, a very thorough and modern exploration of this topic!

Do I like this interpretation? YEEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!!!!

I wish I could be in a superposition of eating pizza and drinking coke at the same time


Man you are good - a layperson like me can even understand. Still have alot question.


The pilot-wave alternative demonstrated by the oil-drop experiment was proved to NOT behave quantum mechanically via new experiments. Bohr's grandson who is also a physicist analyzed this. His conclusion is that there is no quantum mechanical interference pattern because symmetry required to produce the interference is broken in the pilot-wave proposal. The interference results observed in the oil-drop experiment first performed by Couder were attributed to experimental error.

Mind Blown!

The Copenhagen Theory explains everything via mathematics, and that's what made people's eyes glaze over whenever "Quantum Mechanics" gets mentioned.

The Pilot Wave Theory is not only elegant, but actually -- dare I say it -- Inspirational. It makes people want to know more.

So, even though the Pilot Wave Theory might be proven to be inaccurate someday, it's a great "teaser" into Physics. And when someone gets interested enough, they can proceed to learn all those difficult mind-numbing Quantum maths.

Now, personally I prefer the Pilot Wave Theory. It's not only more intuitive for me, but I really like how it removes the inherent randomness of the Copenhagen Theory, and returns to the deterministic principle.


Some have said that entanglement "leaks" and has limited duration, some say an hour or so. yet there is an almost universal reference to the continued entanglement of quantum entities over great distances of separation and therefore for great times, even very great times following entanglement. Any thoughts on this apparent conflict. If we still consider the big bang to be something with some actual reality, then would that not have resulted in a a universal entanglement, inherent in the singularity that would give rise to a single wave equation for the universe? I find that many discuss the single wave function for everything.



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